First National Greening Forum held in Riyadh

Special First National Greening Forum held in Riyadh
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Attendees at the inaugural National Greening Forum in Riyadh. (SPA)
Special First National Greening Forum held in Riyadh
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Attendees at the inaugural National Greening Forum in Riyadh. (SPA)
Special First National Greening Forum held in Riyadh
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Attendees at the inaugural National Greening Forum in Riyadh. (SPA)
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Updated 06 May 2024

First National Greening Forum held in Riyadh

First National Greening Forum held in Riyadh
  • Experts discussed nature-based solutions to environmental issues, highlighting Kingdom’s nature reserves as prime example
  • Forum highlighted the role of public, private and nonprofit sectors in achieving the Saudi Green Initiative target of planting 10 billion trees

RIYADH: As countries around the world push to invest in nature-based solutions to environmental problems, experts in Saudi Arabia came together in Riyadh to discuss the most pressing issues at the inaugural National Greening Forum. 

Launched under the patronage of Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli, the forum was organized by the National Center for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification and attended by Minister of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing Majed Al-Hogail, several other ministers, organisations and specialists from local, regional and international sectors related to the environment.

CEO of the center, Khalid Al-Abdulqader, said in his opening speech that the forum will “unify and consolidate national efforts to enhance vegetation cover and mitigate land degradation.”

Addressing the restoration of green spaces in the Kingdom, he said: “We are committed to restoring natural green spaces using sustainable irrigation methods, planting local tree species, and ensuring their protection and monitoring through advanced technologies.”

In a panel discussion titled “Nature-Based Solutions: Key to Transformation,” industry specialists and experts discussed various issues related to promoting the natural growth of trees and their environmental effect, as well as the industries tied to environmental issues and ways their institutions work to find sustainable solutions for the future. 

“Vegetation and afforestation are part of nature, which includes the atmosphere, soil, and organisms. The correlation between all of these is the main element for these solutions. So, organizing and monitoring this relationship is key for sustainability and greening,” said Dr. Ahmed Al-Farhan, board member of the center and a faculty member at King Saud University.

For ages, large plumes of dust and sand sweeping across most of Saudi Arabia were a natural, seasonal occurrence, but this year there has been an unusual and noticeable decrease in sandstorms. 

Jamaan Al-Qahtani, executive director of the Regional Center for Dust and Sandstorms, explained: “Sandstorms need two factors to occur: dry, load-bearing soil and winds fast enough to carry it.” A few years ago, he said, there were indications that the Kingdom was experiencing fewer sandstorms.

“This April was a 60 percent drop on the average of the past 20 years. March was 30 percent, and January was more than 60 percent. Last year, Riyadh had a record of only one sandstorm.”

Explaining the reason behind this, he said: “We attribute that firstly to rainfall and the timing of that rainfall. When rain falls during the best time for vegetation, that helps with stabilizing the soil.”

The environmental system also plays a pivotal role in preventing degradation, as well as laws that restrain individuals and other entities from tampering with the environment.

Sand and dust storms affect 11 of the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. For example, 7 million people in total die from all sources of air pollution and degraded air quality. The Middle East and North Africa region loses $150 billion annually due to weather and climate disasters, Al-Qahtani said.  

To meet the growing demand for fresh water in Saudi Arabia, authorities launched a project in 2022 that alters the structure of clouds to increase rainfall; a technique known as cloud seeding.

Ayman Al-Bar, executive director of the Regional Cloud Seeding Program, said “environmental phenomena have become much more severe and common than before.” He went on to say that one of the initiatives under the Middle East Green Initiative, the cloud seeding program, targets an increase in rainfall of between 10% and 20%.

The various initiatives under the program work to intensify vegetation cover, combat desertification, localize technology, and transfer knowledge, he said. In the fifth stage, which covers Riyadh, Hail, and southern parts such as Abha, Taif, and Asir, 1,530 flight hours were spent on precipitation efforts and 110 hours on research. “Preliminary reports indicate that precipitation exceeds 4 billion cubic meters of rainfall in the targeted area,” Al-Bar said.

