Who’s Who: Dr. Shadi Badawood, spokesperson for Najran University

Dr. Shadi Badawood
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Dr. Shadi Badawood, an academic and experienced communication professional in the government and private sector, was recently named the official Najran University’s official spokesperson.

His appointment was announced by the university’s president, Abdulrahman Al-Khudairi.

Badawood is an assistant professor in the marketing department at the university’s Business Administration College and was appointed director of corporate communications in 2023.

In a near-two-decade career he has held positions at the University of Business and Technology as editor-in-chief of Business Horizons magazine in 2003; been responsible for media supplements and marketing administration at Okaz newspaper; served as media consultant for Saudi students’ clubs in the UK; and chairman of the Transforming Journey Initiative for Saudi students around the world.

In addition, he has published several magazines for various institutions, including the Saudi Cultural Mission in the UK, Ebsar Foundation, and Oxford Academy in Jeddah.

Badawood has a Ph.D. in media engagement (marketing) from the University of Hull.

He was the president of the Hull Public Speaking Society at the University of Hull in the UK during the 2016/2017 academic year when the club was awarded Society of the Year.

Badawood has also written two books: “The Power of One” and “Outdoor Ethics.”