Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East
Afghan children carry coal collected from a brick factory on the outskirts of Kabul on June 1, 2018. (AFP)
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Updated 27 August 2024

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East
  • Lead poisoning is a silent epidemic in Afghanistan, damaging the brains and futures of nearly all Afghan children
  • Contaminated cookware, battery recycling, and conflict remnants are poisoning millions, harming cognitive development

DUBAI: With one of the world’s highest rates of childhood lead exposure, Afghanistan is in the midst of a major public health crisis, perpetuating a cycle of poverty, illness and lost potential, in what could be a cautionary tale for impoverished and war-devastated countries in the Middle East.

It is estimated that almost all Afghan children have some degree of lead poisoning, which can result in brain damage, irreversible loss of intelligence, behavioral difficulties and learning problems.

A 2020 survey found that one in three children has lead in their blood above the threshold for lead poisoning, meaning they could suffer damage to their cardiovascular system and internal organs, and experience behavioral problems in adulthood.

It is estimated that almost all Afghan children have some degree of lead poisoning, which can result in brain damage, irreversible loss of intelligence, behavioral difficulties and learning problems. (AFP)

The “Toxic Truth” report by the UN children’s fund, UNICEF, and the non-profit environmental health organization Pure Earth estimates that about 800 million children worldwide have blood lead levels exceeding 5 micrograms per deciliter.

“The consequences of lead poisoning for global health, for children’s education and for overall development and economic growth are staggering,” Rachel Bonnifield, a senior fellow at the US-based Center for Global Development, told a recent conference on lead and public health.

While some of those affected live in wealthy countries, it is mainly poor countries such as Afghanistan that have the highest rates of lead poisoning, as their populations are more likely to be exposed to lead from multiple sources.

These sources can include inhaling dust and fumes from lead-acid battery recycling operations, being around open-air smelters, as well as eating food contaminated by cookware containing traces of lead and lead-infused spices such as turmeric.

Afghan children play on the remains of an old destroyed Soviet tank in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad on September 29, 2012. (AFP)

Children playing or working in lead-contaminated spaces such as electronic waste dumps also face a high risk of exposure.

Lead poisoning is a serious health issue in the Middle East, with significant impacts in countries such as Iraq, Yemen and Egypt.

In Iraq, decades of conflict have left high levels of lead contamination, especially near industrial sites and in urban areas, leading to widespread health problems among children, including cognitive impairments and developmental delays.

In Yemen, lead poisoning has been exacerbated by the use of contaminated water sources and the lack of proper waste management, resulting in elevated blood lead levels in children. 

Similarly, in Egypt, the use of leaded paint and lead-infused pottery has contributed to widespread exposure.


  • 815m Children worldwide who have exposure levels considered as lead poisoning.
  • 20% Proportion of learning gap between rich and poor countries attributable to lead poisoning.
  • 5.5m Deaths each year caused by cardio-vascular diseases linked to lead exposure.

(Source: CGD)

Gaza has also seen significant rates of lead poisoning, in part owing to Israel’s 2008 ban on the export of used batteries, which resulted in mountains of discarded units piling up in the overcrowded enclave, where their chemical contents leak and contaminate the soil and water.

According to the World Health Organization, there is no safe level of lead exposure. Even low levels have been shown to damage cognitive development, IQ and attention span in children.

Juvenile delinquent behavior and adult violence have also been associated with lead exposure. Studies have found that pupils with a lower concentration of lead in their blood are less likely to commit crimes or be arrested.

In Afghanistan, however, few are even aware that they and their children are being poisoned, nor are they aware of the health consequences.

An Afghan labourer makes metal pots at an aluminum factory in Herat on January 22, 2019. (AFP)

Afghans who work in electrical waste dumps or metal work factories have little or no protection. Many wrap scarves around their faces as a makeshift guard against the fumes. Few of them wear gloves as they carry scrap to the furnace, raising the likelihood of contamination.

Some of these factories produce pressure cookers and cooking pots called kazans, which Afghans use to cook their daily meals — unaware of the lead contaminants seeping into their food from the cheaply made alloy.

A kazan, usually made out of low-quality recycled aluminum, is a kitchenware staple in Afghanistan. Their popularity has thereby contributed to widespread lead poisoning.

