DUBAI: Snap has launched a new campaign film, “Telgana Ala Snap,” focused on the Saudi and Gulf market.
The film, which translates to “Find Us on Snap,” showcases how audiences in the Kingdom use Snapchat; from a brother imitating his father through the old age lens, to a teenager tucked in bed watching Snap star Naif Hamdan.
Snapchat enjoys significant popularity in Saudi Arabia, with users opening the app more than 50 times per day on average. Snapchat users are also twice as likely to use the app to express who they really are compared to users of other social media platforms, the company said.
With a monthly addressable reach of more than 22 million people, Snapchat is reaching more than 90 percent of 13- to 34-year-olds in the Kingdom.
Abdulla Alhammadi, regional business lead for Saudi Arabia at Snap Inc., said: “With the Kingdom experiencing rapid transformational societal and cultural change, the simple need to stay connected with family and friends is more important now than ever, and Snapchat provides a place to do just that.”
At a time when people feel pressured to “broadcast an edited version of themselves, we provide a safe and private alternative” and the “new film echoes this” sentiment, he added.