What We Are Reading Today: A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy

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Updated 24 February 2024

What We Are Reading Today: A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy


Author: Richard L. Hasen

Throughout history, too many Americans have been disenfranchised or faced needless barriers to voting. Part of the blame falls on the Constitution, which does not contain an affirmative right to vote. The Supreme Court has made matters worse by failing to protect voting rights and limiting Congress’s ability to do so. The time has come for voters to take action and push for an amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee this right for all.
Drawing on troubling stories of state attempts to disenfranchise military voters, women, African Americans, students, former felons, Native Americans, and others, Richard Hasen argues that American democracy can and should do better in assuring that all eligible voters can cast a meaningful vote that will be fairly counted. He shows how a constitutional right to vote can deescalate voting wars between political parties that lead to endless rounds of litigation and undermine voter confidence in elections.

Kuwait bans video game, likely over it featuring Saddam Hussein in 1990s

Kuwait bans video game, likely over it featuring Saddam Hussein in 1990s
Updated 40 sec ago

Kuwait bans video game, likely over it featuring Saddam Hussein in 1990s

Kuwait bans video game, likely over it featuring Saddam Hussein in 1990s

DUBAI: Kuwait has banned the release of the video game “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6,” which features the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and is set in part in the 1990s Gulf War.

Kuwait has not publicly acknowledged banning the game, which is a tentpole product for the Microsoft-owned developer Activision and is set to be released on Friday worldwide. 

However, it comes as Kuwait still wrestles with the aftermath of the invasion and as video game makers more broadly deal with addressing historical and cultural issues in their work.

The video game, a first-person shooter, follows CIA operators fighting at times in the US and also in the Middle East. 

Game-play trailers for the game show burning oilfields, a painful reminder for Kuwaitis who saw Iraqis set fire to the fields, causing vast ecological and economic damage. Iraqi troops damaged or set fire to over 700 wells.

There also are images of Saddam and Iraq’s old three-star flag in the footage released by developers ahead of the game’s launch. 

The game’s multiplayer section, a popular feature of the series, includes what appears to be a desert shootout in Kuwait called Scud after the Soviet missiles Saddam fired in the war. Another is called Babylon, after the ancient city in Iraq.

Activision acknowledged that the game “has not been approved for release in Kuwait,” but did not elaborate. “All pre-orders in Kuwait will be canceled and refunded to the original point of purchase,” the company said. 

What We Are Reading Today: New World Monkeys

What We Are Reading Today: New World Monkeys
Updated 22 October 2024

What We Are Reading Today: New World Monkeys

What We Are Reading Today: New World Monkeys

Author: Alfred L. Rosenberger

“New World Monkeys” brings to life the beauty of evolution and biodiversity in action among South and Central American primates, who are now at risk. These tree-dwelling rainforest inhabitants display an unparalleled variety in size, shape, hands, feet, tails, brains, locomotion, feeding, and social systems.

Primatologist Alfred Rosenberger, one of the foremost experts on these mammals, explains their fascinating adaptations and how they came about.

Book Review: ‘Intelligence in the Flesh’

Book Review: ‘Intelligence in the Flesh’
Updated 21 October 2024

Book Review: ‘Intelligence in the Flesh’

Book Review: ‘Intelligence in the Flesh’

In cognitive scientist and professor Guy Claxton’s 2015 book, “Intelligence in the Flesh: Why your mind needs your body much more than it thinks,” you’re in for a mind trick or two — and plenty of treats.

The book explores the idea that intelligence is not confined to the brain but is distributed throughout the body.

Claxton argues against the traditional view that sees the mind as separate from the body, proposing instead, that cognition — our thinking, decision-making and our comprehension — is shaped by the body’s movements, sensations and interactions.

The author claims that “over the last century, human beings in affluent societies have become more and more sluggish.”

He continues: “Millions of us work in offices, pushing paper, staring at screens, discussing proposals and re-arranging words and spreadsheets. For our leisure, we look at more screens, text and tweet, escape into virtual worlds, gossip and chatter.

“Our functional bodies have shrunk: just ears and eyes on the input side, and mouths and fingertips on the output side … Cooking can be no more than ripping off a plastic film and closing the microwave door. Our real bodies get so little attention, and so little skillful use, that we have to make special arrangements to remember them.”

He mentions examples of “remembering our bodies” by taking long walks in the countryside and working out at the gym. Machines have simplified our lives to such an extent that we can now operate almost entirely on autopilot. But have smartphones made us less smart? Certainly, technology has streamlined our routines and made our lives much easier — but at what cost? Have we voluntarily let machines take over mundane tasks and, perhaps unknowingly, allowed them to gain control over crucial parts of our brains? Are our minds going to mush?

This book attempts to answer all of the above. And then some.

Claxton draws on research from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy to support the idea that the body plays a critical role in shaping our mental processes.

He emphasizes that the way we move, feel and experience the world physically is completely inseparable from how we think and learn intellectually.

The book challenges the idea of intelligence as purely an abstract thing, advocating for a more integrated understanding of human cognition that accounts for the body’s role in learning, perception and even creativity.

Claxton’s body of work emphasizes the importance of resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity in education.

He often advocates for a shift away from traditional, rigid, one-size-fits-all methods of instruction toward a more flexible and creative approach.

He has authored numerous other books on the issue, including “What’s the Point of School?” and “The Learning Power Approach.”

What We Are Reading Today: Aquatic Photosynthesis

What We Are Reading Today: Aquatic Photosynthesis
Updated 21 October 2024

What We Are Reading Today: Aquatic Photosynthesis

What We Are Reading Today: Aquatic Photosynthesis

Authors: Paul G. Falkowski And John A. Raven 

“Aquatic Photosynthesis” is a comprehensive guide to understanding the evolution and ecology of photosynthesis in aquatic environments.

This second edition, thoroughly revised to bring it up to date, describes how one of the most fundamental metabolic processes evolved and transformed the surface chemistry of the Earth.

The book focuses on recent biochemical and biophysical advances and the molecular biological techniques that have made them possible.

What We Are Reading: Drive by Daniel H. Pink

What We Are Reading: Drive by Daniel H. Pink
Updated 20 October 2024

What We Are Reading: Drive by Daniel H. Pink

What We Are Reading: Drive by Daniel H. Pink

Most people believe that the best way to motivate is with rewards like money — the carrot-and stick approach. In this provocative and persuasive new book, he asserts that the secret to high performance and satisfaction is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, says a review published on goodreads.com.
He examines the three elements of true motivation — autonomy, mastery, and purpose.