UN World Food Program launches investigation into its Sudan operations as famine spreads

UN World Food Program launches investigation into its Sudan operations as famine spreads
Villagers collect food aid dropped from a plane in gunny bags from a plane onto a drop zone at a village in Ayod county, South Sudan, where World Food Programme (WFP) have just carried out an food drop of grain and supplementary aid (AFP)
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Updated 28 August 2024

UN World Food Program launches investigation into its Sudan operations as famine spreads

UN World Food Program launches investigation into its Sudan operations as famine spreads
  • Inspector general examining two top WFP officials in Sudan — sources
  • Investigators looking at whether staff hid alleged role of Sudan’s army in blocking food aid

NAIROBI/CAIRO: The UN World Food Program is investigating two of its top officials in Sudan over allegations including fraud and concealing information from donors about its ability to deliver food aid to civilians amid the nation’s dire hunger crisis, according to 11 people with knowledge of the probe.
The investigation by the WFP’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) comes as the UN’s food-aid arm is struggling to feed millions of people in war-plagued Sudan, now suffering one of the world’s most severe food shortages in years.
As part of the probe, investigators are looking at whether WFP staff sought to hide the alleged role of Sudan’s army in obstructing aid amid a brutal 16-month war with a rival paramilitary for control of the country, according to five of the sources who spoke to Reuters.
One of those being examined in the inquiry is the WFP’s deputy country director in Sudan, Khalid Osman, who has been given a “temporary duty assignment” outside Sudan, a de facto suspension, according to six sources.
A second senior official, WFP area manager Mohammed Ali, is being investigated in connection with the alleged disappearance of more than 200,000 liters of the UN organization’s fuel in the Sudanese city of Kosti, according to four sources. Reuters could not confirm whether Ali remains in his role.
Osman and Ali declined to comment when contacted by Reuters, referring the news agency to the WFP’s media office.
Asked about the probe by Reuters, the WFP said that “allegations of individual misconduct related to irregularities in pockets of our operation in Sudan” are under urgent review by its inspector general’s office. It declined to comment on the nature of alleged wrongdoing or the status of specific employees.
The US government’s aid agency, USAID, told Reuters in a statement that it was notified by the WFP on Aug. 20 of “potential incidents of fraud affecting WFP operations in Sudan.” USAID says it is the single largest donor to the WFP, providing nearly half of all contributions in a typical year.
“These allegations are deeply concerning and must be thoroughly investigated,” the USAID statement said. “USAID immediately referred these allegations to the USAID Office of the Inspector General.”
The investigation comes at a critical time for the WFP, which describes itself as the world’s largest humanitarian organization. It won the 2020 Nobel peace prize for its role in combating hunger and promoting peace.
The WFP is battling severe hunger on many fronts. It is seeking $22.7 billion in funding to reach 157 million people, including some 1.3 million on the brink of famine, mostly in Sudan and Gaza, but also in countries such as South Sudan and Mali. In addition to distributing food itself, the WFP also coordinates and provides logistical support for large-scale emergencies globally for the wider humanitarian community.
In recent years, however, its operations have been rocked by diversion and theft of aid in countries including Somalia and Yemen. The WFP and USAID last year temporarily suspended food distribution to Ethiopia following reports of the widespread stealing of food aid there.
More than half a dozen humanitarians and diplomats told Reuters they are worried that mismanagement at the heart of the WFP’s Sudan office could have contributed to the failure so far to deliver enough aid during the war between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The conflict has been raging for more than 16 months.
