Biden dismisses age questions in interview as he tries to salvage reelection effort

Biden dismisses age questions in interview as he tries to salvage reelection effort
President Joe Biden responds to questions from the traveling press as he arrives at Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle, Del., from a campaign rally in Madison, Wis. (File/AP)
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Updated 06 July 2024

Biden dismisses age questions in interview as he tries to salvage reelection effort

Biden dismisses age questions in interview as he tries to salvage reelection effort
  • The 81-year-old Biden made it through the 22-minute interview without any major blunders

MADISON, Wisconsin: President Joe Biden, fighting to save his endangered reelection effort, used a highly anticipated TV interview Friday to repeatedly reject taking an independent medical evaluation that would show voters he is up for serving another term in office while blaming his disastrous debate performance on a “bad episode” and saying there were “no indications of any serious condition.”
“Look, I have a cognitive test every single day,” Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, referring to the tasks he faces daily in a rigorous job. “Every day, I have that test. Everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world.”
The 81-year-old Biden made it through the 22-minute interview without any major blunders that would inflict further damage to his imperiled candidacy, but it appeared unlikely to fully tamp down concerns about his age and fitness for another four years and his ability to defeat Donald Trump in November.
It left Biden in a standoff against a not-insignificant faction of his party with four months to go until Election Day, and with just weeks until the Democratic National Convention. The drawn-out spectacle could benefit Biden’s efforts to remain in the race by limiting the party’s options to replace him. But it also could be a distraction from vital efforts to frame the 2024 race as a referendum on Trump.
During the interview, Biden insisted he was not more frail than earlier in his presidency. He said he undergoes “ongoing assessment” by his personal doctors and they “don’t hesitate to tell me” if something is wrong.
“Can I run the 100 in 10 flat? No. But I’m still in good shape,” Biden said.
As for the debate, “I didn’t listen to my instincts in terms of preparing,” Biden said.
Biden suggested that Trump’s disruptions — from just a few feet away — had flustered him: “I realized that, even when I was answering a question and they turned his mic off, he was still shouting and I let it distract me. I’m not blaming it on that. But I realized that I just wasn’t in control.”
At times, Biden rambled during the interview, which ABC said aired in full and without edits. At one point, he started to explain his debate performance, then veered to a New York Times poll, then pivoted to the lies Trump told during the debate. Biden also referred to the midterm “red wave” as occurring in 2020, rather than 2022.
Asked how he might turn the race around, Biden argued that one key would be large and energetic rallies like the one he held Friday in Wisconsin. When reminded that Trump routinely draws larger crowds, the president laid into his opponent.
“Trump is a pathological liar,” Biden said, accusing Trump of bungling the federal response to the COVID pandemic and failing to create jobs. “You ever see something that Trump did that benefited someone else and not him?”
The interview, paired with a weekend campaign in battleground Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, was part of Biden’s rigorous effort to course correct from his rocky debate performance. But internal party frustrations continue to fester, with one influential Democratic senator working on a nascent push to encourage the president to exit the race and Democrats quietly chatting about where they would go next if the president drops out — or what it would mean if he stays in.
“It’s President Biden’s decision whether or not he remains in the race. Voters select our nominee and they chose him,” said California Rep. Ro Khanna, a member of the Biden campaign’s national advisory board that works as a gathering of his top surrogates. “Now, he needs to prove to those voters that he is up to the job and that will require more than just this one interview.”
One Democrat who watched said they found Biden to be still shaky under controlled conditions and predicted more will call on him to leave the race.
