Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez reveals she competed at the Paris Olympics while 7 months pregnant

Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez reveals she competed at the Paris Olympics while 7 months pregnant
Hayoung Jeon of South Korea in action against Nada Hafez of Egypt. (Reuters)
Updated 30 July 2024

Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez reveals she competed at the Paris Olympics while 7 months pregnant

Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez reveals she competed at the Paris Olympics while 7 months pregnant

PARIS: Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez has revealed that she fought at the Paris Olympics while seven months pregnant.
Hafez posted on Instagram that she was “carrying a little Olympian one” hours after she had reached the round of 16 in women’s saber Monday.
The 26-year-old fencer from Cairo upset Elizabeth Tartakovsky of the United States, a former NCAA champion, before losing to Jeon Hayoung of South Korea.
“My baby & I had our fair share of challenges, be it both physical & emotional,” Hafez wrote. “The rollercoaster of pregnancy is tough on its own, but having to fight to keep the balance of life & sports was nothing short of strenuous, however worth it. I’m writing this post to say that pride fills my being for securing my place in the round of 16!”
A former gymnast with a degree in medicine, Hafez is a three-time Olympian who won gold medals in the individual and team saber events at the 2019 African Games. She finished Monday’s competition officially ranked 16th, her best result in any of her three Olympic appearances.

‘Gaza is America’s war and we can stop it the blink of an eye,’ US presidential candidate Jill Stein tells Arab News

‘Gaza is America’s war and we can stop it the blink of an eye,’ US presidential candidate Jill Stein tells Arab News
Updated 4 min 14 sec ago

‘Gaza is America’s war and we can stop it the blink of an eye,’ US presidential candidate Jill Stein tells Arab News

‘Gaza is America’s war and we can stop it the blink of an eye,’ US presidential candidate Jill Stein tells Arab News
  • Green Party candidate says the billions of dollars in military aid given to Israel should be used to address American needs
  • Asked whether a third party could undercut the main candidates, Stein says Democrats and Republicans ‘don’t own those votes’

CHICAGO: Dr. Jill Stein, the US Green Party’s candidate for November’s presidential election, says Americans are losing “much needed benefits” due to tax money allegedly being redirected to fund Israel’s war in Gaza.

Speaking to The Ray Hanania Radio Show during an episode broadcast on Thursday, Stein accused the mainstream media and the Democrats of trying to block her candidacy to artificially strengthen the candidacy of Democratic Party nominee Kamala Harris.

She also said the US bore responsibility for the violence in Gaza, fueled by the perceived pro-Israel bias in the media and by politicians who received millions in campaign donations from pro-Israel political action committees to support the war.

“In the current case, the US is providing 80 percent of the weapons that are being used to murder women, children, and innocent civilians. We’re also providing money, military support and diplomatic cover and intelligence. So the US has total autonomy here,” she said.

“This is our war. It is really a misnomer in many ways to call this Israel’s war. This is the US’ war. We are in charge of this war and we can stop this war with the blink of an eye,” she added, urging voters not to get talked into “endorsing genocide.”

“There is no more critical of an issue than what’s going on right now in Gaza because this is really normalizing the torture and murder of children on an industrial scale. The destruction of international law and human rights.

“As Gaza goes, eventually we’re all gonna go. If we allow human rights to be systematically torn down and international law, the way it’s being done here, eventually that’s gonna rebound to us because the US has been the dominant power for the last several decades but we are no longer the dominant power economically and militarily.”

Stein said every vote for her candidacy and the Green Party could help bring an end not only to Israel’s war in Gaza but also to other conflicts around the world.

“What’s going on is terrible for the US and it’s terrible for Israel. We are hypocrites. We’re supposedly defending democracy, yet we are throwing candidates off the ballot here in our own country,” she said, referring to recent efforts by the Democratic Party in Montana, Nevada and Wisconsin to remove the Green Party from the ballot over alleged procedural issues.

