Trump gunman Thomas Crooks leaves behind pile of mysteries

Trump gunman Thomas Crooks leaves behind pile of mysteries
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A woman walks by a poster depicting Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man that attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump, during the third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 17, 2024. (AP)
Trump gunman Thomas Crooks leaves behind pile of mysteries
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A poster depicting Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man that attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump, stands on Water street during the third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention near the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee on July 17, 2024. (AP)
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Updated 18 July 2024

Trump gunman Thomas Crooks leaves behind pile of mysteries

Trump gunman Thomas Crooks leaves behind pile of mysteries
  • An FBI review of Crooks’ phone found he had searched for images of both President Joe Biden and Trump, and other famous figures in the days before the shooting, New York Times reports

BUTLER, Pennsylvania: Thomas Crooks was pacing next to a warehouse building outside the Butler Farm Show grounds as a crowd gathered for one of former President Donald Trump’s signature outdoor rallies.
Crooks had already been flagged as suspicious by law enforcement. By the time two police officers walked over to check him out, he was on the roof, belly crawling.
“He’s got a gun,” a bystander yelled.
One officer hoisted the other to the lip of the roof. As the officer pulled his head over the edge, a long-haired young man wearing glasses turned toward him, wielding an AR-15 -style rifle. The officer dropped back to the ground, the Butler County sheriff told Reuters.
Crooks, an introverted 20-year-old computer whiz who had just earned a spot at a college engineering program, turned back to his target about 400 feet away. He squeezed off several shots at Trump, clipping the former president’s ear, killing an audience member and wounding two others before Secret Service snipers on a nearby building killed him with counterfire.
This account of the first assassination attempt to injure a US president since 1981 is based on interviews with more than two dozen people, including law enforcement officials, Crooks’ school associates and witnesses who attended the rally, along with public records and news accounts.
Crooks fired his rifle at approximately 6:10 pm, according to a Reuters photographer at the rally. Trump winced and grabbed his right ear. Secret Service agents tackled the former president and some supporters dived for cover. A bullet hit what appeared to be the hydraulic line of a forklift that held a bank of speakers to the right side of the stage. Fluid spewed across the crowd and the lift’s arm collapsed. To the left, screams erupted where a spectator had been fatally shot.

As Secret Service agents tackled the former president, some supporters scrambled for safety. Others grabbed children and hustled toward the gates.
“The audience wasn’t like what you’d expect out of a crowd that just experienced something like this,” said Saurabh Sharma, a Trump supporter sitting near the front. “Everyone was really quiet. There were a few women crying. They were, you know, saying, ‘I can’t believe they tried to kill him’.”
Four days after the assassination attempt, a coherent picture of the moments before the shooting was emerging. But Crooks’ ideology and reasons for pulling the trigger remained a mystery.
A review of Crooks’ phone by the Federal Bureau of Investigation found he had searched for images of both President Joe Biden and Trump, as well as other famous figures, in the days before the shooting, the New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing US lawmakers briefed on the law enforcement investigation.
Crooks had been searching for the dates of Trump’s public appearances and of the Democratic National Convention, the report said. He had also looked up “major depressive disorder” on his phone, the Times said. Reuters was unable to independently confirm the report.
The shooting comes amid a years-long rise of political violence and threats in the US When that violence turns deadly, it has been more likely to be perpetrated by people on the American right, according to a Reuters analysis published last year. But the ideological motivation behind Saturday’s attack remains unclear.

