Publication Date: 
Thu, 2011-04-28 03:21

The grand mufti stressed on the totality of Islam. "Islam is the religion that stands for humanity and human unity," he said.
The Islamic scholars of Kerala are role models for the whole world, the mufti pointed out.
He also commended the unity among different religious communities in the state.
The mufti said he was thrilled by the extent of religious freedom that India has provided to its Muslim minorities
He highlighted the peaceful co-existence of Muslims in a pluralistic society like India and the varieties of methods Islamic scholars have adopted to propagate Islam peacefully in a secular environment.
Samastha President Sayyid Abdurahman Al-Bukhari presided over the conference, which is attended by 10,000 selected scholars from Kerala and other parts of India.
In his address, he pointed out that Islam is the religion of completeness. It put forward solutions to global issues.
Sheikh Aboobacker Ahmad, general secretary of All India Sunni Jamiyathul Ulama, E. Sulaiman Musliyar, Syed Umar Al-Farooque and M. A. Abdul Qader Musliyar among leading scholars who presided over various sessions.
Sayyid Ahmed Al-Rifae, an Islamic scholar from Baghdad, is attending the conference.
It is for the first time in the history of Kerala that Islamic scholars have gathered in such large numbers in the state to discuss key issues.

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