“We’re also mobilizing Israel’s neighbors against Israel. In the countries that have had peace treaties, some of Israel’s most staunch partners, including Egypt and especially Jordan where there are huge rallies and demonstrations against Israel demanding the end of the peace treaty.”

Stein, who is Jewish American, has openly stated she supported Israel, Palestine, and the two-state solution, but has criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition, calling it “a fascist government” that was engaged in genocide.

She urged voters not to believe the one-sided picture often presented by politicians and the media, insisting that criticism of Israeli policies was “not antisemitism” but legitimate political discourse that must take place to make the US stronger.

“In the long-term interest of everyone in the region, the US and the Netanyahu government need to come into compliance with international law and specifically the rulings of the International Court of Justice,” she said.

“Which means an end to the genocide immediately and then a withdrawal to 1967 borders, which is what this agreement calls for. Withdrawal, an end to the occupation and an end to the ethnic cleansing, which has been going on for a very long time,” she said, referring to the civilian death toll of more than 40,000, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

“To criticize Israel should not be conflated with antisemitism. Zionism and Judaism are very different things. Zionism is a political ideology. It is not the Jewish religion. There are many strong proponents of the Jewish religion who are fierce opponents of Zionism.”

Instead of financing Israel’s military campaigns, Stein said the next US president should “fund solutions” to improve the lives of Americans by addressing affordable healthcare, creating more jobs, improving education for children and strengthening social security for seniors and retirees.

Both the Democrats and Republicans were instead sending US tax money to Israel while depriving public services of the funding they need, she said.

“Half of the Congressional budget is being spent on the endless war machine,” she said, referring to legislation providing $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, which includes $3.8 billion from a bill in March and $8.7 billion from a supplemental appropriations act in April.

Although this is in no way half of the Congressional budget, which is worth $6.8 trillion, Stein said the outlay nonetheless meant “we are not meeting the emergencies that we have on healthcare, housing, education and the environment.”

“So this is a disaster for every American, and it’s really important that we not be talked into drinking the Kool-Aid,” she said, using a term that means having a cult-like faith in a dangerous idea because of wrongly perceived rewards.

Stein, who ran for the presidency in 2012 and 2016, said she was again putting her name on the ballot because she was concerned about the problems that Americans were facing, which she believes neither of the two main parties are addressing.

Americans “need a new political option that is in the public interest,” she said, insisting the Green Party offered a greater focus on American needs than either the Republicans or the Democrats.

On the same episode of The Ray Hanania Radio Show, in an interview recorded a couple of days earlier, former Chicago Congressman Bill Lipinski — who represented one of the largest concentrations of Arab and Muslim voters in the US — said American voters should not take the role of third-party candidates like Stein for granted.

Although it is extremely difficult for a third-party candidate to break the two-party system and win a presidential election, Lipinski said they could have a disproportionate impact on the outcome, particularly in swing states where every vote counted.

Given today’s polarized, emotion-driven politics, Lipinski said the US election system should be changed to better accommodate third-party candidates.

“At times I would like to see a third party. There are other times when I think (it is better having just) two parties. In another time in another place, two parties were sufficient. Today, I don’t believe that’s the case,” he said.

“Today I would really like to see a third party because, unfortunately, the Republicans are controlled to a great extent nowadays by their extreme right wing, the Democrats by their extreme left wing. That’s not good for the parties. Nor is it good for the country.”

The Green Party has run candidates in several presidential elections, often making a significant impact on the final outcome. Ralph Nader, the party’s candidate in the 2000 poll, drew votes away from Democratic Vice President Al Gore, contributing to his loss to Republican George W. Bush.

When Stein ran as the Green Party candidate in 2016, she drew significant support away from Democrat Hillary Clinton, who lost to Republican Donald Trump.

To those who might argue that a vote for the Green Party means splitting the progressive vote, making it easier for the Republicans to succeed, Stein insisted that neither the Democrats or Republicans “own those votes.”

“They don’t belong to parties. They belong to people.”