Dr. Talal Al-Harigi, CEO of Imam Abdulaziz Royal Nature Reserve, said: “When it comes to carbon sequestration, which is capturing carbon through natural solutions, trees naturally grow by taking in carbon dioxide. When some soil patches deteriorate, we’ve undergone processes for soil rehabilitation and preparing them to receive rain either from rainfall or other sources.” 

Nature reserves are a prime example of nature-based solutions, Al-Harigi said. Within the Imam Abdulaziz Royal Nature Reserve, the King Khalid Royal Reserve, and others, authorities found that vegetation cover was refreshed and that there was greater soil stability, as well as improved soil fertility. 

Ultimately, most industries are affected by environmental deterioration and climate change, and while natural disasters are expected to increase and worsen, Saudi Arabia has taken a leading role in creating sustainable solutions for generations to come.

The forum highlighted the role of public, private and nonprofit sectors in achieving the Saudi Green Initiative target of planting 10 billion trees and providing a platform to participating organisations to engage and exchange knowledge.

Conquering health with natural remedies

Conquering health with natural remedies
Updated 9 sec ago

Conquering health with natural remedies

Conquering health with natural remedies
  • Viral Australian social media wellness expert Barbara O’Neill hosts 3-day workshop in the Kingdom

RIYADH: Barbara O’Neill, a prominent Australian health lecturer and wellness influencer, journeyed from the Australia to the heart of the Kingdom to host a three-day curated workshop at Huna Takhassusi in Riyadh from Sept. 17-19.

During her first visit to the Kingdom, Arab News spoke exclusively to O’Neill about her workshop and hopes for the future.

“The people in Saudi Arabia are interested in health just as much as everywhere else in the world,” she told Arab News. “A lot of people today are becoming disillusioned with the medical way of treating things. You’ve got a problem, here’s a drug. And my teachings have become quite popular here in Saudi Arabia, in Dubai, in many parts of the world.”

The daughter of an inventor, O’Neill’s father would often turn things inside out to see how they worked. Her family dynamic always encouraged her and her siblings to constantly explore the “why” in everything. Why does this work this way? Why does it not? That key question was how she was able to unlock her potential, first in her own household, then in her unconventional career path.

The 71-year-old has raised six children. When she was 25, her young son had an ear ailment. Her 85-year-old neighbor told her to use an onion poultice, which O’Neill immediately put on her son’s ear. It worked. That simple act inspired her to take the natural route and prioritize organic ingredients to treat daily issues.

In essence, she turned to Mother Nature to guide her and — unless someone required major surgery or was plagued with a very serious health crisis — to try to go to the earth to find what helps. Despite some rumors, O’Neill is adamant that she is not against modern medicine or doctors but prioritizes using natural ways to heal first.

Day one of the workshop was dedicated to carving out a balanced life in the middle of chaos and focusing on hormonal health; day two explored heart health, obesity and diabetes, and day three was an interactive workshop, centering on poultice and natural herbs.

O’Neill first skyrocketed to online fame during the COVID-19 pandemic four years ago, when videos of her lecturing on health and wellness went viral on TikTok and Instagram, amassing hundreds of millions of views.

Her “simple” methods and tips made her a popular choice for those scrolling social media channels during lockdown.

During her Saudi seminars, she brought her life-changing expertise in holistic health and natural therapies directly to the Kingdom. Many knew her from social media.

As Saudi Arabia focuses more on health and wellness, O’Neill’s visit was perfectly timed. The venue, Huna Takhassusi, a hybrid co-working space and community hub, handpicked O’Neill to come and offer her wisdom and support.

Farah Taher, head of events and partnerships at Huna, told Arab News that they were excited to include O’Neill in their programming.

“To see Huna come to fruition and being a part of it from day one, putting pen to paper, construction sites to fully occupied spaces by the community and now spreading to Jeddah and soon AlUla, feels like an ongoing full circle moment,” Taher said. “And what better way to sustain that than with guests like Barbara, who remind us to focus on our health and connecting with nature.”

