Darussalam Releases Six Books of Hadiths Translated Into English

Javid Hassan, Arab News
Publication Date: 
Fri, 2007-10-05 03:00

RIYADH, 5 October 2007 — As part of a major Islamic project, a Saudi Islamic publishing house released this week six books of Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) in English from the original works in Arabic published several hundred years ago.

Darussalam, the publishers, presented seven volumes of Sahih Muslim and five volumes of Ibn Majah to Prince Khaled ibn Talal at a function here.

Abdul Malik Mujahid, general manager, presented the set to Prince Khaled and briefed him on the 38-volume Kutub Sitta (six books) project launched six years ago.

An international team of linguists and scholars consisting of Americans, Canadians, Pakistanis and Indians have been working on the project that seeks to bring out for the first time an authentic English translation of the original Hadiths in Arabic compiled by six authentic narrators of the Prophet’s sayings.

Speaking to Arab News, Abdul Malik said his company has already published the works of Hadith scholars Muslim (seven volumes), Imam Bukhari (nine volumes), Tirmidhi (six volumes), Abu Dawood (five volumes) and Nassai (six volumes). “We have been working day and night to complete the project in the next six months,” he said, adding that they have spent millions of Saudi riyals on the project. They have been translated by Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Khan.

These books were originally written and compiled by the six great Hadith scholars (Muhaddithin) in Arabic language hundreds of years ago. Speaking on the occasion, Prince Khaled said: “Darussalam is doing a fantastic service by spreading the message of Islam in almost all corners of the world. It is great to note that Darussalam’s publications made it easy in understanding Islam.” Prince Khaled expressed his interest, particularly in the English translation of the books of Hadiths by great Muhaddithin of the true religion.

Earlier, Prince Khaled was welcomed on arrival by Abdul Malik Mujahid, and Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Mumtaz, director general of Darussalam. The prince showed keen interest in learning about the different stages of book making and posed queries to the staff.

Abdul Malik further said that they planned to translate the Kutub Sitta in different major languages of the world. He recalled that they had embarked on the English translation work of Kutub Sitta some five or six years ago, for which experts and professional translators were recruited from the United States, Canada and the subcontinent.

Prince Khaled hailed Darussalam’s untiring efforts and said: “I am happy and proud to see Darussalam’s books and other products in different parts of the world. I had first seen Darussalam’s showroom in London and was amazed to note the perfect quality and high standard of their books.”

Regarding his visit to Darussalam’s office, the prince said, “This is a great honor for us that the organization which publishes books according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah is based in Saudi Arabia.”

He also inspected the audio and video studios of Darussalam and appreciated the electronic devices specially made for children to learn about their religion and memorize supplications and different Surahs (Verses) of the Qur’an.

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