Arab League chief says halting war in Sudan is top priority

Abdalla Hamdok and Ahmed Aboul Gheit. (X/@arableague_gs)
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CAIRO: Preserving the territorial integrity of Sudan and ending the country’s civil war are priorities of the Arab League, according to its Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

He expressed the league’s readiness to assist the Sudanese parties in resolving the crisis by bringing factions together.

Aboul Gheit emphasized the importance of supporting any initiative to find a solution for the Sudanese state, while speaking during a meeting in Cairo with a delegation of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces — known as Taqaddum — led by former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

Hamdok presented a plan for achieving a ceasefire and political process through an inclusive Sudanese dialogue to protect Sudan, save lives, and maintain progress.

He expressed gratitude to the secretary-general for the initiative taken on March 5 calling the various Sudanese parties in the conflict and urging a truce during Ramadan.

Hamdok said he hoped both parties could build upon this initiative to find a political solution to the crisis.

The head of the Arab League has already called on the warring parties to reach a ceasefire agreement before the holy month.

Aboul Gheit, in an appeal to the Sudanese people, warned: “Ahead of the holy month of Ramadan, beginning in a few days, Sudan continues to witness the shedding of precious blood and enduring wounds from a year-long war, jeopardizing the dreams and legitimate hopes of millions for a safe and stable life in their homeland.”