Opposing illegal immigration is not immoral

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The surge in illegal border crossings in the US has reached a critical juncture, demanding urgent attention from federal authorities. Recent reports have revealed alarming instances of individuals with ties to terrorist organizations exploiting vulnerabilities in border security protocols.
On Feb. 5, the US Border Patrol apprehended an Afghan national, whose name appeared on the terror watchlist, after he illicitly crossed into California. Simultaneously, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in Minnesota detained a member of the Somali terror group Al-Shabaab, underscoring the grave risks posed by unchecked migration across the southern border.
On Feb. 6, Border Patrol agents apprehended an individual who confessed to previous affiliations with a Colombian terrorist organization, according to an internal Customs and Border Protection memo.
The incidents highlight the urgent need for enhanced border security measures to mitigate potential threats to national security.
The scale of illegal immigration has reached unprecedented levels during the administration of American President Joe Biden, straining resources, and exacerbating concerns about border management.
New York City has been grappling with housing more than 65,000 migrants in various facilities without a way out.
However, the diversity of migrant origins poses new challenges, with individuals from countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Senegal, Mauritania, China, India, and beyond crossing into the US through Mexico in staggering numbers.
Border Patrol data has revealed a significant uptick in arrivals from China and India, showing the global nature of the migration crisis.
The Biden administration’s release of more than 2.3 million border crossers into the country since 2021 has strained infrastructure and resources.
The situation has been further compounded by a surge in illegal entries from Canada, with more than 3,100 arrests recorded since Oct. 1. Swanton Sector area’s chief patrol agent, Robert Garcia, has drawn attention to record-breaking numbers of illegal migrants in northern states, emphasizing the need for comprehensive border security strategies beyond the southern border.
The humanitarian toll of uncontrolled migration is evident, with many migrants enduring perilous journeys only to find themselves without adequate shelter or care upon arrival. This situation not only jeopardizes the well-being of migrants but also imposes significant burdens on American citizens, as resources are stretched thin to accommodate the influx.
The failure to secure borders poses grave national security risks, as demonstrated by the apprehension of individuals with terrorist ties attempting to enter the country. The prevalence of military-age men from regions such as China, Africa, and the Middle East raises concerns about potential terrorist activities.
Additionally, drug cartels exploit open borders to smuggle illicit substances such as fentanyl and engage in human trafficking, further exacerbating security challenges. 

Every nation assumes the solemn responsibility for safeguarding its borders.

Dalia Al-Aqidi

The imperative to safeguard external border security transcends partisan divisions or narrow demographic affiliations within American society.
Regrettably, engaging in discourse on this vital matter has increasingly become a pretext for unfounded allegations leveled against individuals, irrespective of their personal or professional backgrounds. Such accusations often range from insinuations of animosity toward refugees, immigrants, or individuals of specific ethnic or religious affiliations.
As a writer, I have repeatedly found myself navigating through a landscape where shedding light on this contentious issue invites unwarranted scrutiny and criticism.
In the broader context of national sovereignty and the protection of its citizens, every nation assumes the solemn responsibility for safeguarding its borders and discerning the true motives behind the aspirations of foreign entrants seeking residency within its boundaries.
As an individual of Arab Muslim descent, my journey of legal immigration to the US was motivated by a deep-seated desire to escape the oppressive conditions perpetuated by an authoritarian regime in Iraq. Embarking on this transformative path, I sought to carve out a life characterized by dignity, freedom, and the unfettered pursuit of personal fulfillment.
For too long, I had grappled with the oppressive restrictions imposed upon me and millions of others that undermined our right to independent thought and aspiration. The decision to immigrate was, therefore, not merely an act of physical relocation but a bold assertion of my intrinsic worth and entitlement to a life unbound by the constraints of oppression.
My family and I embarked on a comprehensive and meticulous journey of vetting, diligently submitting all requisite documentation to affirm our eligibility for refugee status. Enduring a prolonged period of anticipation, we awaited the culmination of this process with earnest resolve.
Upon receiving a favorable response, we embarked upon a new chapter in a land we have since come to call home for over three decades.
I, as an immigrant, came to appreciate that the granting of asylum was not merely a matter of entitlement but rather a profound privilege. This realization underscored the significance of our newfound sanctuary, fostering deep gratitude and reverence for the opportunities afforded us in our adopted homeland.
My immigration journey emulates the universal yearning for liberation and self-determination, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural divides. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of seeking refuge in lands where freedom reigns supreme.
This narrative echoes the experiences of countless immigrants who have departed their native lands for myriad reasons, with multitudes eagerly awaiting approval to arrive in the land of opportunities and choices. What guilt do these individuals bear when they find themselves deprived of life’s opportunities due to the actions of groups intent on circumventing legal frameworks and infiltrating across borders?
Addressing this multifaceted crisis requires proactive strategies that balance humanitarian concerns with national security imperatives, ensuring the safety and well-being of both migrants and citizens.
Policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and international partners must collaborate to address the root causes of migration, strengthen border infrastructure, and implement effective enforcement measures to safeguard the nation’s borders and maintain its sovereignty.

Dalia Al-Aqidi is executive director at the American Center for Counter Extremism.
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