Pakistanis in Tokyo call for release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan

A group of Pakistani nationals gathered outside the United Nations office in Tokyo, Japan, on September 25, 2024, to demand the release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. (AN Photo)
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  • Demonstration highlights a growing global awareness of the political turmoil in Pakistan 
  • His supporters view Imran Khan as a ‘symbol of hope for a just and prosperous Pakistan’

TOKYO: A resolute group of over 100 Pakistani nationals, undeterred by the distance from their homeland, gathered outside the United Nations office in Tokyo on Wednesday to demand the release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The demonstrators raised placards and chanted, “Release Imran Khan!” They called for justice and specific political reforms, such as electoral transparency and the protection of free speech, in Pakistan.

The former prime minister and world-famous cricketer was arrested amid growing concerns about political repression and human rights violations in Pakistan, eliciting responses both nationally and internationally. Supporters view Khan as a symbol of hope for a just and prosperous Pakistan.

“This protest is not just about one individual; it’s about the future of democracy in Pakistan,” Shakil Ahmed said.

Yaar Mohammed, a former president of PTI Japan, added, “We are not just fighting for one man; we are standing up for democracy itself. Imran Khan embodies the voice of the people. He must be released.”

The demonstration highlights a growing global awareness of the political turmoil in Pakistan and the commitment of Khan supporters to wanting meaningful change.