O’Neill’s journey to Saudi Arabia was spurred by a series of interconnected events. She was hosting a retreat in Thailand in May with her husband when she met consultant Andaleeb Wanee, from Dubai. Wanee helped her organize the first Dubai retreat, and, after that wild success, Saudi Arabia came into the picture.

“I always say yes. It’s very difficult for me to say no — but I was happy to,” O’Neill told Arab News, reflecting on how she came to be in Saudi Arabia.

In her Riyadh talks, she addressed the importance of sunshine and its impact on health, an area particularly relevant to the Saudi context.

“The sunshine is very important,” she said, highlighting historical vitamin D deficiencies in the Kingdom. Equally important is sleep, rest, exercise and consuming enough fresh water. She reminded the packed-house at Huna to split their day well: To have eight hours of work, eight hours of play and eight hours of rest.

O’Neill also explored practical advice for dealing with modern lifestyle challenges, such as burnout and sleep issues exacerbated by excessive use of digital devices, that she said “light up like Christmas lights.

“The blue light that the device gives off is a different frequency to the blue light of the sunlight,” she added. This insight is particularly pertinent in today’s tech-driven world, where balancing screen time with natural light is crucial for maintaining health. 

Perhaps O’Neill’s most unpopular move was urging the audience not to drink coffee, for its addictive nature and how it disturbs the body’s natural rhythm.

But she won the audience back when she mentioned Saudi dates and how useful the fruit is as a natural sweetener.

O’Neill’s work underscores the importance of preventive health measures and the integration of local knowledge, making her contributions valuable to audiences across the globe.

“My program’s very tight. I am booked out a year ahead, and so it was not easy to find a spot (for the Saudi workshop), but we found a spot. If there was a will, there’s a way,” she said.

A key theme of O’Neill’s workshop was the role of conventional medicine compared to natural health approaches. She highlighted the limitations of current medical practices, noting that despite advances, heart disease remains the world’s leading cause of death.

“The number one killer in the world today is heart disease, and it just alarms me that it’s still the number one killer 40 years later. In other words, what medicine is doing to combat this really isn’t working. It’s almost Band-Aid stuff,” she said.

O’Neill also spoke about the crucial role of prevention and lifestyle changes in combating health issues.

“I usually start by saying, everyone that has a heart should be here — what’s the old saying? “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’,” she added.

Another focus of O’Neill’s workshop was addressing burnout and the importance of a balanced lifestyle. She shared her personal routine and principles, saying: “I found a formula — it’s the sustainment principles. No matter where I am, I eat very well, I drink a lot of water and I keep to the routine no matter where I am.”

Her career trajectory began with a focus on natural health for her own family, and has grown into a thriving platform for educating others. Her personal experiences with natural remedies and health practices laid the foundation for her professional journey.

Her latest book, “Sustain Me,” emerged from her extensive knowledge and practical experiences. O’Neill unknowingly created the book through notes upon notes because individuals kept asking for her advice and tips.

“People email me and say ‘what can I do for osteoporosis?’ So, then I’d write things. And then I thought one day, instead of reinventing the wheel, I’ll just go to my notes section.”

The book was born.

It compiles practical advice on various health issues, aiming to be a resource for everyday use. It was on sale during her session at Huna.

O’Neill’s visit to Saudi Arabia also included a discussion on natural remedies native to the region. “I was given some dried lime yesterday, and I hear that you can pour boiling water on it, so I’m eager to try that,” she said.

Second edition of Saudi Film Confex will put development of local movie industry in the frame

The second Saudi Film Confex will take place in Riyadh between Oct. 9 and 12. (Supplied)
The second Saudi Film Confex will take place in Riyadh between Oct. 9 and 12. (Supplied)
Updated 5 min 48 sec ago

Second edition of Saudi Film Confex will put development of local movie industry in the frame

The second Saudi Film Confex will take place in Riyadh between Oct. 9 and 12. (Supplied)
  • 4-day event in Riyadh will include panel discussions, workshops and an exhibition

RIYADH: The second Saudi Film Confex will take place in Riyadh between Oct. 9 and 12 with the aim of empowering and developing the film industry in the Kingdom, and promoting investment and partnership opportunities, the Saudi Broadcasting Authority said on Thursday.

