Visionary leadership of King Abdullah

As a British National living in the Middle East now for almost 15 years with most of that time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I have observed and would like to record that I consider Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to be one of the most benevolent and wise rulers of our time. Our world is desperately short of good and decent leaders, every one knows that. Too many of the so-called “leaders” of our world today are afflicted with self interest and pure greed, besotted with power, laced with suppression and exploitation of the people they are supposed to be leading, as they siphon off the country’s wealth for their own benefits, squandering a nation’s wealth for their own selfish entertainment and comfort.
Thank God that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is blessed with such a leader as King Abdullah, and that I, as a mere expat in the Kingdom was to witness the great man’s best and most philanthropic achievements.

Look around the world at other so-called leaders, they are either bent spending their country’s wealth belligerently creating the world’s most horrific weapons, or diverting their country’s wealth into their own coffers, or with the support of the country’s own military against their own people, not leading but ruling with force in the interests of maintaining power for their own selfish ends, and not those for good of the people of that nation.

Look at Saudi Arabia! How many new hospitals, colleges, universities, social services, schools, economic cities, urban development, industrial complexes, etc have appeared under the leadership of King Abdullah in a relatively short period. How many students’ education abroad is financed by his government, and public welfare facilities have and are springing up. Not only is he reaching across the Kingdom with his efforts but also he seems to be a growing force on the international stage, in many walks of life including religion and the interfaith dialogue initiative and the center in Vienna.

Surely God will bless those peaceful, hard working and fair nations with their good leaders. What will be the legacy of King Abdullah? He will go down in history as one of the, if not the most significant leaders of our time if not all time. Recognized for his beneficent and yet humble and modest style of leadership, not showy and egocentrically vociferous. May Allah bless him, his people and the world with many more years of his leadership, a leadership that should be emulated worldwide. — Andy Billington, By e-mail