Milan airport to be named after former PM Berlusconi

Milan airport to be named after former PM Berlusconi
Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi. (Reuters)
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Updated 09 July 2024

Milan airport to be named after former PM Berlusconi

Milan airport to be named after former PM Berlusconi
  • Matteo Salvini: ‘The final decision rests with the Minister of Transport and I am ready to sign it in memory of my friend Silvio, great entrepreneur, great Milanese, and great Italian’
  • Milan’s mayor Giuseppe Sala said that the decision to change the name of Malpensa, one of the biggest airports in Italy, should not have been Salvini’s alone

ROME: Milan airport is to be named after Italy’s scandal-dogged tycoon Silvio Berlusconi, a former three-time prime minister, despite protests Tuesday from the Italian city’s center-left mayor.
Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who is also transport minister and head of the far-right League party, announced the name change Friday, just over a year after Berlusconi’s death.
“The final decision rests with the Minister of Transport and I am ready to sign it, with pride and emotion, in memory of my friend Silvio, great entrepreneur, great Milanese, and great Italian,” Salvini said.
Milan’s mayor Giuseppe Sala said Tuesday the decision to change the name of Malpensa, one of the biggest airports in Italy, should not have been Salvini’s alone.
“Can a decision of this kind be made in 24 hours?” he was quoted by the AGI Italian news agency as saying.
Billionaire Berlusconi, who died in June last year aged 86, had strong ties to Milan but was a highly divisive figure.
While some Italians saw him as a charming, self-made man, others slammed him as an international embarrassment, particularly due to his many legal woes and sexual scandals.
The former cruise ship singer was born in the northern Italian city and built his immense fortune there.
For over 30 years he chaired AC Milan, which won the Champions League five times on his watch.
But he was also dogged by accusations he paid young starlets for their silence over his notoriously hedonistic soirees, which he always insisted were elegant dinners.
Berlusconi was sentenced in 2013 to seven years in jail for paying for sex with a 17-year-old starlet known as “Ruby the Heart-Stealer,” though that conviction was later overturned.
His second wife, Veronica Lario, divorced him in 2014, saying at the time that she could no longer tolerate his “consorting with minors.”
The Milan division of Italy’s main opposition party, the center-left Democratic Party (PD), also assailed what the “inappropriate and wrong choice.”
“Our gateway to the world deserves to represent a shared memory and the unifying values of our country,” it said in a statement, saying it was collecting names of “non-divisive figures” for whom Malpensa could be named.
Left-wing trade union CGIL posted an online petition on to propose naming the airport instead after Carla Fracci (1936-2021), a renowned Italian ballet dancer from Milan.
It said Fracci “transmitted elegance, style and bravura throughout the world,” and appealed to authorities to “avoid choices that are sources of deep divisions.”

India’s Modi focuses on jobs creation in first budget after winning polls

India’s Modi focuses on jobs creation in first budget after winning polls
Updated 10 sec ago

India’s Modi focuses on jobs creation in first budget after winning polls

India’s Modi focuses on jobs creation in first budget after winning polls
  • India’s finance minister says economy grew at sizzling 8.2 percent rate duirng last fiscal year
  • Modi remains under pressure to generate jobs to sustain India’s economic growth

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s newly formed government presented an annual budget to Parliament that raises spending to generate more jobs and spur economic growth, while aiming to appease coalition partners it needs to stay in power.

In her budget speech Tuesday, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government is focused on driving domestic growth through jobs, training and small businesses.

India’s inflation rate is stable and moving toward the government’s 4 percent target, she said, while the economy grew at a sizzling 8.2 percent rate in the last fiscal year.

“India’s economic growth continues to be the shining exception and will remain so in the years ahead,” Sitharaman said.

More than a decade after he first took office as prime minister, Modi is under pressure to generate more jobs to help sustain growth.

The proposed budget includes a $24 billion package for job creation over the next five years and raises spending on loans for small and medium-size businesses. It allocates $18 billion to support agriculture and farm technology, such as climate-resilient seed varieties.

It also would raise spending, to $133 billion, on construction of thirty million homes for the poor, schools, airports, highways and other infrastructure. The budget would cut taxes on big corporations and allocate more funds to two states, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, that are governed by the Modi government’s biggest coalition partners.

The government plans to build new airports, medical colleges and sports and tourism facilities in eastern India’s Bihar state, which is ruled by the Janata Dal (United) party.

Sitharaman also announced special financial support for southern India’s Andhra Pradesh state, ruled by the Telugu Desam party.

Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party is relying on those two regional parties to keep its coalition government in power after it failed to win a majority on its own in recent national elections.

