Saudi father’s simple post on social media goes viral

Al-Kazraj’s post featured a side-by-side photo comparison of Laura on her first day of school in 2018 and her first day of middle school in 2024. (Supplied)
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  • Abdulkarim Al-Kazraj’s photos with his daughter speak to netizens on supporting children’s individuality

RIYADH: In a world where social media often magnifies negativity and fleeting trends, one Saudi father’s heartfelt post has become a beacon of positivity and a catalyst for deep discussions about the role of parents in their children’s lives.

Abdulkarim Al-Kazraj, a respected author and passionate advocate for social and cultural issues, recently took to X to share a poignant moment from his family’s life.

What began as a simple post to mark his daughter Laura’s first day of middle school quickly went viral, capturing the hearts of thousands and sparking meaningful conversations across the nation.

Al-Kazraj’s post featured a side-by-side photo comparison of Laura on her first day of school in 2018 and her first day of middle school in 2024.

The image was a touching reminder of how quickly time passes and how children grow up before their parents’ eyes. For Al-Kazraj, this was a personal keepsake — a way to document a significant milestone in his daughter’s life. But the post resonated with a much larger audience, amassing thousands of likes, comments, and shares, and becoming a trending topic on X.

The widespread reaction to Al-Kazraj’s post took him by surprise. As someone who has always valued documenting life’s moments, he was no stranger to sharing his thoughts and experiences.



“Ever since I was young, I loved writing in my diary,” he explained. “With the advent of the internet, this evolved into writing on websites and forums. Then came the digital revolution, where social media made it easier for everyone, young and old, to share their daily lives and special occasions.”

However, even with his background in writing and sharing, Al-Kazraj did not anticipate the overwhelming response his post would receive.

“On the first day of the new school year, I captured some photos with my children to keep as memories. I posted them in the evening and then took a short nap. When I woke up two hours later, I found my phone flooded with notifications and messages!” he recounted, still astonished by the sheer volume of engagement.

The post, which many saw as a simple yet powerful reflection of a father’s love and pride in his daughter’s growth, quickly sparked conversations about the role of parents in supporting their children’s individuality and emotional well-being.

In a society where traditional expectations and cultural norms often dictate the relationship between parents and children, Al-Kazraj’s open and affectionate approach stood out.

“The post captured the fleeting passage of time and how our children grow up … in the blink of an eye. Yesterday’s children are today’s university students, doctors, and teachers,” he said.

For many who engaged with the post, Al-Kazraj’s documentation of his daughter’s growth was more than just a personal moment — it was a reminder of the universal experience of parenthood. The bittersweet realization that children grow up so quickly resonated deeply with other parents, who reflected on their own experiences and the importance of cherishing every moment.

But the post — which showed Laura sporting short hair — also struck a chord on a deeper level, particularly among women who used the platform to share their experiences with societal expectations and restrictions.

In Saudi Arabia, where cultural norms have traditionally placed significant emphasis on appearances and conformity, Al-Kazraj’s post became a rallying point for those advocating for more freedom and individuality, particularly for young girls.

“Among the thousands of comments were those who supported, those who criticized, and those who offered advice. But what caught my attention most were those who expressed relief — as if they had found an outlet through this post,” Al-Kazraj said. “Many young women spoke about the restrictions and lack of choice they faced, finding solace in this simple post.”

His post, while rooted in a personal moment, opened a dialogue about the broader issues of societal expectations, the importance of parental support, and the need for understanding in relationships between parents and children.

“In the end, all this fuss was about a haircut! But it seems to have touched many, sparking discussions in the comments about stories, adventures, and memories. What might seem trivial on the surface actually carries deep desires that, if addressed with understanding, will pass smoothly and quietly, without leaving any scars on childhood,” Al-Kazraj said.

In a society where parental authority has often been exercised with strict control, his decision to allow his daughter the freedom to choose her appearance was seen as both progressive and deeply loving, challenging traditional notions and highlighting the importance of dialogue.

Following the overwhelming response to his original post, which garnered nearly 16,000 likes, Al-Kazraj took to X once again to share a thoughtful follow-up.

He reposted his initial message with an insightful comment, stating: “This is not a justification but for the sake of clarity: I’ve received comments about my daughter’s haircut, and regardless of personal freedom and intrusion, you need to understand that life today is different from the past! Forcing and depriving can lead to adverse results. This is the age of experimentation and change. Hair will eventually grow back, but if something remains in her mind, it will never fade.”