Some factories produce pressure cookers and cooking pots called kazans, which Afghans use to cook their daily meals — unaware of the lead contaminants seeping into their food from the cheaply made alloy. (Shutterstock)

The Taliban government, which returned to power in 2021, appears to lack the financial means and political will to address the problem, as it wrestles with a succession of humanitarian emergencies and security threats amid its continuing isolation by the international community.

“The government is not taking any measures to stop the exposure,” said Ali, a Kabul-based Afghan who spoke to Arab News on condition of anonymity. “I don’t think the men who work in the dump and metal fields are aware of the dangers of their work.

“The men work to put food on their family’s table. Where do you start to explain that even the cookware is poisoning them?”

Baffled by high levels of lead found in children arriving in America from Afghanistan, US researchers conducted studies on kazans and other aluminum cookware, only to find the products far exceeded the US Food and Drug Administration’s limit for lead content.

As a result, multiple states have put out warnings against the use of Afghan pressure cookers. This year, Washington state banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of lead-contaminated pots altogether.

However, Afghan cookware is not the only source of lead contamination.

Decades of conflict in Afghanistan have left the country littered with the remnants of spent and unexploded munitions and ordnance, and the wreckage of military vehicles, polluting the environment with lead and other harmful elements.

Additionally, the use of kohl — a kind of eyeliner worn to guard against the sun’s glare and as part of traditional dress — is also a culprit of lead poisoning.

Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, an India-based specialist in hepatology and liver transplant medicine, says that lead poisoning is among the most damaging things to a child’s physical development.

Afghan deminers from the Halo Trust prepare to detonate unexploded ordnance (UXO) at a hill in Deh Sabz district of Kabul on May 21, 2024. (AFP)

In a recent thread on the social media platform X, Philips said that even exposure to small amounts of lead can result in children appearing “inattentive, hyperactive and irritable.”

“Afghanistan has a major public health crisis,” Philips said. “Almost all children have lead poisoning there.”

He added: “Children with greater lead levels may also have problems with learning and reading, delayed growth and hearing loss. Studies show that lead exposure leads to reduced IQ in children, and this reduction in IQ carries on into adulthood.

“It also causes attention deficit disorders and has been linked to both Parkinson’s disease and, more recently, Alzheimer’s disease. Children who survive severe lead poisoning may be left with permanent intellectual disability and behavioral disorders.”

An Afghan internally-displaced woman cooks in front of her tent at Shaidayee refugee camp in Injil district of Herat province on February 20, 2022. (AFP)

Although lead poisoning is a complex challenge that will take time to solve, the Center for Global Development says it remains entirely feasible to end childhood lead poisoning by the year 2040.

The center says the international community must invest $350 million to tackle the three known sources of lead exposure — paint, spices and battery recycling. Money should also be allocated to research and to raising public awareness about the dangers of lead contamination.

UNICEF has outlined a six-pronged approach to tackling the scourge of lead poisoning, including monitoring and reporting systems and building capacity for blood testing and identifying lead-contaminated sites.

It also calls for control measures to prevent children and pregnant women from being exposed to lead, including guarantees of adequate nutrition and the elimination or replacement of lead in cookware.

Workers make traditional tin stoves at a tin workshop in Kabul on September 19, 2023. (AFP)

Furthermore, UNICEF calls for the provision of training for health care providers on how to identify and manage lead exposure in children and pregnant women, as well as providing enhanced educational interventions and services alongside cognitive behavioral therapy.

Additionally, governments should launch public awareness campaigns on the dangers and sources of lead poisoning.

Legislation, including the development of health and safety precautions and standards, especially in substances that contain lead such as paint, lead-acid batteries and other e-waste, is also necessary.

This also extends to eliminating lead compounds in gasoline, children’s toys, cosmetics, spices and medicines.

Finally, global and regional action is required to create a global standard unit of measures to track and verify pollution and public health, as well as establishing partnerships and creating international standards for the recycling of lead-infused products.


