British farm offers 17 gyr falcons at International Breeders Auction

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  • David Walters, owner of DW Falcons, said he came from a family that had worked with falcons for several decades and loved the birds

RIYADH: British farm DW Falcons took part in the 2024 International Falcon Breeders Auction with 17 birds.

These included gyr and gyr shaheen falcons, known to be larger, broader-winged and longer-tailed than other falcons.

David Walters, owner of DW Falcons, said he came from a family that had worked with falcons for several decades and loved the birds.

The annual International Falcon Breeders Auction, organized by the Saudi Falcons Club, is the largest event of its kind in the world. It has become a platform for falconers and falcon breeders to meet, reflecting the club’s efforts to preserve the sport’s heritage.

This year’s event takes place at the club’s headquarters in Malham, north of Riyadh, until Saturday.