Can two-state solution be salvaged from the ruins of the Middle East conflict?

Analysis Can two-state solution be salvaged from the ruins of the Middle East conflict?
A Palestinian woman looks at a mural depicting Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and Jerusalem’s old city on Israel’s controversial separation barrier between Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, in Bethlehem on April 17,2022. (AFP)
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Updated 30 January 2024

Can two-state solution be salvaged from the ruins of the Middle East conflict?

Can two-state solution be salvaged from the ruins of the Middle East conflict?
  • World leaders wanting to see two independent states living side by side face pushback from Israel
  • Without a clear pathway to a Palestinian state, Middle East peace process will remain frozen, warn experts

DUBAI: Since the eruption of the latest war in Gaza on Oct. 7, the international community has sought an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and a clear pathway to a two-state solution as a means to settle the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

However, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has made it clear he would not allow the handover of the Gaza Strip’s security to the Palestinian Authority, let alone a new state, once the conflict ends.

“Insistence is what has prevented over the years the establishment of a Palestinian state that would have constituted an existential danger to Israel,” Netanyahu said in a recent broadcast. “As long as I am prime minister, I will continue to strongly insist on this.”

Responding to Netanyahu’s comments, Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary-general, said this stance “would indefinitely prolong a conflict that has become a major threat to global peace and security,” and that the two-state solution is the only way out of this “hatred and violence.”

A picture shows a view of the Israeli separation wall in Bethlehem city in the occupied West Bank, on December 6, 2023. (AFP)

The Israeli leader is hardly the only obstacle to the two-state solution. Polls suggest many Israelis believe the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack has highlighted the extreme danger of allowing an autonomous Palestinian entity to exist next door.

This at a time when support for Hamas appears to be growing among Palestinians in the West Bank, who, after a recent wave of settler attacks and Israeli military raids on their communities, see shrinking utility in peace talks.

“Israel has no plans and no interest in allowing Palestinians to live in freedom on their land,” Daoud Kuttab, a Palestinian journalist and director of Community Media Network, said in a recent oped for Arab News.

“Palestinians have always known that Israeli claims of peace were fake because they saw firsthand what it was doing; namely, creating facts on the ground that would make the creation of an independent Palestinian state impossible.”

He added: “Sure, the Israelis give plenty of public support for peace — regularly blaming Palestinians for not being responsive enough, for inciting violence and for refusing to accept the concept of a ‘Jewish state.’

“But in reality, these were smokescreens aimed at fooling the international community.”

A young man salvages objects amid the rubble of a building destroyed by Israeli bombing in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on January 27, 2024. (AFP)

If neither of the warring sides appears willing to make the necessary concessions to allow for the creation of a Palestinian state — an objective backed by the wider international community — it raises the question: Should the two-state solution be forced on Israel?

Speaking at the University of Valladolid in Spain last week, Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, said the two-state solution may need to be “imposed from the outside” without Israeli consent.

“The actors are too opposed to be able to reach an agreement autonomously,” he said, according to Spanish media. “If everyone is in favor of this solution, the international community will have to impose it.”

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, has said repeatedly that the establishment of a Palestinian state with guarantees for Israel’s security is the sole way to bring peace.

“The problem is getting from here to there, and of course, it requires very difficult, challenging decisions. It requires a mindset that is open to that perspective,” Blinken told the World Economic Forum in Davos on Jan. 17.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) meets with Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz (2nd-R) in Tel Aviv on January 9, 2024. (AFP)

Whether the US is willing or able to force Israel to accept an independent Palestinian state is another matter. Given Washington’s robust support for Israel and willingness to veto any censure of its ally in the UN Security Council, this approach seems unlikely.

Indeed, any package of sanctions or threat of force designed to twist Israel’s arm into accepting a Palestinian state would also likely be vetoed by the US, making the enforcement of any peace plan without Israeli consent a distinct impossibility.

And although Borrell has raised the suggestion that states could compel Israel to accept the two-state solution, there seems to be little appetite among European governments to do so.

Even the International Court of Justice at The Hague, the UN’s highest court, lacks the means to enforce its rulings, despite last week ordering Israel to take all measures to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza.