The investigation at the WFP comes weeks after the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), an international technical group tasked with measuring hunger, determined that famine had taken hold in at least one site in Sudan’s Darfur region. The IPC has classified 13 other areas across the country as being at risk of famine. And it says that more than 25 million people, or over half Sudan’s population, face crisis levels of hunger or worse.
Reuters reported in April that in some parts of the country, people were forced to survive by eating leaves and soil. In June, a Reuters analysis of satellite images showed that cemeteries were expanding fast as starvation and disease spread.
Aid workers say they have struggled to deliver relief, partly because of logistical constraints and fighting. But they also allege that army-linked authorities have hindered access by withholding travel permits and clearances, while RSF troops have looted aid supplies. Both factions deny impeding the delivery of humanitarian relief.
One focus of the investigation involves suspicions that senior WFP staff in Sudan may have misled donors, including UN Security Council member states, by downplaying the Sudanese army’s alleged role in blocking aid deliveries to areas controlled by the RSF, according to four people with direct knowledge of the matter.
In one instance in June 2024, two people with knowledge of the probe said, WFP deputy country director Osman allegedly hid from donors that authorities aligned with the army in Port Sudan had refused to give permission for 15 trucks to carry life-saving aid to Nyala in South Darfur, an area that includes communities at risk of famine. The trucks waited for seven weeks before they finally were granted permission to proceed.
Osman, who was promoted within the WFP’s Sudan office with unusual speed, had high-level army connections, according to eight sources. He exercised control over which WFP colleagues gained visa approvals to enter Sudan, allowing him to limit access and scrutiny of the army’s management of aid, according to three people familiar with the system.
Reuters was unable to independently confirm the allegations against Osman or what possible motive he may have had in misleading donors.
In its written response to Reuters, the WFP said it had taken “swift measures” to reinforce its work in Sudan due to the scale of the humanitarian challenge and following the IPC’s confirmation of famine in Darfur. “WFP has taken immediate staffing actions to ensure the integrity and continuity of our life-saving operations,” it added.
The war in Sudan broke out in April 2023. It has driven more than 10 million people from their homes, causing the world’s largest internal displacement crisis as well as worsening hunger, a spike of severe acute malnutrition among children, and outbreaks of disease such as cholera. The United States and rights groups have accused both sides of war crimes, which the combatants deny.
UN agencies have been operating out of Port Sudan on the Red Sea coast, where the army-aligned government relocated after losing control of most of the capital city of Khartoum early in the war.
The WFP and other UN agencies have complained that lack of access contributed to their inability to reach people in need, mostly in areas under RSF control such as Khartoum and the Darfur and Kordofan regions. But the aid agencies have largely avoided blaming either of the warring parties publicly.
In response to a request for comment about the military’s role in the hunger crisis, Sudanese armed forces spokesman Nabil Abdallah said the army is doing all it can to facilitate aid to “alleviate the suffering of our people.”
In response to questions, an RSF spokesperson said that the probe was a good step and that it should cover all humanitarian aid.
On Aug. 1, the IPC’s Famine Review Committee said that the war and the subsequent restrictions on aid deliveries were the main drivers of the food crisis in Sudan.
Some aid officials said they feared making public statements assigning blame, worrying the army could expel them from Port Sudan and they could lose access to army-controlled areas where hunger is acute.