You can listen to the full interview with US presidential candidate Jill Stein and former US Congressman Bill Lipinski online at


As US colleges raise the stakes for protests, activists are weighing new strategies

As US colleges raise the stakes for protests, activists are weighing new strategies
Updated 3 min 13 sec ago

As US colleges raise the stakes for protests, activists are weighing new strategies

As US colleges raise the stakes for protests, activists are weighing new strategies
“You always have to risk something to create change and to create a future that we want to live in,” said Howell-Egan, a member of the school’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter
The stakes have gone up this fall for students protesting the war in Gaza, as US colleges roll out new security measures and protest guidelines

WASHINGTON: University of Southern California law student Elizabeth Howell-Egan isn’t allowed on campus because of her role in last spring’s anti-war protests, but she is keeping up her activism.
She and like-minded students are holding online sessions on the Israel-Hamas war and passing out fliers outside the campus, which is now fortified with checkpoints at entrances and security officers who require students to scan IDs.
“Change is never comfortable. You always have to risk something to create change and to create a future that we want to live in,” said Howell-Egan, a member of the school’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter, which is calling on USC to divest from companies profiting off the war.
The stakes have gone up this fall for students protesting the war in Gaza, as US colleges roll out new security measures and protest guidelines — all intended to avoid disruptions like last spring’s pro-Palestinian demonstrations and protect students from hate speech. Activism has put their degrees and careers at risk, not to mention tuition payments, but many say they feel a moral responsibility to continue the movement.
Tent encampments — now forbidden on many campuses — so far have not returned. And some of the more involved students from last spring have graduated or are still facing disciplinary measures. Still, activist students are finding other ways to protest, emboldened by the rising death toll in Gaza and massive protests this month in Israel to demand a ceasefire.
Tensions over the conflict have been high on American campuses since the war began on Oct. 7, when Hamas-led militants killed 1,200 people in Israel and took 250 hostage. The war in Gaza has killed more than 40,000 people, according to Gaza health officials.
As the pro-Palestinian demonstrations took off nationally, Jewish students on many campuses have faced hostility, including antisemitic language and signs. Some colleges have faced US civil rights investigations and settled lawsuits alleging they have not done enough to address antisemitism.
A desire ‘to be part of something’
Temple University senior Alia Amanpour Trapp started the school year on probation after being arrested twice last semester during pro-Palestinian protests. Within days, she was back on the university’s radar for another demonstration.
As she reflects on the fallout from her activism, she thinks of her grandfather, a political prisoner killed in 1988 massacres orchestrated by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini.
“He paid the ultimate price for what he believed in. And so, I feel like the least I can do is stand my ground and face it,” she said.
Trapp, a political science major, devotes much of her time outside classes to Students for Justice in Palestine, which led her to the back-to-school protest on Aug. 29. The group of a few dozen protesters made several stops, including outside the Rosen Center, a hub of Jewish life that is home to Temple’s Hillel Chapter.
Some Jewish students inside said they were shaken by the demonstration. Protesters used megaphones to direct chats toward people inside, Temple President Richard Englert said. The university called it intimidation and opened an investigation.
“Targeting a group of individuals because of their Jewish identity is not acceptable and intimidation and harassment tactics like those seen today will not be tolerated,” Englert said.
Trapp said they were not out to intimidate anyone, but to condemn Hillel for what she called its support of Zionism. “To the students inside that felt threatened or harmed, I’m sorry,” she said.
Trapp is appealing a Temple panel’s ruling that she violated the college’s conduct code last spring. As she reflects on the discipline, she recalls a Temple billboard she saw on Interstate 95 after her first visit to campus.
“Because the world won’t change itself,” the ad beckoned. It reassured her that Temple was the right fit. “I so badly wanted to be part of something, you know, meaningful,” she said, “a community committed to change.”
A renewed push for divestment
At Brown University, some students who were arrested last spring are taking another tack to pressure the Ivy League school to divest its endowment from companies with ties to Israel.
Last spring, the university committed to an October vote by its governing board on a divestment proposal, after an advisory committee weighs in on the issue. In exchange, student protesters packed up their tents.
Now students including Niyanta Nepal, the student body president who was voted in on a pro-divestment platform, say they intend to apply pressure for a vote in favor of divestment. They are rallying students to attend a series of forums and encouraging incoming students to join the movement.
Colleges have long rebuffed calls to divest from Israel, which opponents say veers into antisemitism. Brown already is facing heat for even considering the vote, including a blistering letter from two dozen state attorneys general, all Republicans.
Rafi Ash, a member of the Brown University Jews For Ceasefire Now and Brown Divest Coalition, declined to say what activism might look like if the divestment push fails. A Jewish student who was among 20 students arrested during a November sit-in at an administrative building, Ash dismisses critics who see the anti-war protests as antisemitic.
“The Judaism I was taught promotes peace. It promotes justice. It promotes ‘tikkun olam’ — repairing the world,” said Ash, who is on disciplinary probation. “This is the most Jewish act I can do, to stand up for justice, for everyone.”
Barred from campus, but strategizing on protests
For Howell-Egan, the crackdown at USC and her suspension only deepened her desire to speak out.
“Even with this threat of USC imposing sanctions and disciplinary measures, I am at peace with it because I am standing up for something that is important,” Howell-Egan said. “There are no more universities in Gaza. We are in an incredibly privileged position for this to be our risk.”
She is not allowed to attend in-person classes because she was suspended in May for joining protests at the private school in Los Angeles.
There has been a trend of heavier punishments for students engaging in activism than in the past, including banishment from campus and suspensions that keep students “in limbo for months,” said Tori Porell, an attorney with the nonprofit Palestine Legal, which has supported student protesters facing disciplinary measures. Howell-Egan sees it as part of a strategy to stifle free speech.
In a memo this month, USC President Carol Folt said the campus has seen peaceful protests and marches for years. “However, the spring semester brought incidents that tested our values, disregarded our policies, sparked fears, and required unprecedented safety measures,” she said.
For now the focus of the USC Divest Coalition, which includes several student organizations, has moved off campus, to incorporate the wider community and take a cautious approach as students get a handle on the university’s new rules, Howell-Egan said.
In addition to the community outreach, students have been holding teach-ins.
“The idea is to raise our skill set and our understanding of where we stand in this moment, and where we are in this fight,” Howell-Egan said, “especially as we continue with it.”