Flooding in northeast Nigeria could displace up to one million

Flooding in northeast Nigeria could displace up to one million
Updated 9 sec ago

Flooding in northeast Nigeria could displace up to one million

Flooding in northeast Nigeria could displace up to one million

KANO, Nigeria: Fatima Yakubu woke up in the middle of the night to find her legs submerged as water rose in her home in northeastern Nigeria earlier this week.
She screamed and people helped her escape with her six children.
Flood waters have displaced more than one million people in and around Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, in one of the worst ever floods in Africa’s most populous country.
Thousands of homes were engulfed by rapidly rising waters after a dam burst following a weekend of torrential rain in northeastern Nigeria.
“I shouted for help in terror and some men outside heard my scream and came into the house which was already flooded and rescued us,” said Yakubu, 26, describing her survival as a “miracle.”
She and her children took shelter in one of the eight camps set up by authorities.
Barkindo Mohammed, the director general of Borno State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), told AFP that the number of people displaced by the flooding could reach one million people.
Mohammed Sheriff, 60, was not so lucky. He too awoke in the middle of the night to rising waters in his home.
Together with his two wives, they carried six of their children, thinking that the two eldest, aged 11 and 13, would be strong enough to fight the current. The two children are still missing.
“We haven’t seen them since and we fear the worst,” Sheriff told AFP.
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said on Wednesday that at least 30 people have died in the floods — the worst in 30 years, according to the United Nations refugee agency in Nigeria.
NEMA’s director general Zubaida Umar said on X on Thursday she was relieved that the “flood level in Maiduguri is receding, and normalcy is beginning to return to the metropolis,” adding that rescue operations were ongoing in the city flooded up to 40 percent.
“Children and families are still trapped in their homes,” British charity Save The Children said in a statement on Friday.
“The immense damage to water and sanitation services is driving up the risk of cholera and other water- and vector-borne diseases,” the NGO said, pointing out that the city’s two main hospitals had also been flooded.
The World Food Programme (WFP) said the disaster would increase the risk of food insecurity, particularly in the vulnerable northeast.
At least 259 people have been killed by flooding in Nigeria since the beginning of the rainy season, according to Umar.

Ukraine government approves 2025 draft budget, PM says

Ukraine government approves 2025 draft budget, PM says
Updated 6 min 3 sec ago

Ukraine government approves 2025 draft budget, PM says

Ukraine government approves 2025 draft budget, PM says

Ukraine’s government has approved the 2025 draft budget, which has a strong focus on defense spending, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said on Friday.
Shmyhal, writing on the Telegram messaging app, said the draft, to be submitted to parliament, provided for 2 trillion hryvnias ($48.2 billion)in revenues and 3.6 trillion hryvnias in expenditures.
The draft, put together 2-1/2 years into the Russian invasion of the country, also included a provision of 2.22 trillion hryvnias ($53.5 bln) for defense.
Shmyhal said preparations in drafting the budget, the third since the start of the invasion, had been completed “despite all the challenges and uncertainty.”
“The priority for this budget is very clear — the country’s defense and security,” he wrote. “We will again direct all domestic resources to these objectives.”
There would be, he said, “more money for Ukrainian weapons, equipment, drones.”
More than 400 billion hryvnias would be allocated for social security, with funds for indexing pensions and providing subsidies and a total of 211 billion hrynias on health care.
Local authorities would receive assistance and advantageous credits provided for entrepreneurs. Capital expenditure would be made more transparent and the government would press on with rebuilding projects and those in the energy sphere. 

1 person shot during scuffle at pro-Israel rally in Boston suburb, authorities say

1 person shot during scuffle at pro-Israel rally in Boston suburb, authorities say
Updated 8 min 33 sec ago

1 person shot during scuffle at pro-Israel rally in Boston suburb, authorities say

1 person shot during scuffle at pro-Israel rally in Boston suburb, authorities say
  • Police were called at 6:40 p.m. to the scene of what they described as a small rally in Newton
  • Words were exchanged before a passerby rapidly crossed the street and tackled one of the demonstrators, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan said

