When you look at the chaos that seems to reign in great part of the world, at the pain and destruction caused by wars, racial and religious hatred, when you (indirectly on a larger scale, directly in your own life) experience the non-understanding that exists among human beings, you might feel discouraged. Why is all this happening? Why can’t people live in peace, talk to each other, listen to each other — without fighting?
As a perfect “Garden of Eden” is unattainable here on Earth, we must be realistic and accept that contrast is natural and has to be expected. We have previously said that our world is based on “duality,” therefore opposite forces are necessary to this kind of existence. But — logically — two opposites should create perfect balance. OK, we have already agreed on the fact that nothing “perfect” belongs to our reality, nevertheless the un-balance we see nowadays has reached the extremes. Normal “modern” families accept to live in constant turmoil, people bicker and fight far too much, absurd crimes are committed, governments are unable to govern, unbearable amount of taxes are demanded, factories are closing down leaving many jobless, political candidates try to discredit each other by every conceivable means.
This has happened also in the past, you say? Yes, it has. But, I wonder, if we are so proud of the progress achieved in so many fields, how come that relationships seem not to have significantly improved (if they actually have)? One explanation could be that human beings, in spite of what they have, deep inside their spirit do not believe that they deserve a better life. You probably disagree, and I don’t blame you. Who “knowingly” could think that he or she is not entitled to a better life? It is only human to wish to live in improved conditions, to have more comforts, a well paid job, or just to “have” a job.
In the olden days, when mankind was divided into two categories — the rich and the poor — the rich “knew” they were the masters and the poor “accepted” the situation because they believed that being the servants was their destiny. Today the scene is totally different, though! Today we never stop talking and hearing about, equal rights, equal opportunities, etc. But where is this such greatly praised equality? People keep being “different” because they keep allowing such a state of being. I know little about politics, social affairs and high finance. I only know what I daily see and hear on the international news: Fighting, strong opposition to this and that, crime, unemployment, corruption, etc. It doesn’t seem that any significant progress (if any!) has been achieved toward the creation of a better world. Yes, there are selfless, generous individuals who dedicate their lives to good causes and to helping the less fortunate ones. But, in general, the view we are offered of this world of ours is not uplifting at all.
What is your position here? This is what I am asking you, and myself, again and again… You, too, like me and everybody else, have the responsibility to create peace in your own world, in your family, in your work place, in your environment. You say you have already heard this? You certainly have, and more than once. And you will continue hearing it until you become aware of the importance of your personal behavior in the creation of a so-called “better world.”
I would like to conclude with this excerpt from the English poet John Dunne (1572-1631): “No man is an isle, entire in itself… Therefore don’t ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.” Now, after reading this (I’m sure you have already heard it!), don’t you think it would be worth it spending a couple of minutes thinking about it, examining yourself and your actual behavior? Do you still believe that you are totally “independent,” that you don’t own anybody anything, that you are not “your brother’s keeper?” If you don’t want to be responsible for the one who is “in need” now, what would your feelings be if — tomorrow — it were “you” to be in need?
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