Saudi corner in Sanaa book fair biggest, most popular

Saudi corner in Sanaa book fair biggest, most popular
Updated 02 October 2012

Saudi corner in Sanaa book fair biggest, most popular

Saudi corner in Sanaa book fair biggest, most popular

Saudi Arabia’s corner at the 28th Sanaa International Book Fair in Yemen is the biggest and the most visited, according to Yemeni officials and intellectuals. They told the Saudi Press Agency that the contents of the pavilion are unique and rich of books that represent national and public libraries and cultural clubs in the Kingdom. “The Kingdom’s participation in the Sanaa International Book Fair is a reflection of the Saudi brothers’ keenness to achieve a notable participation every year,” said Ahmed Al-Awadi, under director of the General Authority for Books, which organized the event.
Zaid Al-Faqih, under director of the body’s publication and distribution department, said he admired the collection of new books published by the cultural clubs available at the Saudi corner. He said the books boost of rich scientific, cultural and creative contents.
The Sanaa International Book Fair is the second largest in the Arab world, coming second only to the Cairo International Book Fair.