Still, in Wisconsin, Biden was focused on proving his capacity to serve another term. When asked whether he would halt his campaign, he told reporters he was “completely ruling that out” and said he is “positive” he could serve another four years. At a rally in front of hundreds of supporters he acknowledged his subpar debate performance but insisted, “I am running, and I’m going to win again.”
While private angst among Democratic lawmakers, donors and strategists has been running deep since the debate, most in the party have held public fire as they wait to see if the president can restore confidence with his weekend travel and his handling of the interview. Top Biden campaign officials were texting lawmakers encouraging them to refrain from public comments about the situation and give the president a chance to respond, according to a Democrat granted anonymity to discuss the situation.
To that end, Sen. Mark Warner reached out to fellow senators throughout this week to discuss whether to ask Biden to exit the race, according to three people familiar with the effort who requested anonymity to talk about private conversations. The Virginia Democrat’s moves are notable given his chairmanship of the Senate Intelligence Committee and his reputation as a lawmaker who is supportive of Biden and has working relationships with colleagues in both parties. Warner’s effort was first reported by The Washington Post.
The strategy remains fluid. One of the people with knowledge of Warner’s effort said there are enough Senate Democrats concerned enough about Biden’s capacity to run for reelection to take some sort of action, although there was yet no consensus on what that plan would be. Some of the Democratic senators could meet as soon as Monday on how to move forward.
The top Democrats on House committees are planning to meet virtually Sunday to discuss the situation, according to a person familiar with the gathering granted anonymity to talk about it.
At least four House Democrats have called for Biden to step down as the nominee. While not going that far, Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey said in a carefully worded statement Friday that Biden now has a decision to make on “the best way forward.”
“I urge him to listen to the American people and carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat Donald Trump,” Healey said.
In the interview, Biden was asked how he might be persuaded to leave the race. He laughed and replied, “If the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that.”
There were also a few signs of discontent at Biden’s campaign rally Friday, with one person onstage waving a sign that read “Pass the torch Joe” as the president came out. His motorcade was also greeted at the middle school by a few people urging him to move on.
But Rebecca Green, a 52-year-old environmental scientist from Madison, said she found Biden’s energy reassuring. “We were just waiting for him to come out strong and fighting again, the way we know he is.”
Many Democratic lawmakers, who are hearing from constituents at home during the holiday week, are deeply frustrated and split on whether Biden should stay or go. Privately, discussions among the House Democrats flared this week as word spread that some of them were drafting public letters suggesting the president should quit the race.
Biden appears to have pulled his family closer while attempting to prove that he’s still the Democrats’ best option.
The ubiquitous presence of Hunter Biden in the West Wing since the debate has become an uncomfortable dynamic for many staffers, according to two Democrats close to the White House who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.
For many staffers, the sight of Hunter Biden, just weeks after his conviction on felony gun charges, taking a larger role in advising his father has been unsettling and a questionable choice, they said.
In a hastily organized gathering with more than 20 Democratic governors Wednesday evening, Biden acknowledged he needs to sleep more and limit evening events so he can be rested for the job. In trying to explain away those comments, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stressed that Biden “works around the clock” but that he “also recognizes the importance of striking a balance and taking care of himself.”
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, who attended the meeting, said Biden “certainly engaged with us on complicated matters.”
“But then again, this is something that he needs to not just reassure Democratic governors on, but he needs to reassure the American people,” Beshear said.