India’s economy — the fifth largest in the world — is projected to grow at an annual rate of between 6.5 percent to 7 percent in the fiscal year ending in March 2025. But experts say the benefits of its rapid growth are shared unequally, as wealth of already affluent Indians has risen steadily without reaching the the majority of Indians who toil in the country’s large informal sector, where the quality of jobs is poor and precarious.

Billions of dollars worth of subsidies to manufacturing have not led to creation of enough jobs. To mitigate rising unemployment, the government said it will provide 12-month paid internship opportunities to 10 million young people in India’s top 500 companies for a five-year period. Sitharaman said the training cost will be borne by the companies.

According to the Center for Monitoring the Indian Economy, youth unemployment was at 9.2 percent in early July, underscoring the challenge of delivering jobs in the world’s most populous country, where millions graduate every year.

Inequality has surged in India in the last decade. According to a report by World Inequality Lab, wealth concentrated in the richest 1 percent of India’s population is at its highest in six decades.

The government is aiming for a fiscal deficit of 4.9 percent of India’s gross domestic product for the 2024-25 financial year, lower than the 5.1 percent figure in February’s short-term budget, Sitharaman said.

India is one of the highest current sources of emissions that lead to global warming, but the government announced plans Tuesday to set up a new 800-megawatt coal-fired thermal power plant. Sitharaman said the government will also support development of small and modular nuclear reactors to help meet India’s future energy demand.

The budget also allocates $1.37 billion to address damage from floods. India, which is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate impacts, has suffered an increase in flooding due to extreme rains and glacier melt in the last few years.

The budget requires approval from both houses of Parliament, but it is bound to be enacted as Modi’s coalition government holds a majority.

Netanyahu visit risks US exposure to war crimes allegations: HRW

Netanyahu visit risks US exposure to war crimes allegations: HRW
Updated 1 min 6 sec ago

Netanyahu visit risks US exposure to war crimes allegations: HRW

Netanyahu visit risks US exposure to war crimes allegations: HRW
  • Israeli prime minister to appear before joint Congress session on July 24
  • Lawmakers should be ‘seriously concerned about liability risks’: Human Rights Watch director

LONDON: US lawmakers risk exposure to war crimes allegations amid Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint Congress session on July 24, Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday.

Netanyahu’s visit “highlights the continued and significant US supply of weapons to Israel’s military despite credible allegations of ongoing war crimes in Gaza,” HRW added.

Late last year, the Biden administration increased the threshold for delivering weapons exports to foreign countries, in an apparent attempt to reduce the likelihood of international law violations.

Washington is also mandated by domestic laws to carry out a risk assessment before providing arms exports.

But despite HRW and Oxfam warning in March that Israeli assurances to the US over the legal requirements were “not credible,” the Biden administration reported to Congress in May that Tel Aviv was “complying” with the new US threshold and domestic laws.

Tirana Hassan, HRW’s executive director, said: “US officials are well aware of the mounting evidence that Israeli forces have committed war crimes in Gaza, including most likely with US weapons.

“US lawmakers should be seriously concerned about the liability risks of continuing to provide arms and intelligence based on Israel’s flimsy assurances that it’s abiding by the laws of war.”

HRW and Oxfam filed a dossier to the US State Department that highlighted Israel’s numerous violations of international law in Gaza.

The Israel Defense Forces have “unlawfully attacked residential buildings, medical facilities and aid workers, restricted medical evacuations and used starvation as a weapon of war,” HRW said.

“Israeli authorities have detained and mistreated thousands of Palestinians, with persistent reports of torture.

“In the occupied West Bank, where Israeli forces have killed over 500 Palestinians since Oct. 7, settlers and soldiers have displaced entire Palestinian communities, destroying every home, with the apparent backing of higher Israeli authorities and effectively confiscating Palestinians’ lands.”

US weapons have been used by Israeli forces throughout the period, HRW warned, citing reports by CNN, National Public Radio, the New York Times and Agence France-Presse.

Under international law, a state assisting another state or non-state actor can be complicit in war crimes if prior knowledge and contribution to the partner’s intentions is found. Individuals can also be prosecuted under this guideline.

HRW called on the US and other weapons suppliers to immediately suspend military assistance to Israel.

By using its leverage, including through targeted sanctions, the Biden administration can “save lives,” the organization added.