Politically divided town

Crooks seemed to have a bright future, said two people who knew him at the Community College of Allegheny County, where he graduated in May with a two-year associate’s degree in engineering.
One college instructor told Reuters that she had gone back through his assignments this week, bewildered that the conscientious student who distinguished himself by going “above and beyond” could have turned murderous.
The instructor, who declined to be identified, said his homework responses were thoughtful and his emails polite. He excelled at an assignment to redesign a toy for people with disabilities. “He did a chess set for the blind. He 3D-printed it. He put the Braille on it. He talked to experts in the field,” she recalled. “He really took a lot of care.”
Crooks made less of an impression on classmates. Samuel Strotman, also enrolled in CCAC’s engineering program, took two online classes with Crooks. Strotman said Crooks never spoke in the lectures and had his camera turned off.
A college employee who knew Crooks said he was quiet but pleasant. “It’s just very, very, very unexpected,” the employee said. Crooks had seemed interested in pursuing a career in mechanical engineering, the employee said.
The college closed its engineering program on June 30. Crooks was planning to continue his engineering education at nearby Robert Morris University, that school confirmed.
Most recently, he worked as a dietary aide at a nursing home, where he “performed his job without concern,” the center said. The job was down the street from his home in Bethel Park, a middle-class suburb of Pittsburgh, where he had lived in a modest brick home with his parents and older sister.
At Bethel Park High School, where he graduated in 2022, he kept a low profile, according to classmates. One former classmate told The Philadelphia Inquirer that Crooks expressed conservative views in a history class where other students leaned liberal. Others said his views were never apparent. His photo was missing in his senior yearbook, with his name listed under “not pictured.” He enjoyed gaming and building computers, a classmate told Reuters.
Crooks’ town, Bethel Park, is divided almost down America’s political middle. In the 2020 election, Trump eked out a 65-vote margin in the borough of about 33,000 people, results show.
The political split showed up in the Crooks household. Thomas was a registered Republican. His father is a Libertarian and his mother is a Democrat, voter registration records show. Both are social workers. When Crooks was 17, he made a $15 donation to a political action committee earmarked for a Democratic turnout group, according to federal election data.
His school counselor Jim Knapp, who retired in 2022, said Crooks rarely came across his radar because he wasn’t a “needy type kid.” Knapp occasionally checked on him at lunch because he was sitting alone. “I’d say, ‘Do you want to sit with somebody?’ And he’d say, ‘No, I’m okay by myself,’” Knapp recalled.
Former high-school classmate Max Rich said Crooks was shy and “never seemed like the type” to commit such violence. He left virtually no digital footprint. He spent time on Discord, a gaming platform, but the company said it found “no evidence that it was used to plan this incident, promote violence, or discuss his political views.”
Crooks was a member of the local Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, a gun club. He was wearing a shirt advertising “Demolition Ranch,” a YouTube channel for firearms enthusiasts, when he was killed. After the shooting, Matt Carriker, a Texas veterinarian who runs the Demolition Ranch channel, posted a video on X saying he was “shocked and confused” to learn that Crooks was wearing his channel’s merchandise. “We keep politics out of it,” he said, adding that he did not know and had never met or communicated with Crooks.

Homemade bombs & ammunition

Crooks appeared to spend at least some time preparing for the Trump event. He bought ammunition on the day of the rally, stopping at a gun store in his hometown of Bethel Park to pick up 50 rounds, according to a joint bulletin issued this week by the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is leading the investigation.
He built three homemade bombs – two found in his car and another in his home, according to the bulletin, which was reviewed by Reuters. In the preceding months, the bulletin noted, Crooks had received “multiple packages, including some marked as possibly containing hazardous material.”

An Allegheny County Police Department Bomb Squad vehicle makes its way to the home of assassination suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks on July 14, 2024. Police said three homemade bombs were found – two in his car and another in his home. (Reuters)

At the rally, Crooks caught the attention of local law enforcement while pacing around the grounds before Trump took the stage. One officer called in a report of a suspicious person and snapped a photo that was distributed electronically to other officers at the scene, according to Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe, a Trump backer who was seated near the front of the rally as a special guest.
As two Butler Township Police officers responded to the call, people in the crowd already had noticed a man on the roof. Some yelled that he had a gun, according to crowd-shot video reviewed by Reuters. Slupe told Reuters the officer who initially pulled himself onto the roof had no time to unholster his gun when Crooks turned on him, leaving him no option but to drop back to the ground.
Secret Service officials have said their agency is responsible for securing the area within the event’s security perimeter; the building used by Crooks was just outside it. But some former agency officials and other security experts have disputed that contention, arguing that buildings with a direct sight line and within firing range of the former president should have been swept and under constant surveillance by the service’s sniper teams.
Local officials have bristled at any suggestions that town or county law enforcement was responsible for securing the building.
“The Butler Township Police Department had no security detail for this event,” Butler Township commissioner Edward Natali wrote in a Tuesday post on Facebook, noting that the township had seven officers on site solely for traffic duty. Even though the officer who confronted Crooks on the roof had to fall back, he added, the encounter “most likely forced the shooter to hurry his shots.”