The ICJ on Friday said Israel must prevent genocidal acts in its war with Hamas and allow aid into Gaza. (ICJ)

The two-state solution, a proposed framework for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was first proposed in 1947 under the UN Partition Plan for Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. However, successive bouts of conflict, which saw Israel expand its area of control, put paid to this initiative.

Then in 1993, the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization agreed on a plan to implement a two-state solution as part of the Oslo Accords, leading to the establishment of the Palestinian Authority.

This Palestinian state would be based on the borders established after the 1967 war and would have East Jerusalem as its capital. However, this process again failed amid violent opposition from far-right Israelis and Palestinian militants.

Since then, the growth of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, reciprocal attacks, the undermining of the PA’s authority, and ever harsher security controls imposed by Israel have left the two-state solution all but unworkable in the eyes of many.

For the international community, though, it remains the only option.

US President Bill Clinton (C) stands between Yasser Arafat (R) and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzahk Rabin (L) as they shake hands for the first time, on September 13, 1993 at the White House after signing the historic Israel-PLO Oslo Accords on Palestinian autonomy in the occupied territories. (AFP/File)

During a highly charged UN Security Council debate last week, Arab diplomats pressed home the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and for the creation of a Palestinian state that would end the decades-old cycle of violence.

Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, the UAE ambassador to the UN, told the chamber: “We will not support a return to the failed status quo. Before, the two-state solution was the end point to where we envisioned our diplomatic efforts would lead. Now it must be our starting point.”

Ayman Safadi, the foreign minister of Jordan, said Israel’s actions in Gaza were undermining the two-state solution and were “dooming the future of the region to more conflicts and more war.”

When Gilad Erdan, Israel’s envoy to the UN, likened the world’s handling of the crisis in Gaza to “treating cancer with an aspirin,” many Arab ambassadors walked out of the session.

Such is the hostility and the lack of trust between the two sides that confidence in the resumption of talks is arguably now at its lowest ebb.

“It will take time,” Gershon Baskin, an Israeli columnist, former hostage negotiator, and Middle East director of International Communities Organization, told Arab News. “People are not able to think rationally at the moment. They are traumatized and desire revenge. That is a primary motivating factor within society.

“Despite having a rational plan on how to implement the peace process, people are not ready. We have been killing each other for decades and that is not getting us anywhere. But a two-state solution at the moment doesn’t seem viable to the Israelis after the events of Oct. 7.

“On the other hand, the Palestinians believe they are going through the Nakba again. They are devastated and they have no legitimate representation. While some cheered on the actions of Hamas, they are now coming to the realization that this is not a solution either.”

Displaced Palestinians flee from Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on January 30, 2024. (AFP)

Israel launched its military campaign in Gaza in response to the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack on southern Israel, which saw Palestinian militants kill some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and take another 240 hostage, including many foreign nationals.

Since then, the Israeli army has waged a ferocious air and ground campaign against Hamas, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, killing more than 26,000 Palestinians, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Despite the carnage witnessed by the enclave, some commentators believe Israel’s conduct in the war has forced the international community to look at the Palestinian issue with greater urgency.

“The Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the subsequent ‘take no prisoners’ style of revenge that has shocked the world’s consciousness have reinvigorated world opinion,” Kuttab said in his Arab News column.

“Naturally, political forces have returned to the drawing board and insisted — this time a little more seriously — that, after the end of the war on Gaza, a political solution that will satisfy Palestinians’ legitimate aspirations must be found.

“This forced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to admit that, for 30 years, he has been opposed to a Palestinian state and that it would never see the light while he was in power.

“Again, the global community condemned these words, but it failed to translate these condemnations into pressure and create an irreversible process toward this goal.”

A pro-Palestinian supporter waves a Palestinian flag while sitting on a set of traffic lights in front of the Elizabeth Tower, at the Palace of Westminster, during a National March for Palestine in central London on January 13, 2024. (AFP)

With some 130 hostages still thought to be held in Gaza, the Israeli government says it is determined to continue operations until Hamas is defeated. Plans for the post-war governance of Gaza or a wider peace process, however, are yet to be determined.