Actor, Democratic donor George Clooney urges Biden to end campaign

Actor, Democratic donor George Clooney urges Biden to end campaign
Updated 13 sec ago

Actor, Democratic donor George Clooney urges Biden to end campaign

Actor, Democratic donor George Clooney urges Biden to end campaign

NEW YORK: Actor George Clooney, one of the Democratic Party’s leading fundraisers, on Wednesday called for President Joe Biden to end his faltering campaign for a second term in the White House.
“Top Democrats — Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi — and senators, representatives and other candidates who face losing in November need to ask this president to voluntarily step aside,” Clooney wrote in The New York Times.

NATO begins sending F-16 jets to Ukraine as Biden leads summit

NATO begins sending F-16 jets to Ukraine as Biden leads summit
Updated 48 min 17 sec ago

NATO begins sending F-16 jets to Ukraine as Biden leads summit

NATO begins sending F-16 jets to Ukraine as Biden leads summit
  • Biden committed a new air defense system for Kyiv and urged unity against Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • The White House followed up Wednesday by saying that Denmark and the Netherlands had begun sending F-16 jets to Ukraine

WASHINGTON: NATO allies announced Wednesday they had started the long-promised transfer of F-16 jets to Ukraine as leaders meet for a summit in Washington clouded by political uncertainties in the United States.
With the pomp of the three-day gathering in the US capital, President Joe Biden is aiming to rally the West and also reassure US voters amid intense pre-election scrutiny on whether at 81 — six years older than the alliance — he remains fit for the job.
Kicking off events for the 32-nation alliance with a celebration Tuesday evening, Biden committed a new air defense system for Kyiv and urged unity against Russian President Vladimir Putin, who launched the Ukraine invasion in 2022.
“Make no mistake. Ukraine can — and will — stop Putin,” Biden said in a forceful speech.
The White House followed up Wednesday by saying that Denmark and the Netherlands had begun sending F-16 jets to Ukraine.
Biden last year approved the key request by Ukraine, which wants advanced Western aircraft as it struggles to gain parity in the skies with Russia.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the F-16 transfer “concentrates Vladimir Putin’s mind on the fact that he will not outlast Ukraine, he will not outlast us and, if he persists, the damage that will continue to be done to Russia and its interests will only deepen.”
“The quickest way to get to peace is through a strong Ukraine,” Blinken said.
But Donald Trump, who is edging out Biden in recent polls, has mused about bringing a quick peace settlement by forcing Ukraine to surrender territory to Russia.
The Republican mogul has repeatedly questioned the utility of NATO — formed in 1949 as collective defense against Moscow — which he sees as an unfair burden on the United States.
On the eve of the summit, Russia fired a barrage of missiles on Ukraine, killing dozens, including in Kyiv where a children’s hospital was reduced to debris.
Biden invited to the summit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who voiced gratitude for the F-16s which he said would better protect his country from such “brutal Russian attacks.”
The new aircraft will “bring just and lasting peace closer, demonstrating that terror must fail everywhere and at any time,” Zelensky wrote on social media.
The summit will look for ways to “Trump-proof” the alliance including by having NATO itself take over coordination of arms delivery from the United States.
Outgoing NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has also sought a pledge to keep supplying arms at the same rate — some 40 billion euros ($43 billion) annually — that NATO members have been since Russia invaded.
“I expect that regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the US will remain a strong and staunch NATO ally,” Stoltenberg said as leaders gathered for the summit.
Biden has also invited four key Pacific partners — Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand — as he seeks to increase NATO’s role in managing a rising China.
Ukraine wants firm assurances that it will one day join NATO, which considers an attack on any member an attack on all.
A NATO diplomat said negotiations had settled on wording of a statement that will voice support for Ukraine’s “irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership.”
Kyiv’s membership enjoys wide backing from Baltic and Eastern European nations still haunted by decades under the Soviet yoke.
But Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have led opposition, concerned that the alliance would effectively be entering war with nuclear-armed Russia as it occupies swathes of Ukraine.
Zelensky, who has achieved hero status in much of the West for his media-savvy defiance of Russia, voiced open annoyance at the last NATO summit in Lithuania at the failure to provide a clearer path to membership.
Other leaders attending the summit include Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, one of Putin’s closest partners in the West, who ahead of Washington went to Ukraine, Russia and China on a self-described peace mission criticized by Brussels and Washington.
Biden, Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will later welcome their counterparts for gala dinners around the Washington area, which is in the throes of a searing heat wave.
One new NATO leader is British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who is visiting days after taking office in a landslide victory by his Labour Party.
He will meet both Biden and Zelensky and is expected to confirm Britain’s strong support for Ukraine.

Ukraine says Russia has not taken control of Yasnobrodivka in Donetsk region

Ukraine says Russia has not taken control of Yasnobrodivka in Donetsk region
Updated 10 July 2024

Ukraine says Russia has not taken control of Yasnobrodivka in Donetsk region

Ukraine says Russia has not taken control of Yasnobrodivka in Donetsk region
  • Military spokesperson said Yasnobrodivka is under the full control of the (Ukrainian) defense forces

KYIV: Ukrainian military on Wednesday denied reports that Russian forces had captured the village of Yasnobrodivka in the eastern Donetsk region, military spokesperson Nazar Voloshyn was quoted as saying by Suspilne TV broadcaster.
“The published information does not correspond to reality: Yasnobrodivka is under the full control of the (Ukrainian) defense forces,” Voloshyn said.

