BBC playing with sentiments

The BBC’s report on alleged war crimes by Syrian rebels made an amazing read. The report was in reference of a video showing Syrian fighters murdering soldiers or pro-government militiamen. The BBC report’s labeling of the culprits as “Islamist militants” was malicious and calculating.
Rupert Colville, of the UN High Commission for Human Rights, said it appeared that the victims "were no longer combatants and therefore, at this point, it looks very like a war crime." It was absurd of the UN to focus on one crime by a few individuals while turning a blind eye to the state sponsored war crimes by the Syrian government.
Over the last 18 months, more than 35,000 Syrians (most of whom were “non-combatants”) died as a result of the Syrian government’s clampdown on the opposition.
Bashar Al-Assad deployed Syria’s entire military might to suppress the public outrage and to uphold his dictatorship. He unleashed the country’s military arsenal and obliterated entire towns and cities using heavy artillery and air firepower by Soviet supplied MiG fighters and helicopters. He also used internationally banned cluster bombs on his own people with devastating effects on the final civilian death toll.
Numerous war crimes have been documented by the UN commission investigating War Crimes in Syria against Bashar's regime and his militias (shabbiyha) including extra-judicial summary executions of entire families of his opponents.
Wanton destruction of civilian populated areas, the abduction and rape of women and the murder of children and the elderly are only a few of the atrocities being perpetrated by the Syrian government. Bashar has killed more Arabs and Muslims in one year than Israel managed to kill throughout its 60 years of war with the Palestinians and the Arab countries.
The carnage and devastation caused by the Jewish state through the years are dwarfed by Bashar’s animosity and savagery.
The UN’s silence on the Syrian government’s war crimes is deafening. The UN’s appeasement of tyrant Bashar and the stance it adopted toward his war crimes provided him with chance after chance to obliterate the opposition and to maintain the fraudulent rule of Al-Assad clan.
The sooner war criminals of the Syrian regime are referred to the International Criminal Court the quicker the Syrian people can depose Al-Assad’s obnoxious regime and freely elect a new government that does not have peoples’ blood on its hands. — Nizam Yagoub, Dhahran