Urgent steps to stop Syria bloodbath emphasized

The imam of Makkah’s Grand Mosque yesterday called on Arabs and Muslims yesterday to take “practical and urgent” steps to stop bloodshed in Syria and urged world states to assume their moral responsibility toward the conflict.
“The world should bear responsibility for this prolonged and painful disaster (in Syria) and the responsibility is greater for the Arabs and Muslims who should call on one another to support the oppressed against the oppressor,” said Sheikh Saleh bin Mohammed Al-Taleb in Eid sermon.
“The solution should be practical and urgent because the oppressor becomes even more fierce as the days pass,” he added.
“The world should take moral and legal responsibility against the massacres and the oppression that the Syrian people are subjected to as well as the continuing violations in Palestine,” said Al-Taleb.
“The war and destruction should be stopped and the higher interests should prevail over personal interests in order to stop the spill of the Muslims’ blood,” the imam added.
Referring to the bombings of Bashar forces, he said: “Huge cities are being demolished and residents torn apart while the transgressors are not deterred by any religious sentiments and no one punishes them.”
“The situation has shaken world confidence in international organizations as it has become evident that they will not make any move to help the oppressed except to serve their selfish interests,” Al-Taleb said, blaming the world powers and the UN for not making any serious move to rescue the oppressed Muslims.