Tunisian authorities escalate election season crackdown and arrest Islamists

Tunisian authorities escalate election season crackdown and arrest Islamists
Updated 14 September 2024

Tunisian authorities escalate election season crackdown and arrest Islamists

Tunisian authorities escalate election season crackdown and arrest Islamists
  • The mass arrests are the latest to mar an already turbulent election season in Tunisia

TUNIS, Tunisia: Dozens of members of Tunisia’s largest opposition party were arrested this week ahead of this weekend’s formal start of the campaign season for the country’s presidential election, officials of the Islamist party said Friday.
Ennahda, the party that rose to power in the aftermath of the country’s Arab Spring, said Friday that tallies collected by its local branches suggested at least 80 men and women from the party had been apprehended as part of a countywide sweep.
In a statement, Ennahda called the arrests “an unprecedented campaign of raids and violations of the most basic rights guaranteed by law.”
Former Minister of Youth and Sports Ahmed Gaaloul, a member of the party’s executive committee and adviser to its imprisoned leader Rached Ghannouchi, said the party had counted at least 80 arrests and was in the process of checking at least 108 total. The arrests included high-ranking party officials and had continued through Friday afternoon. Among them were Mohamed Guelwi, a member of the party’s executive committee, and Mohamed Ali Boukhatim, a regional party leader from Ben Arous, a suburb of Tunis.
The mass arrests are the latest to mar an already turbulent election season in Tunisia.
With political apathy rampant and the country’s most prominent opposition figures in prison, President Kais Saied has long been expected to win a second term without significant challenge. But the past few months have seen major upheaval. Saied has sacked the majority of his cabinet and authorities have arrested more of his potential opponents. The country’s election authority made up of members he appointed has defied court orders to keep certain challengers off of the October 6 ballot.
Those moves came after months of cascading arrests of journalists, lawyers and leading civil society figures, including many critics of the president charged under a controversial anti-fake news law that human rights groups say has been increasingly used to quash criticism.
Ennahda is still in the process of confirming the nature of each of the arrests but many of those apprehended this week were previously facing charges, Gaaloul said.
The arrested included many senior members of the party involved in Tunisia’s transitional justice process, which includes Ennahda members who were tortured in the years before President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali became the first Arab dictator toppled in the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings.
Tunisia’s globally acclaimed transitional justice process is a decade-old initiative designed to help victims who suffered at the hands of the government.
Ennahda is no stranger to having party members arrested. Ghannouchi, the party’s 83-year-old leader, has been in prison since April 2023. Multiple high-ranking officials, including members of its shura council and executive committee have also been arrested over the past year. This week’s arrests are the latest since authorities arrested party secretary general Lajmi Lourimi two months ago. Though the party has for more than three years decried arrests, detentions and legal proceedings against its members, Gaaloul said it had not previously seen arrests on a scale similar to this week.
The arrests came as hundreds of Tunisians protested in the North African nation’s capital, decrying the emergence of what they called a police state ahead of the Oct. 6 election. They were roundly condemned by other parties.
“These arrests come as a sign of further narrowing and deviation? of the electoral process aiming at spreading fear and emptying the upcoming election of any chance for a real democratic competition,” Work and Accomplishment, a party led by former Ennahda member Abdellatif Mekki, said in a statement on Friday.
Mekki, who served as Tunisia’s Health Minister from 2011 to 2014, was also arrested in July on murder charges that his attorneys decried as politically motivated. Tunisia’s election authority has said it will defy an administrative court order and keep him off of next month’s ballot.


Iraqi and US forces kill a top Daesh commander and other militants in joint operation

Iraqi soldiers from the new 'desert battalion' special forces take part in a graduation ceremony in Anbar west of Baghdad. (AFP)
Iraqi soldiers from the new 'desert battalion' special forces take part in a graduation ceremony in Anbar west of Baghdad. (AFP)
Updated 14 September 2024

Iraqi and US forces kill a top Daesh commander and other militants in joint operation

Iraqi soldiers from the new 'desert battalion' special forces take part in a graduation ceremony in Anbar west of Baghdad. (AFP)
  • The Daesh group seized territory at the height of its power and declared a caliphate in large parts of Iraq and Syria in 2014 but was defeated in Iraq in 2017

BAGHDAD: Iraqi forces and American troops have killed a senior commander with the Daesh group who was wanted by the United States, as well as several other prominent militants, Iraq’s military said on Friday.
The operation in Iraq’s western Anbar province began in late August, the Iraqi military said, and involved also members of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service and Iraq’s air force.
Among the dead was an Daesh commander from Tunisia, known as Abu Ali Al-Tunisi, for whom the US Treasury Department had offered $5 million for information. Also killed was Ahmad Hamed Zwein, the Daesh deputy commander in Iraq.
Despite their defeat, attacks by Daesh sleeper cells in Iraq and Syria have been on the rise over the past years, with scores of people killed or wounded.
Friday’s announcement was not the first news of the operation.
Two weeks ago, official has said that the United States military and Iraq launched a joint raid targeting suspected Daesh militants in the country’s western desert that killed at least 15 people and left seven American troops hurt.
Five of the American troops were wounded in the raid itself, while two others suffered injuries from falls during the operation. One who suffered a fall was transported out of the region, while one of the wounded was evacuated for further treatment, a US defense official said at the time, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the operation that had not yet been made public.
In Friday’s announcement, the Iraqi military said the operation also confiscated weapons and computers, smart phones and 10 explosive belts. It added that 14 Daesh commanders were identified after DNA tests were conducted. It made no mention of the 15th person killed and whether that person had also been identified.
The Daesh group seized territory at the height of its power and declared a caliphate in large parts of Iraq and Syria in 2014 but was defeated in Iraq in 2017. In March 2019, the extremists lost the last sliver of land they once controlled in eastern Syria.
At its peak, the group ruled an area half the size of the United Kingdom where it enforced its extreme interpretation of Islam, which included attacks on religious minority groups and harsh punishment of Muslims deemed to be apostates.
Despite their defeat, attacks by Daesh sleeper cells in Iraq and Syria have been on the rise over the past years, killing and wounding scores of people.
The US military has not commented on the August raid.
Earlier Friday, the US Central Command said its forces killed an Daesh attack cell member in a strike in eastern Syria. It added that the individual was planting an improvised explosive device for a planned attack against anti-Daesh coalition forces and their partners, an apparent reference to Syria’s Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.
In August last year, the US had agreed to enter into talks to transition US and anti-Daesh coalition forces from their long-standing role in assisting Iraq in combating Daesh. There are approximately 2,500 US troops in the country, and their departure will take into account the security situation on the ground, and the capabilities of the Iraqi armed forces.