The event will include 30 panel discussions and workshops covering key industry topics such as film financing and production planning.

It will also feature activities designed to enrich the visitor experience and explore the various aspects of filmmaking, organizers said, as well as an exhibition of more than 130 local, regional and international businesses and organizations specializing in production, smart studio construction, and cinematic technologies.

It hopes to help boost the Saudi film sector by highlighting filming and production opportunities, encouraging cooperation with leading international industry partners, enhancing local industry infrastructure, supporting startups, and introducing qualitative initiatives that offer added value.

AlUla Dates Festival Auction continues its festivities

AlUla Dates Festival Auction continues its festivities
Updated 8 min 49 sec ago

AlUla Dates Festival Auction continues its festivities

AlUla Dates Festival Auction continues its festivities

ALULA: The AlUla Dates Festival Auction enters its second week on Friday as the annual event gets into full swing.

Organized by the Royal Commission for AlUla in partnership with government and private entities, the weekly auctions are held near Al-Iskan Stadium, south of AlUla, and run until Nov. 9.

The festival provides date farmers with an opportunity to showcase their products to buyers and investors from within the Kingdom and around the world. It also aligns with AlUla Vision and Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to establish the Kingdom as the world’s leading exporter of dates.

Farmers taking part in the festival are also competing for the AlUla Auction Award for Dates 2024, which offers a prize of SR75,000 ($20,000) to the winner, SR50,000 to the runner-up and SR30,000 for third place.

The winners will be chosen based on the quantity and value of their sales and other criteria.

Saudi Fashion Commission releases report showcasing growth to 2.5% of GDP

Saudi Fashion Commission releases report showcasing growth to 2.5% of GDP
Updated 18 min 43 sec ago

Saudi Fashion Commission releases report showcasing growth to 2.5% of GDP

Saudi Fashion Commission releases report showcasing growth to 2.5% of GDP

RIYADH:  The Saudi Fashion Commission has unveiled its 2024 State of Fashion Report which showcases growth in the Kingdom’s fashion industry, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The report was released during a high-profile investment tour in London, sponsored by the Fashion Futures initiative, at Twenty Two Mayfair, according to the SPA.

The report’s reveal featured a custom-designed briefcase by Saudi brand 1886.

The report provides fresh perspectives on Saudi Arabia’s fashion landscape, revealing exciting trends and opportunities for growth and investment.

It offers readers industry data spanning fashion, luxury goods, jewelry, cosmetics, and business operations, while examining the fashion scene and presenting key insights from industry experts.

It reports that the sector’s contribution to the Kingdom’s gross domestic product has surged to 2.5 percent, a significant increase from 1.4 percent in the previous year.

This growth is mirrored in the jobs market, with the fashion industry employing 320,000 people as of 2023, marking an increase of 90,000 jobs since the 2021-2022 period.

In a notable development for gender equality, women now constitute 52 percent of the fashion workforce in Saudi Arabia.

The report also highlights the expanding economic footprint of the Saudi fashion market. In 2023, the market value reached about $30 billion, a figure that is projected to surge to $42 billion by 2028.

Burak Cakmak, CEO of the Fashion Commission, said: “Data is crucial for understanding our country’s growth.”

He added: “We are proud to lead in this area, offering public access to opportunities across the value chain.”

He also announced the launch of a data center that will publish the State of Fashion Report and make it publicly available, showcasing opportunities across the value chain.

Deputy governor welcomes Norwegian ambassador to Eastern Province

Deputy governor welcomes Norwegian ambassador to Eastern Province
Updated 40 min 5 sec ago

Deputy governor welcomes Norwegian ambassador to Eastern Province

Deputy governor welcomes Norwegian ambassador to Eastern Province

DAMMAM: Eastern Province Deputy Gov. Prince Saud bin Bandar met Norway’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Kjersti Tromsdal on Thursday.

The two sides exchanged cordial discussions on various topics and Tromsdal expressed her gratitude to the prince for the warm reception.