“Given we still have hostages in Gaza, nobody will want to talk about the process and even less people will want to talk about peace,” Meir Javedanfar, an Iran and Middle East lecturer at Reichman University in Tel Aviv, told Arab News.

“First and foremost, all of the hostages have to be released. Then we can start thinking about solutions.”

But this does not necessarily mean the peace process is dead. With the support of Washington and the Arab states, Javedanfar believes negotiations can get back on track, but not until Israel has completed its mission against Hamas.

“Once this war ends, if America and the Arab states, especially Saudi Arabia, will provide support, then you will find Israelis who will be interested in the process of talking with the Palestinian Authority and negotiating,” he said.

“Initially, there will be more support for the process than the peace, but if the process brings positive results then we can start talking about peace. But we remain far away from that.

“Release the hostages, remove Hamas from any Palestinian political equation, and, if these go well, then we can start talking about peace.”

Police stand as Israeli demonstrators shout slogans against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during an anti-government protest in Jerusalem on November 4, 2023. (AFP)

While Netanyahu remains in office, the dial is unlikely to move on Palestinian statehood. That being said, the Israeli prime minister is now facing the political fight of his life.

With rivals trying to pin responsibility on him for intelligence failures leading to the Oct. 7 attacks and for not doing enough to bring the hostages home, he may not be in power long if early elections are called.

But, if Israelis continue to view him as the only candidate capable of standing up to international pressure and the prospect of a Palestinian state, Netanyahu’s political career may yet survive.

Posting on the social media platform X on Jan. 20, just a day after a phone call with US President Joe Biden, Netanyahu said: “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan — and this is contrary to a Palestinian state.”

For Kuttab, it is up to the international community to prove it is serious about its professed support for the two-state solution.

“The world community has a clear challenge now,” he said. “If it is serious about the two-state solution, it must recognize Palestine and encourage the legitimate representatives of Israel and Palestine to negotiate the modalities as two UN member states.

“Short of that, all efforts must be placed on forcing Israel to grant equal political rights to all the people under its control. Put simply, Israel needs to decide to either share the land or share the power in historic Palestine — there is no third choice.”


US airs frustration with Israel’s military about strikes in Gaza

US airs frustration with Israel’s military about strikes in Gaza
Updated 17 September 2024

US airs frustration with Israel’s military about strikes in Gaza

US airs frustration with Israel’s military about strikes in Gaza
  • Thomas-Greenfield said the United States expects Israeli military leaders to implement “fundamental changes” in their operations