What We Are Reading Today: The Border by Diarmaid Ferriter

What We Are Reading Today: The Border by Diarmaid Ferriter
Updated 11 min 51 sec ago

What We Are Reading Today: The Border by Diarmaid Ferriter

What We Are Reading Today: The Border by Diarmaid Ferriter

This book will help you understand why the Brexit issue is so intractable, saying that it has always been the ordinary people of Northern Ireland who have paid the price. They deserve better.

The border has been a topic of dispute for over a century, first in Dublin, Belfast and Westminster and, post Brexit referendum, in Brussels.  Yet, despite the passions of Nationalists and Unionists in the North, neither found deep wells of support in the countries they identified with politically. 

The writer reveals the political, economic, social and cultural consequences of the border in Ireland. The book is a timely intervention by a renowned historian into one of the most misunderstood issues of our time, according to a review on

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit
Updated 14 min 52 sec ago

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit

CAIRO: Saudi Arabia’s interior minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif arrived in Egypt on Saturday evening on an official visit.

His trip is being made on the directives of the Kingdom’s leadership, Saudi Press Agency reported.

Prince Abdulaziz was received at Cairo International Airport by his Egyptian counterpart Major General Mahmoud Tawfiq and the Saudi ambassador to Egypt Saleh bin Eid Al-Hussaini.

Young Saudi paves way in tech, artificial intelligence

Abdullah Hakeem embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030.
Abdullah Hakeem embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030.
Updated 18 min 29 sec ago

Young Saudi paves way in tech, artificial intelligence

Abdullah Hakeem embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030.
  • Abdullah Hakeem is pursuing his dream to advance AI in the Kingdom
  • His journey has led to his involvement in the upcoming Global AI Summit

RIYADH: As the Kingdom forges ahead in the tech industry, young Saudis like Abdullah Hakeem are playing a crucial role in shaping its future while inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

The King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals graduate, 25, is tapping into the power of technology to bridge gaps, enhance communication, and empower communities.

