KFSH bans smoking on its premises

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center has banned smoking throughout the hospital, including the roof, basement, stairwells and hospital vehicles.
The goal of this ban is to encourage smokers to abstain from smoking and see the long-term health benefits.
Visitors and staff are to adhere to the new policy. However, patients will be informed of the policy upon arrival. The center’s security management committee will promote and support nonsmoking programs to benefit the hospital and the community.
Staff and visitors will be fined SR200 for every violation of the ban.
The center launched yesterday a no-smoking day in its Jeddah branch to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and its incoming blanket ban.
"This ban comes as a part of our international standards to provide a clean environment inside the hospital in Jeddah and Riyadh. At the same time, we have2 put cameras throughout the hospital to enforce the ban. The hospital depends on this initiative to maintain a healthy environment inside the hospital," Hassan Al-Ghamdi, manager of the center’s safety and security department in Jeddah, told Arab News.