UN official says the war in Sudan is ‘one of the ugliest’ she has ever seen

UN official says the war in Sudan is ‘one of the ugliest’ she has ever seen
Updated 14 September 2024

UN official says the war in Sudan is ‘one of the ugliest’ she has ever seen

UN official says the war in Sudan is ‘one of the ugliest’ she has ever seen
  • ‘The conflict is driving a stake into the heart of Sudan,’ UN Population Fund’s Laila Baker tells Arab News
  • It is a war on all civilians and women are bearing the heaviest brunt, she adds

NEW YORK CITY: A UN official on Friday described the situation in war-torn Sudan as “one of the ugliest” she has ever witnessed, with more than 26 million people facing acute hunger and millions of displaced women and girls deprived of their most essential needs.

Speaking after a visit to the country, Laila Baker, the Arab States regional director at the UN Population Fund, said: “We all know that war is ugly but this is one of the ugliest situations that I have ever witnessed in my entire life, certainly in my professional one.”

After 500 “devastating days” of conflict, Baker painted a dire picture of thousands of displaced women packed into a crowded shelter.

“They have no clean water, no hygiene, not enough food for their next meal, no medical care,” she said.

The UN said in August said famine conditions were officially confirmed in the Zamzam camp for displaced persons, located close to El-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, where one child is dying every two hours from malnutrition. Famine is probably also present in several other camps for displaced people in and around the city, the organization said.

War has been raging in the country for more than a year between rival factions of its military government: the Sudanese Armed Forces, under Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, led by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, commonly known as Hemedti.

More than 19,000 people have been killed since the conflict began in April 2023. The war has also created the worst displacement crisis in the world, as more than 10 million have fled their homes to other parts of the country or neighboring nations.

Baker choked back tears as she recounted the “horrendous” story of a 20-year old woman named Sana who was raped and has been suffering in silence for 15 months, when “she should be at the prime of her vibrancy and life.”

Speaking from Amman in Jordan, Baker said the UN is attempting to help deal with needs in Sudan that are “far greater than what the international community can cope with.”

She added: “But what pains me the most is that in a country that once was the breadbasket of the entire continent, producing wheat that they could distribute across Africa, half of the population — slightly over half of the population, 26 million people strong — are now facing famine.

“Of the 600,000 pregnant women, 18,000 are likely to die as a result of that famine. They don’t know where their next meal is going to come from.

“Let me be clear: This is a war on all of the civilians. It’s not just the women and girls but if you take the complications of conflict — loss, both material and human; the devastation of being displaced; losing your loved ones; and where there is widespread sexual violence — you can understand that we are very concerned at (the Population Fund) about the consequences, both immediate and long-term, on the women and girls of Sudan.”

Aid workers continue to face harassment, attacks and even death, aid convoys delivering food, medicine and fuel have been looted, and humanitarian access continues to be obstructed. A recent escalation of fighting in Sennar has caused further blocking of the southern route that was the main cross-lines option for UN deliveries of humanitarian aid from Port Sudan to Kordofan and Darfur.

The UN has been calling for speedy approvals and security assurances so that its workers can deliver life-saving supplies, including essential medicines, nutritional aid, water-purification tablets and soap, from Port Sudan to Zamzam and other areas in need.

Baker again emphasized the urgent need for unimpeded humanitarian access in a country where only one-in-four medical facilities are still functioning, 80 percent of the healthcare system has been damaged or destroyed, and where large areas of the country, especially in the west, are completely unsafe for humanitarian work.