Hakeem’s story began during his studies at KFUPM, where he quickly became a well-known figure among students for his inventive spirit. His first major project was a WhatsApp bot designed to enhance the platform’s functionality.

Abdullah Hakeem, SDAIA strategic competitiveness specialist

“It was a learning tool for me,” Hakeem told Arab News. “I applied new skills and implemented user-suggested features, evolving it based on feedback.”

The bot garnered over 1,000 users, primarily students at the university.

One notable challenge was maintaining the bot’s efficiency amid numerous simultaneous requests. “I overcame this by employing various technical solutions and continuously refining them over time,” he explained.

Understanding the value of community-building, he founded around 30 WhatsApp groups that fostered connections among students interested in development and skill enhancement.

Contributing to the success of my country is a key goal for me.

Abdullah Hakeem, SDAIA strategic competitiveness specialist

Hakeem also organized competitions to encourage peers to challenge themselves and learn. “Bringing people together to learn and grow has always been my passion,” he added.

This commitment to community engagement facilitated a collaborative environment in which students could share knowledge and support one another.

His internship at Takamul Technologies in 2022 marked a pivotal moment in his career. Tasked with resolving a critical issue on the company’s website, he reduced the load time of the 3D section from a cumbersome 70MB to a lightning-fast 100KB.

“This impressive feat earned me a part-time job offer from the CEO, a rare opportunity for an intern,” he said. “It was a confidence boost (to have) my abilities recognized in a professional setting.”

This experience fueled his desire to tackle complex challenges in the tech industry. His innovative spirit culminated in a series of competitions, notably the KFUPM Innovation Hackathon last year, in which he led his team to victory in both web and mobile development tracks.

The hackathon provided a platform for students to showcase their skills and creativity. It honed Hakeem’s leadership skills and also reinforced the importance of collaboration in achieving common goals.

“I adapted my approach to motivate each team member according to their needs,” he said. “Being closely involved in every task allowed me to guide the project effectively.”

Hakeem’s graduation project won first place at the KFUPM Graduation Expo in May last year. The project involved integrating with Foodics, the largest point-of-sale system in the Middle East.

He said: “One of our major challenges was securing a partnership with a restaurant to facilitate the integration process. We designated one team member to manage communications with Foodics and the sponsorship, allowing the rest of us to focus on development.”

This strategic division of responsibilities proved crucial in overcoming obstacles and delivering the project.

Recognition followed, especially through social media. Hakeem and his team shared their journey on X, attracting almost 400,000 views. This exposure led to an invitation from the MISK Foundation to join the prestigious MISK Launchpad program in 2023, where they secured a grant to bring their product to market.

“The experience taught me to build real products, not just software solutions,” he said.

The program provided valuable insights into the product development process, shaping Hakeem’s perspective on the importance of creating meaningful solutions that address real-world problems.

His talents caught the eye of major players in the tech industry. During the Metathon competition toward the end of 2023, he impressed judges, including Rehab Alarfaj from the Saudi Data and AI Authority, who offered him a position on her team.

“Joining SDAIA (this year) was a dream come true,” he added. “It’s a sought-after opportunity in the tech community … my goal is to secure recognition for Saudi Arabia in global AI rankings.”

In his current role within the General Management of Partnership and Competitiveness, Hakeem is committed to advancing artificial intelligence in the Kingdom.

He is currently involved in organizing the Global AI Summit, which is set to take place between Sept. 10-12. This event will showcase the Kingdom’s advances in AI and foster collaboration among international experts.

“Contributing to the success of my country is a key goal for me,” Hakeem said.

As Hakeem continues to contribute and innovate, he embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030, and dedicated to paving the way and leaving a mark on the tech industry and beyond.