UNITED NATIONS: The US ambassador to the United Nations on Monday accused Israel’s military of striking schools, humanitarian workers and civilians in Gaza in a sign of growing American frustration with its close ally as the war approaches its first anniversary.
Israel has repeatedly said it targets Hamas militants, who often hide with civilians and use them as human shields, in retaliation for the Oct. 7 attacks in southern Israel that killed about 1,200 people and launched the war in Gaza.
US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield was unusually outspoken against the Israeli military at a UN Security Council meeting, saying many of the strikes in recent weeks that injured or killed UN personnel and humanitarian workers “were preventable.”
Many council members cited last week’s Israeli strike on a former school turned civilian shelter run by the UN agency helping Palestinian refugees, known as UNRWA, in which six UNRWA staffers were among at least 18 people killed, including women and children.
Israel said it targeted a Hamas command-and-control center in the compound, and Israel’s UN ambassador, Danny Danon, asserted Monday that Hamas militants were killed in the strike. He named four, claiming to the council that they worked for UNRWA during the day and Hamas at night.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an independent investigation.
Thomas-Greenfield told council members that the US will keep raising the need for Israel to facilitate humanitarian operations in the Palestinian territory and protect humanitarian workers and facilities like the UNRWA shelter.
She also reiterated US “outrage” at the death of Turkish American activist Aysenur Eygi, who was shot and killed during a protest in the West Bank last week. Israeli Defense Forces said it likely killed Eygi by mistake, and the government has begun a criminal investigation.
“The IDF is a professional military and knows well how to ensure that incidents such as these do not happen,” the US envoy said.
Thomas-Greenfield said the United States expects Israeli military leaders to implement “fundamental changes” in their operations — including to their rules of engagement and procedures to ensure that military operations do not conflict with humanitarian activities and do not target schools and other civilian facilities.
“We have also been unequivocal in communicating to Israel that there is no basis — absolutely none — for its forces to be opening fire on clearly marked UN vehicles as recently occurred on numerous occasions,” Thomas-Greenfield said.
At the same time, she said Hamas is also hiding in — and in some cases, taking over or using — civilian sites, which poses “an ongoing threat.”
She said it underscores the urgency of reaching a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza. While the United States works with fellow mediators Egypt and Qatar to try to get both sides “to agree that enough is enough,” she said, “this is ultimately a question of political will” and difficult compromises.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken heads to Egypt this week for talks partly about refining a proposal to present to Israel and Hamas.
The United States urges “all council members with influence over Hamas to join others in pressing its leaders to stop stalling, make these compromises, and accept the deal without delay,” Thomas-Greenfield.
She spoke after the top UN humanitarian official in Gaza said the territory is “hell on Earth” for its more than 2 million people, calling the lack of effective protection for civilians “unconscionable.”
Sigrid Kaag, the UN senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for Gaza, told council members and reporters that the war has turned the territory “into the abyss.”
Over 41,000 Palestinians have been killed during Israel’s offensive, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.
Humanitarian operations are being impeded by lawlessness, Israeli evacuation orders, fighting and difficult conditions for aid workers that include Israeli denials of access, delays, a lack of safety and security, and “poor logistical infrastructure,” Kaag said.
Danon insisted that Israel’s humanitarian efforts “are unparalleled” for a country forced to go to war and urged the Security Council and the UN “to speak to the facts.”
Over 1 million tons of aid have been delivered via more than 50,000 trucks and nearly 1 million land crossings, he said, adding that hardly a fraction have been stopped.
When asked about Danon’s statement, Kaag pointed to recent strikes on humanitarian convoys and schools and health facilities where Israel had received prior notification.
“It’s not about trucks. It’s about what people need,” she said. “We’re way, way off what people need, not only daily, but also what we would all consider a dignified human life.”

Houthi official says US offered to recognize Sanaa government; US official denies claim

Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti. (Twitter @M_N_Albukhaiti)
Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti. (Twitter @M_N_Albukhaiti)
Updated 17 September 2024

Houthi official says US offered to recognize Sanaa government; US official denies claim

Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti. (Twitter @M_N_Albukhaiti)
  • The remarks came a day after a Houthi ballistic missile reached central Israel for the first time

CAIRO: The US offered to recognize the Houthi government in Sanaa in a bid to stop the Yemeni rebel group’s attacks, a senior Houthi official said on Monday, in remarks that a US official said were false.
The Houthi official’s remarks came a day after a ballistic missile from the Iran-aligned group reached central Israel for the first time, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say Israel would inflict a “heavy price” on them.
“There is always communication after every operation we conduct,” Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, a member of the Houthi movement’s political bureau, told Al Jazeera Mubasher TV. “These calls are based on either threats or presenting some temptations, but they have given up to achieve any accomplishment in that direction.”
A US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, called the remarks “a total fabrication.”
Separately, a US State Department official said: “Houthi propaganda is rarely true or newsworthy. Coverage like this puts a guise of credibility on their misinformation.”
Al-Bukhaiti said the calls after attacks included some from the US and the United Kingdom indirectly through mediators and that the threats included direct US military intervention against countries that intervene militarily “in support of Gaza.”
Beside attacks on Israel, the Yemeni group has also continued to launch attacks on ships they say are linked or bound to Israel in support of Palestinians amid the war in Gaza.
The Houthis have damaged more than 80 ships in missile and drone attacks since November, sinking two vessels, seizing another and killing at least three crew members.
The war in the Gaza Strip started after Hamas gunmen launched a surprise attack on Israel which left 1,200 people killed and around 250 foreign and Israelis taken hostage, according to Israeli tallies. Israel’s subsequent offensive on Gaza has so far killed 41,226 Palestinians and wounded 95,413 others, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
Yemen has been embroiled in years of civil war. In 2014, the Houthis took control of the capital, Sanaa, and ousted the internationally recognized government. In January, the United States put the Houthis back on its list of terrorist groups.


