Najm offers vehicle repair for third-party clients

The Najm Repair Network Service is a first initiative of its kind in the Saudi insurance sector, which will enhance road safety and reduce the burden on those affected by traffic accidents.
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Najm for Insurance Services Company has launched a new service to repair third-party insurance clients’ vehicles affected by traffic accidents. The Najm Repair Network Service is a first initiative of its kind in the Saudi insurance sector, which will enhance road safety by ensuring the safety of vehicles and reducing the burden on those affected by traffic accidents. It targets third-party insurance clients by repairing their vehicles at centers accredited by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization. The aim is to provide a fast and high-quality repair service in accordance with the highest standards.

The NRN service supports vehicle owners affected by traffic accidents, by repairing their vehicles instead of offering compensation in cash. It will facilitate the customer’s journey after an accident by sparing them the effort to submit and follow up on insurance claim procedures, estimate vehicle damage and track the repair process.

In the event of an accident involving a third-party insurance client vehicle, Najm will communicate with the client through several channels to explain the procedure for vehicle repair, following which the vehicle will be towed from the customer’s location to the damage assessment center “Taqdeer” for estimating the damage. After that, the vehicle will be transferred to the repair center, a claim will be submitted to the insurance company and the vehicle will be repaired and returned to the customer’s location with a repair guarantee provided. Najm provides all these services free of charge without burdening vehicle owners with any additional costs.

Najm CEO Mohammed Y. Al-Shehri said: “The NRN service from Najm will contribute to providing alternative solutions that ensure achieving the best possible benefits of insurance compensation, by providing a high-quality repair service for third-party insurance clients’ vehicles affected by traffic accidents. It also supports safety on the roads, protects our society, helps increase investments in the vehicle repair sector and reduces fraud.”

He added: “Najm aims to provide the best service standards to its customers as well as activate innovative solutions to improve the customer experience and meet their expectations in the best possible way. Najm also seeks to raise insurance awareness, achieve traffic safety and protect the people’s lives.”

Al-Shehri said that several service providers have positively responded to the NRN service by signing partnership agreements with Najm.