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East
Updated 7 sec ago

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East

Why Afghanistan’s high rates of childhood lead exposure are a cautionary tale for the Middle East
  • Lead poisoning is a silent epidemic in Afghanistan, damaging the brains and futures of nearly all Afghan children
  • Contaminated cookware, battery recycling, and conflict remnants are poisoning millions, harming cognitive development

DUBAI: With one of the world’s highest rates of childhood lead exposure, Afghanistan is in the midst of a major public health crisis, perpetuating a cycle of poverty, illness and lost potential, in what could be a cautionary tale for impoverished and war-devastated countries in the Middle East.

It is estimated that almost all Afghan children have some degree of lead poisoning, which can result in brain damage, irreversible loss of intelligence, behavioral difficulties and learning problems.

A 2020 survey found that one in three children has lead in their blood above the threshold for lead poisoning, meaning they could suffer damage to their cardiovascular system and internal organs, and experience behavioral problems in adulthood.

It is estimated that almost all Afghan children have some degree of lead poisoning, which can result in brain damage, irreversible loss of intelligence, behavioral difficulties and learning problems. (AFP)

The “Toxic Truth” report by the UN children’s fund, UNICEF, and the non-profit environmental health organization Pure Earth estimates that about 800 million children worldwide have blood lead levels exceeding 5 micrograms per deciliter.

“The consequences of lead poisoning for global health, for children’s education and for overall development and economic growth are staggering,” Rachel Bonnifield, a senior fellow at the US-based Center for Global Development, told a recent conference on lead and public health.

While some of those affected live in wealthy countries, it is mainly poor countries such as Afghanistan that have the highest rates of lead poisoning, as their populations are more likely to be exposed to lead from multiple sources.

These sources can include inhaling dust and fumes from lead-acid battery recycling operations, being around open-air smelters, as well as eating food contaminated by cookware containing traces of lead and lead-infused spices such as turmeric.

Afghan children play on the remains of an old destroyed Soviet tank in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad on September 29, 2012. (AFP)

Children playing or working in lead-contaminated spaces such as electronic waste dumps also face a high risk of exposure.

Lead poisoning is a serious health issue in the Middle East, with significant impacts in countries such as Iraq, Yemen and Egypt.

In Iraq, decades of conflict have left high levels of lead contamination, especially near industrial sites and in urban areas, leading to widespread health problems among children, including cognitive impairments and developmental delays.

In Yemen, lead poisoning has been exacerbated by the use of contaminated water sources and the lack of proper waste management, resulting in elevated blood lead levels in children. 

Similarly, in Egypt, the use of leaded paint and lead-infused pottery has contributed to widespread exposure.


  • 815m Children worldwide who have exposure levels considered as lead poisoning.
  • 20% Proportion of learning gap between rich and poor countries attributable to lead poisoning.
  • 5.5m Deaths each year caused by cardio-vascular diseases linked to lead exposure.

(Source: CGD)

Gaza has also seen significant rates of lead poisoning, in part owing to Israel’s 2008 ban on the export of used batteries, which resulted in mountains of discarded units piling up in the overcrowded enclave, where their chemical contents leak and contaminate the soil and water.

According to the World Health Organization, there is no safe level of lead exposure. Even low levels have been shown to damage cognitive development, IQ and attention span in children.

Juvenile delinquent behavior and adult violence have also been associated with lead exposure. Studies have found that pupils with a lower concentration of lead in their blood are less likely to commit crimes or be arrested.

In Afghanistan, however, few are even aware that they and their children are being poisoned, nor are they aware of the health consequences.

An Afghan labourer makes metal pots at an aluminum factory in Herat on January 22, 2019. (AFP)

Afghans who work in electrical waste dumps or metal work factories have little or no protection. Many wrap scarves around their faces as a makeshift guard against the fumes. Few of them wear gloves as they carry scrap to the furnace, raising the likelihood of contamination.

Some of these factories produce pressure cookers and cooking pots called kazans, which Afghans use to cook their daily meals — unaware of the lead contaminants seeping into their food from the cheaply made alloy.

