Muslim World League condemns Israeli strike on Gaza school-turned-shelter which killed at least 12

The Muslim World League (MWL) on Tuesday expressed its condemnation of an Israeli strike on a school-turned-shelter killed at least 12 people in Gaza. (AFP)
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  • Al-Issa emphasized the urgent need for the international community to promptly call for an end to the ongoing killings perpetrated by the Israeli military

RIYADH: The Muslim World League on Tuesday condemned an Israeli strike on a school-turned-shelter that killed at least 12 people in Gaza.

MWL Secretary-General Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa condemned the “persistent and horrific acts of violence directed towards civilians and civilian facilities,” the Saudi Press Agency reported. 

“These acts represent a blatant violation of international and humanitarian laws and norms,” Al-Issa was quoted as saying.

Al-Issa emphasized the urgent need for the international community to promptly call for an end to the ongoing killings perpetrated by the Israeli military, and to end the systematic atrocities against innocent people.

Thousands of displaced Palestinians had sought refuge in the school, according to the civil defense in Gaza, amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military said the school was hit because it housed a Hamas command-and-control center.