Water at the Nano Level

Lulwa Shalhoub | Arab News
Publication Date: 
Thu, 2008-04-10 03:00

The Japanese author of best-selling book “Message from Water” scientist Masaru Emoto presented his experiments in proving the high response and flexibility of water crystals during the “Water at the Nano Level” at Dar Al-Hekma Girls College Sunday night in his first visit to the Kingdom.

He founded a theory proving that water takes on the vibration and energy of its environment whether polluted or natural and pure.

He said he believes that water can send messages telling us to look inside ourselves.

Experiments and researches of Emoto, who has a doctorate in alternative medicine, focused on exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures, or music, and then freezing and examining the aesthetics of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography or nanotechnology.

“I paid a lot of effort in taking the first photo of the water crystal using the nanotechnology and equipments that I installed. As I cannot stay in cold places for long, a chemist took this picture in a –35 C atmosphere. He refused the idea of taking pictures of the crystal before convincing him,” Emoto said.

The professor also did the same study on Zamzam water. He had to lighten the water 1000 times in order to be able to freeze it and take a photo of its crystal that looked like a diamond. He said he was at a conference in Hamburg presenting his researches and a Saudi educationalist from Jeddah was present and was impressed to see the different shapes of water crystals. “She told me that this is related to the Islamic concept and told me to come to Jeddah to present that and here I am.”

The shape of a crystal does not stay for more than two minutes. It changes after that with the different temperature. He thought that there must be vibes in water. He experimented surrounding water with music.

He placed a glass of water between two speakers and played Beethoven’s 9th symphony. He took a photo of the water crystal before listening to music. Then he displayed the process of transforming after playing the music to the public. The crystal changed to a beautiful shape. “After that experiment, I knew I was right when I thought that water has vibes and responds to the surrounding environment,” he said.

When he played Tchaikovsky music, water crystals came in a different shape.

He also showed that positive words make beautiful crystals. Negative words make ugly crystals. Words like “you fool” shows a disorganized unclear shape of the water crystal whereas words like “happy” show a more beautiful shape.

More interesting to the attendees was exposing water to pictures where water crystals reflect the different shapes they are exposed to. A glass of water was place on an elephant picture. The water crystal he froze and viewed showed that shape of the elephant’s trunk clearly. And so did a picture of a traditional Japanese house with the triangle shape of the ceiling.

When Emoto was in France once, a Muslim couple gave him a paper that has the 99 names of God delivering it upon the request of their friend. He took it with him to Japan. He left it at his office for almost a year. He then tried using God’s names in exposing them to water. It showed different beautiful shape every time. The water crystal looked simple after listening to Qur’an and Adhan. Emoto stressed on the importance of water and how we should appreciate it. Our bodies consist mainly of water the moment we come to life and until we die. A fertile egg consists of 95 percent of water, newborns have 80 percent water, adults have 70 percent and elderly have 60 percent. It decreases by age and that is what causes Alzheimer because loss of water in the human body.

“Saying prayers and positive words before drinking water changes its crystals and medical reports proved that some patients were actually cured of cancer after drinking water and saying prayers,” said Emoto.

Emoto wrote about his experiments in his book “Message from Water” was translated to 40 different languages and sold around two million copies published in 70 countries. The book came in two volumes; the first in 1999 and the second in 2001.

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