A kazan, usually made out of low-quality recycled aluminum, is a kitchenware staple in Afghanistan. Their popularity has thereby contributed to widespread lead poisoning.

Some factories produce pressure cookers and cooking pots called kazans, which Afghans use to cook their daily meals — unaware of the lead contaminants seeping into their food from the cheaply made alloy. (Shutterstock)

The Taliban government, which returned to power in 2021, appears to lack the financial means and political will to address the problem, as it wrestles with a succession of humanitarian emergencies and security threats amid its continuing isolation by the international community.

“The government is not taking any measures to stop the exposure,” said Ali, a Kabul-based Afghan who spoke to Arab News on condition of anonymity. “I don’t think the men who work in the dump and metal fields are aware of the dangers of their work.

“The men work to put food on their family’s table. Where do you start to explain that even the cookware is poisoning them?”

Baffled by high levels of lead found in children arriving in America from Afghanistan, US researchers conducted studies on kazans and other aluminum cookware, only to find the products far exceeded the US Food and Drug Administration’s limit for lead content.

As a result, multiple states have put out warnings against the use of Afghan pressure cookers. This year, Washington state banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of lead-contaminated pots altogether.

However, Afghan cookware is not the only source of lead contamination.

Decades of conflict in Afghanistan have left the country littered with the remnants of spent and unexploded munitions and ordnance, and the wreckage of military vehicles, polluting the environment with lead and other harmful elements.

Additionally, the use of kohl — a kind of eyeliner worn to guard against the sun’s glare and as part of traditional dress — is also a culprit of lead poisoning.

Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, an India-based specialist in hepatology and liver transplant medicine, says that lead poisoning is among the most damaging things to a child’s physical development.

Afghan deminers from the Halo Trust prepare to detonate unexploded ordnance (UXO) at a hill in Deh Sabz district of Kabul on May 21, 2024. (AFP)

In a recent thread on the social media platform X, Philips said that even exposure to small amounts of lead can result in children appearing “inattentive, hyperactive and irritable.”

“Afghanistan has a major public health crisis,” Philips said. “Almost all children have lead poisoning there.”

He added: “Children with greater lead levels may also have problems with learning and reading, delayed growth and hearing loss. Studies show that lead exposure leads to reduced IQ in children, and this reduction in IQ carries on into adulthood.

“It also causes attention deficit disorders and has been linked to both Parkinson’s disease and, more recently, Alzheimer’s disease. Children who survive severe lead poisoning may be left with permanent intellectual disability and behavioral disorders.”

An Afghan internally-displaced woman cooks in front of her tent at Shaidayee refugee camp in Injil district of Herat province on February 20, 2022. (AFP)

Although lead poisoning is a complex challenge that will take time to solve, the Center for Global Development says it remains entirely feasible to end childhood lead poisoning by the year 2040.

The center says the international community must invest $350 million to tackle the three known sources of lead exposure — paint, spices and battery recycling. Money should also be allocated to research and to raising public awareness about the dangers of lead contamination.

UNICEF has outlined a six-pronged approach to tackling the scourge of lead poisoning, including monitoring and reporting systems and building capacity for blood testing and identifying lead-contaminated sites.

It also calls for control measures to prevent children and pregnant women from being exposed to lead, including guarantees of adequate nutrition and the elimination or replacement of lead in cookware.

Workers make traditional tin stoves at a tin workshop in Kabul on September 19, 2023. (AFP)

Furthermore, UNICEF calls for the provision of training for health care providers on how to identify and manage lead exposure in children and pregnant women, as well as providing enhanced educational interventions and services alongside cognitive behavioral therapy.

Additionally, governments should launch public awareness campaigns on the dangers and sources of lead poisoning.

Legislation, including the development of health and safety precautions and standards, especially in substances that contain lead such as paint, lead-acid batteries and other e-waste, is also necessary.

This also extends to eliminating lead compounds in gasoline, children’s toys, cosmetics, spices and medicines.

Finally, global and regional action is required to create a global standard unit of measures to track and verify pollution and public health, as well as establishing partnerships and creating international standards for the recycling of lead-infused products.