US warns of China-Russia cooperation in Arctic

US warns of China-Russia cooperation in Arctic
Updated 11 min 27 sec ago

US warns of China-Russia cooperation in Arctic

US warns of China-Russia cooperation in Arctic
  • Russia has in recent years beefed up its military presence in the Arctic
  • China has poured money into polar exploration and research

WASHINGTON: The US Defense Department warned Monday of increasing Russian-Chinese collaboration in the Arctic, as climate change opens the region to greater competition over maritime routes and resources.
“We’ve seen growing cooperation between the PRC and Russia in the Arctic commercially, with the PRC being a major funder of Russian energy exploitation in the Arctic,” Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks told journalists, using an abbreviation for the People’s Republic of China.
There is also growing military cooperation, “with Russia and China conducting joint exercises off the coast of Alaska,” Hicks said as the department released its 2024 Arctic strategy.
“All of these challenges have been amplified because the effects of climate change are rapidly warming temperatures and thinning ice coverage, and it’s enabling all of this activity,” she said.
The Arctic strategy describes it as “a strategically important region” for the United States that includes “the northern approaches to the homeland” and “significant US defense infrastructure.”
Russia has in recent years beefed up its military presence in the Arctic by reopening and modernizing several bases and airfields abandoned since the end of the Soviet era, while China has poured money into polar exploration and research.
The rapid melting of polar ice has sent activity in the inhospitable region into overdrive as nations eye newly viable oil, gas and mineral deposits as well as shipping routes in an area with a complex web of competing territorial claims.
“The Arctic may experience its first practically ice-free summer by 2030, and the loss of sea ice will increase the viability of Arctic maritime transit routes and access to undersea resources,” the Arctic strategy says.
“Increases in human activity will elevate the risk of accidents, miscalculation, and environmental degradation,” and US forces “must be ready and equipped to mitigate the risks associated with potential contingencies in the Arctic.”
China later defended its Arctic policy and said it acts on the “principles of respect, cooperation, mutual wins and sustainability,” adding it was “committed to maintaining peace and stability” in the region.
“The United States distorts China’s Arctic policy and makes thoughtless remarks on China’s normal Arctic activities (which are) in accordance with international law,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said.

Violence against women and girls in UK a ‘national emergency’: police

Violence against women and girls in UK a ‘national emergency’: police
Updated 44 min 16 sec ago

Violence against women and girls in UK a ‘national emergency’: police

Violence against women and girls in UK a ‘national emergency’: police

LONDON: Violence against women and girls in England and Wales is a “national emergency” with almost 3,000 offenses recorded daily, police warned in a new report published on Tuesday.
The study, commissioned by two law enforcement bodies, estimates that at least one in every 12 women will be a victim every year, with the exact number expected to be much higher.
“Violence against women and girls is a national emergency,” senior police chief Maggie Blyth said in comments accompanying the report.
The study found that more than one million violent crimes against women and girls were recorded by police in 2022-2023.
They accounted for just under a fifth of all police-recorded crime excluding fraud in England and Wales between April 2022 and March 2023.
The report said violence against women and girls had increased 37 percent between 2018-2019 and last year, with domestic abuse being one of the biggest demands on policing.
One in 20 adults in England and Wales, or 2.3 million people, will be perpetrators of crimes against women and girls annually, the study added.
“These are cautious estimates as we know much crime goes unreported and in policing, we often only see the tip of the iceberg,” Blyth said.
She warned that violence against females in the two countries had “reached epidemic levels” and called for government intervention in the “overwhelmed” criminal justice system.
Child sexual abuse and exploitation offenses meanwhile jumped by 435 percent between 2013 and 2022, the report estimated — from just over 20,000 to nearly 107,000.
Offenders are getting younger, with the average age of a suspect now 15, it said.
The report said stalking and harassment accounted for 85 percent of online-related offenses.
Britain’s interior ministry declared violence against women and girls a national threat to public safety in February last year.
More than 4,500 new officers have been trained to investigate rape and serious sexual offenses over the last year, with the report detailing a 38-percent increase in charges for adult rape from the year ending December 2022 to the year ending December 2023.

Death toll from Ethiopia landslide rises to 146: local official

Death toll from Ethiopia landslide rises to 146: local official
Updated 52 min 33 sec ago

Death toll from Ethiopia landslide rises to 146: local official

Death toll from Ethiopia landslide rises to 146: local official

ADDIS ABABA: The death toll from a landslide in southern Ethiopia has risen to at least 146, a local official said Tuesday, warning the number could rise.
“The number of dead from the sudden landslide that happened in Geze-Gofa district of Gofa zone has passed 146,” a statement from the Gofa zone Communications Affairs Department said, quoting local official Habtamu Fetena, who warned “the number of dead could increase.”