Peace process

I share Aijaz Z. Syed’s view that both the nuclear-armed South Asian neighbors need to show maturity and sagacity in normalizing their tense relationships. Such efforts do not get much help, however, when some political groups in India, and especially its media, is ever ready to blame Pakistan for every mishap within India, right from the moment that the first report comes in and without even waiting for a proper inquiry.
What recently happened at the Line of Control is just another example of this hawkish mentality in some Indian political and media circles. Maturity of leadership demanded that both nations should have commissioned an impartial inquiry immediately after the incident to find out its real causes and instigators.
Pakistan has already offered this, but perhaps it is not in the scheme of things in India. On many previous occasions also, India has used such knee-jerk reactions to pull out from the dialogue process whenever some hopes for peace are kindled in the hearts of people of the two countries. — Zuhair Abdullah, Riyadh