Trump, Harris agree to mute mics for Sept. 10 US presidential debate, Trump says

Trump, Harris agree to mute mics for Sept. 10 US presidential debate, Trump says
Updated 4 min 8 sec ago

Trump, Harris agree to mute mics for Sept. 10 US presidential debate, Trump says

Trump, Harris agree to mute mics for Sept. 10 US presidential debate, Trump says
  • Trump said the rules for next month’s debate will be the same as they were for the June CNN debate he had with President Joe Biden
  • Harris’ campaign had said it wanted the broadcaster to keep the candidates’ microphones on throughout the event

WASHINGTON: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday an agreement has been reached to have closed microphones at the Sept. 10 US presidential debate with Democratic rival Kamala Harris.
The Harris campaign did not immediately return a request for confirmation about the ABC-hosted debate.
The candidates campaigns clashed on Monday over the previously agreed-upon debate, with the vice president’s team seeking a return to open microphones while Trump threatened to pull out entirely after suggesting the network was biased.
In a social media post on Tuesday, Trump said the rules for next month’s debate will be the same as they were for the June CNN debate he had with President Joe Biden, whose poor performance led him to drop out of the 2024 race.
“The Debate will be ‘stand up,’ and Candidates cannot bring notes, or ‘cheat sheets.’ We have also been given assurance by ABC that this will be a ‘fair and equitable’ Debate, and that neither side will be given the questions in advance,” Trump wrote.
The CNN debate did not have a live audience. Trump’s post did not mention that.
Harris’ campaign had said it wanted the broadcaster to keep the candidates’ microphones on throughout the event, not muted when their opponent was speaking as in the last presidential debate. So-called “hot mics” can help or hurt political candidates, catching offhand comments that sometimes were not meant for the public.
While Trump’s team said it had already agreed to have closed microphones, Trump later told reporters that he preferred to have his microphone kept on.
Trump’s campaign has floated an additional debate on Sept. 4 on Fox News network but the Harris team rejected that.

Greek-flagged oil tanker appears to be leaking oil, Pentagon says

Greek-flagged oil tanker appears to be leaking oil, Pentagon says
Updated 26 min 58 sec ago

Greek-flagged oil tanker appears to be leaking oil, Pentagon says

Greek-flagged oil tanker appears to be leaking oil, Pentagon says
  • The Sounion was the third vessel operated by Athens-based Delta Tankers to be attacked in the Red Sea this month

WASHINGTON: The Greek-flagged crude oil tanker Sounion that was recently attacked by Yemen’s Houthis is still on fire in the Red Sea and now appears to be leaking oil, a Pentagon spokesman said on Tuesday.
The Sounion was targeted last week by multiple projectiles off Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah. The Houthis, who control Yemen’s most populous regions, said they attacked it in the Red Sea, as the Iran-aligned group has been attacking ships in solidarity with Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
Pentagon spokesman Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder said that a third party had tried to send two tugs to help salvage the Sounion, but the Houthis threatened to attack them. He said the tanker was carrying about 1 million barrels of crude oil.
“These are simply reckless acts of terrorism which continue to destabilize global and regional commerce, put the lives of innocent civilian mariners at risk and imperil the vibrant maritime ecosystem in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the Houthis’ own backyard,” Ryder added.
The Sounion was the third vessel operated by Athens-based Delta Tankers to be attacked in the Red Sea this month. The attack caused a fire onboard, which the crew extinguished, Delta Tankers said in a statement.

Captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily doesn’t respond to prosecutors’ questions, lawyer says

Italian firefighters and health workers carry a body bag with a victim after a sailboat sank off the coast of Porticello.
Italian firefighters and health workers carry a body bag with a victim after a sailboat sank off the coast of Porticello.
Updated 27 August 2024

Captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily doesn’t respond to prosecutors’ questions, lawyer says

Italian firefighters and health workers carry a body bag with a victim after a sailboat sank off the coast of Porticello.
  • James Cutfield, a 51-year-old New Zealand national, is under investigation for possible manslaughter and culpable shipwreck charges