Returning residents to north Israel is now a war goal, Netanyahu says

Returning residents to north Israel is now a war goal, Netanyahu says
Updated 17 September 2024

Returning residents to north Israel is now a war goal, Netanyahu says

Returning residents to north Israel is now a war goal, Netanyahu says
  • Tens of thousands of Israelis were evacuated from towns along the northern frontier that have been badly damaged by rocket fire and they have yet to return

JERUSALEM: Israel on Tuesday expanded its stated goals of the war in Gaza to include enabling residents to return to communities in northern Israel that have been evacuated due to attacks by Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The decision was approved during an overnight meeting of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet, Netanyahu’s office said.
Hamas’ Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel sparked the war in Gaza. Hezbollah opened a second front against Israel a day later and fighting across the Israel-Lebanon border has since escalated, threatening to ignite a regional conflict.
Tens of thousands of Israelis were evacuated from towns along the northern frontier that have been badly damaged by rocket fire and they have yet to return.
Israel’s defense minister said on Monday: “The possibility for an agreement is running out as Hezbollah continues to ‘tie itself’ to Hamas, and refuses to end the conflict. Therefore, the only way left to ensure the return of Israel’s northern communities to their homes will be via military action.”


Hamas chief says ready for ‘long war’ in Gaza

Hamas chief says ready for ‘long war’ in Gaza
Updated 17 September 2024

Hamas chief says ready for ‘long war’ in Gaza

Hamas chief says ready for ‘long war’ in Gaza
  • Israel has killed at least 41,226 Palestinians in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run territory’s health ministry
  • Independent UN rights experts meanwhile warned that Israel risked international isolation over its actions in Gaza and called on Western countries to ensure accountability

Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories: Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar said Monday the Palestinian group had the resources to sustain its fight against Israel, with support from Iran-backed regional allies, nearly a year into the Gaza war.
Sinwar, who last month replaced slain Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, said in a letter to the group’s Yemeni allies that “we have prepared ourselves to fight a long war of attrition.”
Deadly fighting raged on in the besieged Gaza Strip, where medics and rescuers said Monday that Israeli strikes — which the military has not commented on — killed at least two dozen people.
The latest strikes came as Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned that prospects for a halt in fighting with Hezbollah militants in Lebanon were dimming, yet again raising fears of a wider regional conflagration.
Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan told AFP at the weekend the group “has a high ability to continue” fighting despite losses, noting “the recruitment of new generations” to replace killed militants.
Gallant last week said Hamas, whose October 7 attack triggered the war, “no longer exists” as a military formation in Gaza.
Sinwar, in his letter to Yemen’s Houthis, threatened that Iran-aligned groups in Gaza and elsewhere in the region including Lebanon and Iraq would “break the enemy’s political will” after more than 11 months of war.
“Our combined efforts with you” and with groups in Lebanon and Iraq “will break this enemy and inflict defeat on it,” Sinwar said.
Independent UN rights experts meanwhile warned that Israel risked international isolation over its actions in Gaza and called on Western countries to ensure accountability.
Spain, which recently joined several European countries in formally recognizing the State of Palestine, is due to host Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Tuesday, an official in his office told AFP.
Abbas, who is based in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and holds little sway in Gaza, is set to meet Spanish King Felipe VI and Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, before heading to New York for the UN General Assembly.