BOSTON, USA: A pro-Israel rally in a Boston suburb turned violent Thursday evening when a passerby was shot during a scuffle after confronting a group of demonstrators, authorities said.
Police were called at 6:40 p.m. to the scene of what they described as a small rally in Newton. Words were exchanged before a passerby rapidly crossed the street and tackled one of the demonstrators, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan said.
“A scuffle ensued. During that scuffle, the individual who had come across the street was shot by a member of the demonstrating group,” Ryan said during a news conference late Thursday.
Scott Hayes, 47, of Framingham, was arrested on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury. He pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Hayes, who works as a contractor for National Grid, was ordered to be fitted with a GPS monitor and to stay away both from the city of Newton and from the individual who had been shot and to not be in possession of a dangerous weapon.
Hayes, who appeared to have bruising to his face during his court appearance Friday afternoon, was also required to post a $5,000 cash bail and to abide by a 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew.
Prosecutors also told the court that an application for a criminal complaint has been applied for against the individual who was shot.
They said they opted for an application for a criminal complaint instead of an arrest because the alleged assault and battery was not committed in the presence of a police officers.
The shooting victim, who was not identified, was being treated at a hospital for life-threatening injuries, Ryan said.
Acting Newton Police Chief George McMains asked witnesses to provide investigators with photos or videos of the confrontation. He said police would provide extra patrols at “houses of worship” over the next several days.
Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller called the shooting a “frightening incident” and asked for everyone to remain calm as police investigate.
“I know people will have a lot of questions, and we will share information with Newtonians and the press when we are able,” Fuller said. “It’s really early stages of an active investigation.”

Pope slams Harris and Trump on anti-life stances, urges Catholics to vote for ‘lesser evil’

Pope slams Harris and Trump on anti-life stances, urges Catholics to vote for ‘lesser evil’
Updated 4 min 44 sec ago

Pope slams Harris and Trump on anti-life stances, urges Catholics to vote for ‘lesser evil’

Pope slams Harris and Trump on anti-life stances, urges Catholics to vote for ‘lesser evil’

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE: Pope Francis on Friday slammed both US presidential candidates for what he called anti-life policies on abortion and migration, and he advised American Catholics to choose who they think is the “lesser evil” in the upcoming US elections.
“Both are against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants, or be it the one who kills babies,” Francis said.
The Argentine Jesuit was asked to provide counsel to American Catholic voters during an airborne news conference while he flew back to Rome from his four-nation tour through Asia. Francis stressed that he is not an American and would not be voting.
Neither Republican candidate Donald Trump nor the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, was mentioned by name.
But Francis nevertheless expressed himself in stark terms when asked to weigh in on their positions on two hot-button issues in the US election — abortion and migration — that are also of major concern to the Catholic Church.
Francis has made the plight of migrants a priority of his pontificate and speaks out emphatically and frequently about it. While strongly upholding church teaching forbidding abortion, Francis has not emphasized church doctrine as much as his predecessors.
Francis said migration is a right described in Scripture and that anyone who does not follow the Biblical call to welcome the stranger is committing a “grave sin.”
He was also blunt in speaking about abortion. “To have an abortion is to kill a human being. You may like the word or not, but it’s killing,” he said. “We have to see this clearly.”
Asked what voters should do at the polls, Francis recalled the civic duty to vote.
“One should vote, and choose the lesser evil,” he said. “Who is the lesser evil, the woman or man? I don’t know.
“Everyone in their conscience should think and do it,” he said.
It’s not the first time Francis has weighed in on a US election. In the run-up to the 2016 election, Francis was asked about Trump’s plan to build a wall at the US-Mexico border. Francis declared then that anyone who builds a wall to keep out migrants “is not Christian.”
In responding Friday, Francis recalled that he celebrated Mass at the US-Mexico border and “there were so many shoes of the migrants who ended up badly there.”
Trump pledges massive deportations, just as he did in his first White House bid, when there was a vast gulf between his ambitions and the legal, financial and political realities of such an undertaking.
The US bishops conference, for its part, has called abortion the “preeminent priority” for American Catholics in its published voter advice. Harris has strongly defended abortion rights and has emphasized support for reinstating a federal right to abortion.
In his comments, the pope added: “On abortion, science says that a month from conception, all the organs of a human being are already there, all of them. Performing an abortion is killing a human being. Whether you like the word or not, this is killing. You can’t say the church is closed because it does not allow abortion. The church does not allow abortion because it’s killing. It is murder.”
However, cells are only beginning the process of developing organs in the earliest weeks of pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that by 13 weeks, all major organs have formed. For example, cardiac tissue starts to form in the first two months — initially a tube that only later evolves into the four chambers that define a heart.