ROME: The captain of a superyacht that sank during a storm off Sicily last week, killing seven people, decided not to respond to prosecutors’ questions on Tuesday, his lawyer said.
James Cutfield, a 51-year-old New Zealand national, is under investigation for possible manslaughter and culpable shipwreck charges and was questioned for the third time by the Termini Imerese prosecutors on Tuesday.
“He just exercised his right to remain silent, probably prosecutors were expecting that,” lawyer Aldo Mordiglia told The Associated Press, adding that the captain’s legal team has just been named and needs time to work on his defensive strategy.
Cutfield was among 15 survivors of the Aug. 19 sinking that killed British tech magnate Mike Lynch, his daughter Hannah and five others.
Chief prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio, who’s heading the investigation, has said his team would consider each possible element of responsibility including those of the captain, the crew, individuals in charge of supervision and the yacht’s manufacturer.
The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged luxury yacht, went down near the Mediterranean island in southern Italy. Investigators are focusing on how a sailing vessel deemed “unsinkable” by its manufacturer, Italian shipyard Perini Navi, sank while a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed.
Prosecutors said the event was “extremely rapid” and could have been a “downburst” — a localized, powerful wind that descends from a thunderstorm and spreads out rapidly upon hitting the ground.
The crew was saved, except for the chef, while six passengers were trapped in the hull.

Indian businesses eye GCC partnerships in renewables, health, tourism

Aseem R. Mahajan (C), joint secretary for the Gulf at the Ministry of External Affairs, speaks during a business dialogue.
Aseem R. Mahajan (C), joint secretary for the Gulf at the Ministry of External Affairs, speaks during a business dialogue.
Updated 27 August 2024

Indian businesses eye GCC partnerships in renewables, health, tourism

Aseem R. Mahajan (C), joint secretary for the Gulf at the Ministry of External Affairs, speaks during a business dialogue.
  • India’s top business body is hopeful for India-GCC free trade pact
  • Gulf region has emerged as hub for innovation, Indian envoy says

NEW DELHI: India’s top business stakeholders discussed on Tuesday the future of economic and commercial engagements with Gulf Cooperation Council countries amid growing opportunities in sectors such as infrastructure, renewable energy, health and tourism.

The GCC is India’s largest bloc trading partner, with trade valued at $162 billion in the 2023-24 fiscal year, up about four percent from the previous year. In 2023, Gulf nations also contributed about $3.7 billion in foreign direct investment to the South Asian country.

India-GCC ties are also growing in other areas, with 8.8 million Indian nationals living and working in the region forming a bulk of its workforce and millions of travelers from India becoming a growing target market for the Gulf’s tourism sector.

In an initiative organized by India’s top business body, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the country’s officials and businesses gathered on Tuesday to explore cooperation opportunities with the GCC in new sectors.

“Sovereign wealth funds in GCC countries are looking at investment opportunities in India,” Aseem R. Mahajan, joint secretary for the Gulf at the Ministry of External Affairs, said during the event.

“We are looking at many diverse areas. Infrastructure, hydrocarbons, renewable energy, food processing, technology, health, hospitality, tourism; many of these areas have potential where industry can build fruitful joint ventures and partnerships.”

Each of the Gulf countries also offer their particular opportunities, Indian ambassadors in the Gulf said.

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 transformation project “will open up opportunities in various sectors,” said Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, Indian ambassador to the Kingdom. This includes construction, mining, renewable energy, automobiles and tourism.

GCC countries have also emerged as an important hub for innovation, Indian Ambassador to the UAE Sunjay Sudhir said.

“With countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia leading … the future holds immense potential for deeper cooperation in emerging sectors such as AI, health care and space technology,” he said.

The discussions on Tuesday were also aimed at helping Indian businesses identify potential opportunities in the Gulf region.

“We will get into the nuts and bolts, and that is what is important in this. And it will enable us to enlarge our area of activity, look at new investments and the new avenues which will open up for us,” P.S. Jayaraman, chairman, TCI Sanmar Chemicals SAE, told Arab News on the sidelines of the event.

“This is going to be in the best interest of the Indian industries.”

As FICCI works with its counterparts in GCC countries to further encourage trade and investments, it is hopeful that new agreements and initiatives could boost existing ties between India and the bloc.

“Looking ahead, pursuing a free trade agreement between India and the GCC holds immense promise for both regions. Such an agreement would facilitate smoother trade and investment flows, further integrating our economies,” said Adeeb Ahamed, chair of FICCI’s Middle East Council.

“Additionally, initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor represent significant opportunities for enhanced connectivity and economic cooperation, and I am hopeful that they will soon become a reality.”