The October 7 attack on southern Israel that sparked the war resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures.
Militants also seized 251 hostages, 97 of whom are still held in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead.
Israel’s retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,226 people in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run territory’s health ministry, which does not provide a breakdown of civilian and militant deaths.
Tensions have surged along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, amid fears the violence could explode into an all-out war.
“The possibility for an agreement is running out as Hezbollah continues to tie itself to Hamas and refuses to end the conflict,” Gallant told visiting US envoy Amos Hochstein, a defense ministry statement said.
Israeli media outlets said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was considering firing Gallant, one of several officials who have been at odds with the veteran leader on war policy. Netanyahu’s office denied the reports.
Netanyahu told Hochstein later Monday he seeks a “fundamental change” in the security situation on Israel’s northern border.
Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah group has traded near-daily cross-border fire with Israeli forces since October in stated support of ally Hamas.
Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem said Saturday his group has “no intention of going to war,” but if Israel does “unleash” one “there will be large losses on both sides.”
The violence has killed hundreds of mostly fighters in Lebanon, and dozens of civilians and soldiers on the Israeli side.

In central Gaza, survivors scoured debris Monday after a strike on the Nuseirat refugee camp.
Ten people were killed and 15 were wounded when an air strike hit the Al-Qassas family home in Nuseirat in the morning, said a medic at Al-Awda Hospital, where the bodies were taken.
“My house was hit while we were sleeping without any prior warning,” said survivor Rashed Al-Qassas.
Gaza’s civil defense said six Palestinians were killed in a similar strike at night on a house belonging to the Bassal family in Gaza City’s Zeitun neighborhood.
Emergency services later reported six more deaths, with Al-Awda Hospital saying it received the bodies of three people killed in Israeli strikes on Nuseirat.
The Gaza war has drawn in Iran-backed Hamas allies across the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis, whose maritime attacks have disrupted global shipping through vital waterways off Yemen.
On Sunday the rebels claimed a rare missile attack on central Israel which caused no casualties, prompting Netanyahu to warn that they would pay “a heavy price for any attempt to harm us.”
In a televised speech, the Houthis’ leader said the rebels and their regional allies were “preparing to do even more.”
“Our operations will continue as long as the aggression and siege on Gaza continue,” Abdul Malik Al-Houthi said.


Israeli airstrikes destroy residential buildings in Hula as casualties rise

Smoke billows from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted the southern Lebanese village of Houla on September 16, 2024.
Smoke billows from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted the southern Lebanese village of Houla on September 16, 2024.
Updated 16 September 2024

Israeli airstrikes destroy residential buildings in Hula as casualties rise

Smoke billows from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted the southern Lebanese village of Houla on September 16, 2024.
  • Israel minister tells visiting US envoy time ‘running out’ to stop Lebanon war
  • Hezbollah says Netanyahu is incapable of expanding the southern front

BEIRUT: One Hezbollah member was killed, and three were wounded in intense Israeli airstrikes on Monday on the border town of Hula.

The airstrikes destroyed several buildings, adding to the destruction of other residential areas that were leveled in the town, which has seen its residents flee.

The escalation of Israeli hostilities in southern Lebanon coincided with the arrival of Amos Hochstein, US envoy to the Middle East, in Tel Aviv.

His visit aims to de-escalate tensions between Israel and Hezbollah and avoid a full-scale war after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his intent to “expand military operations in the north.”


Hezbollah has traded regular cross-border fire with Israeli forces since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack sparked war in the Gaza Strip, in a campaign the movement has said was in support of its Palestinian ally.

The explosions from the missiles “felt like an earthquake,” Samer, a resident living near the targeted border area, told Arab News.

“The ground shook under our feet, even though we were dozens of kilometers away from the airstrikes.

“Now, the strikes target groups of houses at once, unlike before when it was just a single building or home.”

Israeli artillery also shelled the outskirts of the towns of Kfarkela, Kfarchouba, Aita Al-Shaab, and Hanine in the Bint Jbeil district.

Ali Shbib Shehab, the mayor of Hanine, told Arab News: “The town is being destroyed daily. It is a town about 2,000 meters from the border and has lost four civilian martyrs so far, women and children, while eight other civilians were injured. Around 50 homes have been destroyed either partially or entirely.

“It is a small town, and those who remain are farmers who hold on to their land and insist on staying despite the daily shelling.”

A security source stated: “The area from Odaisseh to Kfarkela is now empty of residents, while in the Bint Jbeil — Mays Al-Jabal — Hula axis, some residents remain in their homes, relying on aid.”

