DTCM organizes 'promotional caravan'


Dubai's Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) recently organized "Promotional Caravan" events in Riyadh, Alkhobar and Jeddah.
The aim of the event was to endorse Dubai as a unique, global and tourism destination in the Saudi market and promote various offers provided by the hotels in Dubai throughout the year, especially after the huge number of visitors who visited the city from Saudi Arabia during the holiday seasons as well as during Eid Al-Adha.
Twenty-four participants from the Department of Tourism joined the caravan. DTCM was represented by Abdullah Bin-Suwaidan, Deputy Director of Overseas Promotions and Inward Missions.
At the Alkhobar event, 150 representatives from the tourism and media sectors attended the event. Bin-Suwaidan delivered a speech on behalf of the department in which he welcomed the attendees and gave a presentation on tourism developments in Dubai.
Representatives from Atlantis Hotel, Tamani Hotel and Lama Tours provided a presentation with full scope of offers and services. They also presented three awards which were won by the participants during the event.