UK police hunt crossbow attack suspect after three women killed

UK police hunt crossbow attack suspect after three women killed
Updated 10 July 2024

UK police hunt crossbow attack suspect after three women killed

UK police hunt crossbow attack suspect after three women killed
  • Kyle Clifford, 26, from north London, is wanted in connection with the deaths of the three women in the town of Bushey
  • Local police said officers were called to a house in the town where the three women were pronounced dead at the scene

LONDON: UK police were searching Wednesday for a suspect who may have a crossbow after the wife and two daughters of a BBC radio racing commentator were killed in a suspected "targeted" attack.
Kyle Clifford, 26, from north London, is wanted in connection with the deaths of the three women in the town of Bushey, north of London, on Tuesday night.
The BBC confirmed on its news website that the victims were Carol Hunt, the 61-year-old wife of BBC Five Live racing commentator John Hunt, and their two daughters, aged 25 and 28.
Local police said officers were called to a house in the town where the three women were pronounced dead at the scene.
Chief Superintendent Jon Simpson said armed officers and specialist search teams were involved in the manhunt, urging Clifford to contact police and warning the public not to approach him.
Simpson called it "a horrific incident involving what is currently believed to be a crossbow, but other weapons may also have been used".
Interior minister Yvette Cooper called the deaths "truly shocking" and said she was being kept updated about the inquiry.
One neighbour told reporters the victims were a friendly family.
"We would see them every day passing by and they would say good morning," she said. "It's really sad what's happened, very shocking."
There is no licence required to own a crossbow in the UK, but it is illegal to carry one in public without a reasonable excuse.

Ukraine creates new 'legion' to recruit men abroad to fight

Ukraine creates new 'legion' to recruit men abroad to fight
Updated 10 July 2024

Ukraine creates new 'legion' to recruit men abroad to fight

Ukraine creates new 'legion' to recruit men abroad to fight
  • The establishment of the so-called Ukrainian Legion comes after more than two years of fighting
  • "We call on all Ukrainians in Europe to join the Ukrainian Legion," Defence Minister Rustem Umerov said

KYIV: The Ukrainian military has launched a new initiative to entice fighting-age men living abroad to enlist, as Kyiv desperately tries to replenish its depleted forces on the front lines.
The establishment of the so-called Ukrainian Legion comes after more than two years of fighting, which has seen heavy casualties drain the military of manpower needed to battle Russia's advancing forces.
The creation of the new unit was part of a wider security agreement signed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk earlier this week.
"We call on all Ukrainians in Europe to join the Ukrainian Legion. Your contribution is invaluable in our struggle for freedom and independence," Defence Minister Rustem Umerov announced on social media late Tuesday.
The initiative aims to recruit volunteers from the pool of Ukrainian men living in Europe, especially Poland and Germany, which are home to the largest numbers of Ukrainian refugees.
An estimated 300,000 Ukrainian men of fighting age are believed to be living in Poland alone.
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men are believed to have been residing in Europe before the war, while an untold number of others fled after the Russian invasion -- some legally and others through illicit means.
The passage of a new law in May that lowered the minimum age for mobilisation to 25 from 27 has also prompted many others to avoid potential conscription.
Umerov said members of the new unit would receive training in Poland and be provided the best equipment.
Poland has appeared cautious over the initiative.
"At this stage, it is too early to talk about details. The issue is under discussion between the two countries' defence ministries," the press service for Poland's defence ministry told AFP on Wednesday.
Following the announcement, Ukraine's popular Third Assault Brigade said its representatives would be touring European countries soon to provide more information about their unit along with "the most epic stories from the front line".