Asked by Arab News what message she would send to the leaders of the warring factions, Baker said: “I would say to the generals, and everyone else who's involved in this conflict and who can bring hostilities to a halt: the sooner, the better for everyone involved. Let peace flourish. Let it have a chance.

“The conflict is driving a stake into the heart of Sudan. No one prospers under this situation, least of all the women and girls.”

On tour of war-scarred Gaza, Israel army renews vow to save hostages

On tour of war-scarred Gaza, Israel army renews vow to save hostages
Updated 14 September 2024

On tour of war-scarred Gaza, Israel army renews vow to save hostages

On tour of war-scarred Gaza, Israel army renews vow to save hostages
  • Israel has killed at least 41,118 people in Gaza, according to the territory’s health ministry

RAFAH, Palestinian Territories: The Israeli army will use all means to bring back hostages still held in Gaza, its spokesman told a group of foreign journalists on Friday in the war-scarred city of Rafah.
“We need to do everything, everything we can, in all means, to bring them back home,” military spokesman Daniel Hagari told the journalists embedded with the Israeli army.
“This is one of the goals of the war, and we will achieve it.”
Rear Admiral Hagari was speaking in front of a shaft in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah that connects to a tunnel where Israel says Hamas shot dead six hostages late last month.
Their deaths spurred an outpouring of grief in Israel as well as anger at the government, which critics say is not doing enough to reach a deal that would end the war in Gaza and secure the remaining hostages’ release.
The war was triggered by Hamas’s unprecedented attack on Israel, which resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures. The count includes hostages killed in captivity.
The militants also seized 251 hostages, 97 of whom are still in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead.
Israel’s retaliation has killed at least 41,118 people in Gaza, according to the territory’s health ministry. The UN human rights office says most of the dead have been women or children.
Israel has denied independent access to Gaza for international media during the war, now in its 12th month.
Rafah, in the far south of Gaza, has been hit hard by the fighting, and AFPTV footage on Friday showed streets lined with the bombed-out shells of buildings, many partially collapsed with rubble spilling into the streets.
Hagari said the destruction was intended to wipe out the network of tunnels under the city.
“You have a maze of tunnels here, a maze of tunnels here in Rafah, underneath the houses. This is why the destruction,” he said.
“There is even not one point left without a tunnel here in Rafah.
“In order to defeat (Hamas) we need to take control of this underground system.”
The army also showed journalists the Philadelphi Corridor, a narrow strip of land that has emerged as a key sticking point in talks toward a possible ceasefire mediated by Egypt, Qatar and the United States.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that retaining control of the corridor was important to stop any arms smuggling into Gaza from Egypt.
Hamas is demanding a complete Israeli withdrawal from the territory.


Mother, relatives charged over child’s killing

A view of the court house in Istanbul on April 7, 2022. (AFP)
A view of the court house in Istanbul on April 7, 2022. (AFP)
Updated 14 September 2024

Mother, relatives charged over child’s killing

A view of the court house in Istanbul on April 7, 2022. (AFP)
  • Prosecutors at a Diyarbakir court charged the girl’s mother and brother with participating in the murder, while six people, including an uncle and cousins, were charged with destroying evidence

DIYARBAKIR, Turkiye: A Turkish court has jailed pending trial the mother and brother of a murdered eight-year-old girl whose body was found in a sack hidden under rocks in a case that horrified the nation and triggered protests since her disappearance three weeks ago.
President Tayyip Erdogan has said he would seek the most severe punishment for those responsible for the death of Narin Guran, whose body was found in a village near Diyarbakir, the largest city in southeast Turkiye.
Prosecutors at a Diyarbakir court charged the girl’s mother and brother with participating in the murder, while six people, including an uncle and cousins, were charged with destroying evidence.
Another uncle was earlier charged with murder.
Political parties and women’s groups have held protests in various cities across Turkiye to demand justice for Guran, whose murder triggered an outpouring of shock on social media, mainly because of the number of relatives allegedly involved in her killing.
Guran went missing on Aug. 21 from her village, some 10 km south of Diyarbakir.
Her body was found in a sack hidden under rocks in a nearby stream on Sept 8.
It was not clear how she was killed, but media reports said the autopsy revealed she had lesions on her neck.