Israeli leaflets were dropped on Saturday over the Lebanese agricultural border area of Wazzani, calling on the remaining residents to evacuate by 4 p.m.

However, the Israeli army denied dropping the leaflets, claiming it was an “individual act” by an officer in the northern brigade.

An Israeli artillery shelling on the border town of Adaisseh on Sunday evening resulted in injuries to four residents of the city, who were in the process of transporting household items outside the area.

Previously, owners of commercial establishments storing their goods in warehouses located in border towns, particularly in Mays Al-Jabal, coordinated with the Lebanese Army and UNIFIL, the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon, which in turn liaised with the Israeli side.

Over the past two weeks, goods and household items from homes and shops were evacuated in phases to prevent damage, as the conflict approaches a year since its inception.

Israeli media reported on Monday that “the commander of the Northern Command of the Israeli army, Ori Gordin, recommended during closed sessions that the military be permitted to take control of a security buffer zone in southern Lebanon.”

The Israeli side aims to distance Hezbollah forces to ensure they do not pose a threat to the northern residents while also exerting pressure on Hezbollah to reach a lasting settlement.

Netanyahu has threatened to carry out a large-scale military operation against Hezbollah.

Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told the visiting Hochstein on Monday that prospects were dimming for a halt to nearly a year of fighting with Hamas ally Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Gallant on Monday met with Hochstein to discuss Israeli military operations against Hezbollah and the plight of Israelis displaced by the cross-border strikes, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

He “emphasized that the possibility for an agreement is running out as Hezbollah continues to ‘tie itself’ to Hamas and refuses to end the conflict,” the statement said.

“Therefore, the only way left to ensure the return of Israel’s northern communities to their homes will be via military action.”

Earlier on Monday, the ministry said Gallant delivered a similar message by phone to his US counterpart Lloyd Austin about time “running out” for an agreement to end the conflict.

Israel “is committed to removing Hezbollah from southern Lebanon and ensuring the safe return of Israeli residents to their homes in the northern and border areas,” Gallant said.

In response to Netanyahu’s remarks on Monday concerning the potential expansion of the conflict to the northern front, Hezbollah MP Hussein Ezzedine asserted that Israel was “unable to extend the war to any additional front.”

He said the exhausted and worn-out army in Gaza had not yet reached an end to the current operations and could not assert victory in Gaza.

“Therefore, how can it contemplate opening a new front with Lebanon or any other location?”

Ezzedine affirmed that “the resistance is strong, capable, and prepared for any unexpected developments that the enemy may attempt to surprise us with, and it continues its daily operational activities that deplete the capabilities of the Israeli army.”

Israeli Channel 12 reported on Monday that several rockets launched from Lebanon struck the Metula settlement, resulting in damage to a building and the outbreak of fire.

Hezbollah announced that it targeted the positions of Israeli enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Metula site using missile weapons.

It also targeted the Birkat Reisha site with artillery shells and the Israeli army’s artillery positions in Za’oura with rockets.

On Sunday, Hezbollah executed military operations against 10 Israeli military installations, which included an assault on the headquarters of the 188th Brigade’s armored battalions located in the Rawiya barracks with numerous Katyusha rockets.

Additionally, an attack drone was deployed to strike a technical system at the Al-Malikiyah site, achieving a direct hit. Another attack drone targeted Israeli soldiers at the Metula site.

Espionage equipment at the Ruwaysat Al-Alam site in the occupied Kfar Shuba hills was struck with a guided missile, while Israeli positions in Za’oura and further espionage equipment at the Ramya site were also targeted using guided missiles.

The Samaka site in the occupied Kfar Shuba hills was attacked with rocket weaponry, and buildings utilized by soldiers in the Shlomi settlement were also hit.

Furthermore, Hezbollah conducted an aerial assault employing a squadron of suicide drones on the headquarters of the Golan Division’s military assembly battalion in the Yarden barracks, accurately targeting the positions and settlements of their officers and soldiers, resulting in multiple casualties.

Additionally, Israeli artillery positions in Dishon were targeted with rockets.