Rima Al-Mukhtar, [email protected]
Publication Date: 
Wed, 2011-07-20 03:01

If you are struggling with excessive body sweating, you are not alone. Many people all over the world have to live with it on a daily basis.
Arab News spoke to Dr. Anwar Sayyed, a general practitioner from King Saud University on how to stop the body from sweating.
“Many people don’t take this seriously. They always find a way to hide the sweat, but I would advise you to see a doctor first,” said Sayyed.
“Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) could have serious underlying causes that may require surgery or antibiotics in severe cases. Only doctors can diagnose these types of issues,” he added.
Sayyed defines perspiration as the fluid consisting of water with small amounts of urea and salt that is excreted through the pores of the skin through the sweat glands.
“Many people say that this cooling system is smelly but it is in fact odorless. Bacteria are the real culprits behind body odors,” he said.
According to Sayyed, a stick of deodorant might solve the problem.
“You can use antiperspirant or deodorant regularly to deal with the sweating, which are widely available in supermarkets and drugstores,” he said.
“But many people tend to forget to wash it off before going to bed and I keep telling people that it is important to let your underarms breathe at night,” he added.
Sayyed said the use of antiperspirants might increase a woman’s chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer due to its aluminum content, adding that people have to be careful when using them.
Sayyed recommends wearing clothes that are breathable in hot summers. “I  advise people to wear a plain white 100 percent cotton T-shirt underneath their shirts. This will be a line of defense against sweat puddles forming on their outer shirt. Also, white T-shirts are easy to bleach or oxy-clean,” he said.
“If they are sweating from their feet, they should always make sure to have clean socks and shoes around to change in the middle of the day. Once you get home clean your feet with cold water and soap and then dry them properly with a clean towel,” he added.
Taking cold showers throughout the day can help minimize the effects of excessive sweating. It can also reduce or eliminate the populations of the bacteria that cause body odor. Using anti-bacterial soaps and foams will kill additional bacteria on your body while you shower. Sayyed also recommends shaving unnecessary body hair, especially the underarms and private area.
A tested long-term option is the use of botox injections. This wrinkle-decreaser can also block the release of sweat-triggering acetylcholine in the armpits and hands.
“This will keep your sweat prone areas dry for up to six months and you’re going to have to do it again or else you’ll start sweating again,” he added.
Sweating is most common among overweight people who often have a harder time cooling themselves and may perspire more. Staying in shape and maintaining a healthy weight often solves excessive sweating.
“I also advise other people to clean up their diet and eat healthily and avoid spicy and iodine-rich foods,” he added.
 Smoking can also cause a distinct odor, according to Sayyed. Tobacco goes through the lungs and skin. It creates a bad smell when it combines with other chemicals in and on the body like common perfumes.
“Smokers should limit or quit smoking immediately and this might stop the odor pouring out of their bodies,” he added.
Thoracic sympathectomy, a surgical procedure, is the last resort for those who have tried everything else. It involves interruption of the sympathetic nerves in charge of sweating by inserting a small endoscopic instrument below the armpit. The aim is to destroy the small parts of the nerve which connects the sweat glands. Thoracic sympathectomy is very effective but at the same time, risky. Medical professionals have to momentarily deflate your lungs to view the nerves clearly.
“The process also carries certain side-effects such as nerve damage, excessive sweating in other non-operated body parts and breathing complications. At times, such problems become permanent. Therefore, consider it only when all other methods fail,” said Sayyed.

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