Pope Francis decries deaths of Gaza children in Israeli bombings

Pope Francis decries deaths of Gaza children in Israeli bombings
Updated 13 September 2024

Pope Francis decries deaths of Gaza children in Israeli bombings

Pope Francis decries deaths of Gaza children in Israeli bombings
  • The pope said: “I do not think that they are taking steps to make peace“
  • He said he speaks on the phone with members of a Catholic parish in Gaza “every day” and “they tell me ugly things, difficult things“

ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT: Pope Francis on Friday decried the deaths of Palestinian children in Israeli military strikes in Gaza, calling bombings of schools, on the “presumption” of striking Hamas militants, “ugly.”
On the flight back to Rome from Singapore, the pontiff expressed doubt that either Israel or Hamas, now at war for eleven months, were seeking to end the conflict.
“I am sorry to have to say this,” the pope said. “But I do not think that they are taking steps to make peace.”
Francis was speaking in a press conference with journalists after a demanding 12-day tour across Southeast Asia and Oceania. He said he speaks on the phone with members of a Catholic parish in Gaza “every day” and “they tell me ugly things, difficult things.”
“Please, when you see the bodies of killed children, when you see that, under the presumption that some guerrillas are there, a school is bombed, this is ugly,” the 87-year-old pontiff said. “It is ugly.”
The pope, who has supported calls for a ceasefire in the conflict and for the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas, said “sometimes I think it’s a war that is too much, too much.”
The Israel-Hamas war was triggered by Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7, when the militant group killed some 1,200 people and took about 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies. The resulting Israeli military campaign has reduced the Strip to rubble and killed more than 41,000 Palestinians, according to the enclave’s health ministry.
The United Nations said on Thursday that the war has left Gaza’s economy “in ruins.”
The pope spoke about a range of other issues during the 40-minute press conference. He criticized both former US President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris’ policies, and said US Catholics would have to “choose the lesser evil” when they vote in November, without elaborating.

Francis also said a Vatican deal with China over the appointment of Catholic bishops in the communist country was showing good results, indicating it will almost certainly be extended when it comes up for renewal this fall.
The pope said the results of the 2018 deal, in which China gets some input into selection of Catholic bishops, “are good.” “I am happy with the dialogue with China,” said the pontiff. “We are working with good will.”
Conservative Catholics have sharply criticized the agreement as handing over too much control to China. The Vatican says the accord resolves a decades-long split between an underground church swearing loyalty to the Vatican and the state-supervised Catholic Patriotic Association.
The deal has never been published, but only described by diplomatic officials. The Vatican says the pope retains final decision-making power in appointment of Chinese bishops.

The pope also firmly denied a French media report that he will go to Paris in December for the reopening of Notre-Dame cathedral. Francis said: “I will not go to Paris.”
A small French outlet had reported the pope would go for the cathedral’s planned Dec. 8 reopening ceremony, five years after a devastating fire. The pontiff also said on Friday he was still considering whether to travel this year to Argentina, his home country.
“I would like to go,” said Francis, who is the first pope from the Americas and before becoming pontiff served as the archbishop of Buenos Aires. “But it is not yet decided. There are some things to resolve first.”
The pope said that if he did go to Argentina, he would like to make a stop on the way from Rome in the Canary Islands, an autonomous Spanish territory off the coast of northwestern Africa. It has become an increasingly popular destination for migrants braving an Atlantic crossing to try to reach Europe.
Caring for migrants has been a key theme of Francis’ 11-year papacy. He made his first visit as pope to the Italian island of Lampedusa, also confronting an influx of migrants.
“There is situation there with migrants, who are coming by sea,” he said of the Canaries. “And I would like to be close to the government and people.”
Francis was also asked about Catholic clergy abuse, and the case of a French priest, known as Abbe Pierre, who was long celebrated for his work with homeless but was later revealed to have been accused of assaulting at least seven women. He died in 2007.
The organization Pierre founded, Emmaus, disclosed an additional 17 testimonies against the late priest on Sept. 6.
The pope said he did not know when the Vatican had first become aware of the allegations. “Certainly, after his death, surely,” said Francis. “But before (his death), I don’t know.”