quotes Finding success at your own pace

21 August 2024
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Updated 20 August 2024

Finding success at your own pace

Recently at a leadership workshop, the facilitator uttered a simple saying that made me stop and think: “Do not run faster than you can walk.”

Although I had heard this wisdom before, fireworks suddenly went off in my mind. It got me thinking about how this applies to growth in both our jobs and our lives.

This saying reminds us that growing slowly and steadily is often the best way. In our world, where everyone seems to be in a hurry, it is a reminder that it is OK to take your time. True strength and success do not come from rushing; they come from being sure about what you are doing and giving it the time it needs to mature.

When thinking about excelling in our careers, it is tempting to want to jump ahead quickly. But the strongest careers are built slowly, on a solid foundation of skills, experience and knowledge. It is about knowing each part of your job well before moving on to the next challenge, making sure you are truly ready for whatever comes next.

Understanding that a career is a long journey — not a Formula 1 race — changes how we view our work. It encourages us to enjoy and learn from each step along the way. It reminds us to be patient and persistent because these traits often lead to better and more meaningful success than rushing through.

Not rushing also means we can handle challenges better and change direction more easily whenever needed. By moving at a pace that suits us, we are better prepared to deal with whatever our job throws at us. We can feel confident in our work, knowing that we are fully ready for what lies ahead.

In this journey, the value of reflection cannot be overstated. Taking the time to reflect on our experiences allows us to absorb lessons learned and apply them to future challenges. It is in these quiet moments of reflection that the seeds of wisdom are sown, enabling us to make more informed decisions and adapt our strategies with agility.

When thinking about excelling in our careers, it is tempting to want to jump ahead quickly. But the strongest careers are built slowly, on a solid foundation of skills, experience and knowledge.

Moreover, embracing adaptability is crucial. The pace at which we walk our path may vary based on what lies ahead. Being adaptable means recognizing when to slow down to navigate through complexities or when it is safe to speed up. It is about harmonizing our pace with the rhythm of our environment, ensuring that we move in sync with the changing dynamics of our industry and personal life.

I recall the time when I moved to a new department. Initially, the fear of starting from zero was overwhelming, especially as the newest team member with little knowledge of the department’s tasks. However, I soon discovered that this was not entirely true. The knowledge and skills I had nurtured in my previous role didn’t just vanish; they transformed into a solid foundation upon which I could build. This realization was empowering. My prior experiences, though in a different context, were invaluable. They gave me unique perspectives and problem-solving skills that helped me excel faster in the new environment.

This challenge turned into a valuable growth opportunity. I was fortunate to have supportive colleagues who guided me, allowing me to integrate into the team’s rhythm at a steady pace. Their mentorship was instrumental in my journey. Soon, I found myself not only adapting but also thriving, eventually becoming someone who mentors newcomers. The joy of giving back and guiding others, as I was once guided, added a new dimension to my career and personal growth. This experience reinforced the idea that embracing the pace of our unique journey, supported by the collective rhythm of those around us, leads to profound and fulfilling progress.

In conclusion, career growth is not a sprint; it is a marathon. The most successful individuals understand the importance of steady progression. They know that foundational skills and deep expertise are built day by day. They value the power of incremental growth, recognizing that each step, no matter how small, moves them closer to their ultimate goals.

Remembering not to “run faster than you can walk” gives us a valuable guide for our work life. It reminds us that real excellence comes from moving forward thoughtfully and steadily, not from trying to beat the clock. As we move forward in our careers, let us keep this wisdom in mind. It will help us build our futures on firm ground, step by careful step, while being ready to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of professional and personal growth.

Firas Abussaud is a petroleum engineering systems specialist with more than 21 years of experience in the industry.