UN chief warns that Israel’s rejection of a two-state solution threatens global peace

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. (AP)
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. (AP)
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Updated 24 January 2024

UN chief warns that Israel’s rejection of a two-state solution threatens global peace

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters.
  • “The entire population of Gaza is enduring destruction at a scale and speed without parallel in recent history,” Guterres told the UN Security Council

UNITED NATIONS: The UN chief warned Israel on Tuesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘s rejection of a two-state solution will indefinitely prolong a conflict that is threatening global peace and emboldening extremists everywhere.
In his toughest language yet on the Israeli-Hamas war, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a ministerial meeting of the UN Security Council that “the right of the Palestinian people to build their own fully independent state must be recognized by all, and a refusal to accept the two-state solution by any party must be firmly rejected.”
The alternative of a one-state solution “with such a large number of Palestinians inside without any real sense of freedom, rights and dignity … will be inconceivable,” he said.
Guterres also warned that the risks of regional escalation of the conflict “are now becoming a reality,” pointing to Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Pakistan. He urged all parties “to step back from the brink and to consider the horrendous costs” of a wider war.
Netanyahu’s rejection of a Palestinian state in any postwar scenario opened a wide rift with Israel’s closest ally, the US, which says the war must lead to negotiations for a two-state solution where Israel and the Palestinians can live side-by-side in peace. That goal is supported by countries around the world, as ministers and ambassadors reiterated Tuesday.
Saudi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Waleed Elkhereiji told the council: “How can this tragedy continue with no serious action to bring an end to it and with no measures to halt the carnage and collective punishment against defenseless civilians in Gaza.”
Elkhereiji told the council that a lasting solution was the only way to ensure peace and regional stability.
“Any measure for regional security or to prevent threats cannot replace a resolution of the root causes the crisis in Palestine and finding a lasting solution,” he said. “You must act to ensure an immediate ceasefire and to restore peace to alleviate suffering and to allow the Palestinian people to safeguard their dignity and their legitimate rights.”


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“This peace which we so desire must go via a credible, irreversible path toward creating an independent Palestine state which safeguards the dignity of the Palestinian people, allowing for their coexistence and common security as well as for stability and development for all.”
The health ministry said that at least 25,000 civilians have been killed, mostly children and women, as Israel continues to pound the densely populated Gaza Strip in its campaign to eradicate Hamas, after the group attacked settlements near the enclave killing 1,200.
“We categorically reject violations of international humanitarian law by any parties, in any circumstances. We condemn targeting of civilians and call upon this Council to adopt firm position to oblige Israel to respect international law and bring an end to this suffering.”
He also warned of the dangers of military escalation in the region and its impact of security and stability.
“Military operations in the Red Sea and the Yemeni republic are a source of concern. The necessary measure therefore must be taken to contain incidences and repercussions of this crisis, which is affecting neighboring countries and international peace and security.”

United Arab Emirates’ ambassador to the UN, Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, told the council: “We need an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The overwhelming majority of the international community has called for this, repeatedly. It is time for the minority view to stop obstructing it from happening.”

She added: “The humanitarian imperative at this moment must be our top priority, in addition to the ceasefire, so that life-saving aid can enter at scale, and hostages can be allowed out and returned to their families safely.”

Pakistan said Israel’s actions in Gaza were genocidal and called for greater recognition of Palestine.

“It is time to admit Palestine as a full member of the United Nations,” said. Munir Akram, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN.

Uzra Zeya, the State Department’s under secretary for civilian security, democracy and human rights, told the council, “A key component of US diplomacy is to pursue a pathway both to a Palestinian state and normalization and integration between Israel and other regional states.”
“The goal is a future where Gaza is never again used as a platform for terror, and a future where Palestinians have a state of their own,” she said, reiterating the Biden administration’s call on Israel to do more to protect Palestinian civilians.
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov countered that American diplomacy “oscillates between vetoing resolutions about the ceasefire and at the same time calling for a reduction in the intensity of hostilities in Gaza.”
“Without a doubt this serves as carte blanche for the ongoing collective punishment of Palestinians,” Lavrov told the council.
Secretary-general Guterres repeated his longstanding call for a humanitarian ceasefire — an appeal with overwhelming global support.
But Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan again rejected a ceasefire, saying Hamas, which carried out a brutal attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7, is committed to attacking again and destroying Israel, and a halt to fighting will only allow the militants “to regroup and rearm.”
He urged the Security Council to “eliminate the root” of the conflict, which he said was Iran.
Erdan strongly criticized the presence of Iran’s foreign minister at the council meeting, saying the country provides weapons to Hamas, to Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon and Houthi militants in Yemen, “and soon these acts will be carried out under a nuclear umbrella” and “Iran’s terror will reach all of you.”
Iran has long denied seeking nuclear weapons and insists its nuclear program is entirely for peaceful purposes. But the UN nuclear watchdog has warned that Iran has enough enriched uranium for nuclear bombs if it chose to build them.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian didn’t mention its nuclear program, but he warned Israel that it would not destroy Hamas, its stated goal.
“The killing of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank cannot continue on to the so-called total destruction of Hamas, because that time will never come,” he said. “Stopping the genocide in Gaza is the main key to security in the region.”
Riyad Al-Maliki, the Palestinian foreign minister, said Israel is carrying out “the most savage bombing campaign” since World War II, which is leading to famine and the massive displacement of civilians. “This is an assault of atrocities,” which has destroyed countless innocent lives, he said.
Al-Maliki said Israel doesn’t see the Palestinians as a people and a “political reality to coexist with, but as a demographic threat to get rid of through death, displacement or subjugation.” He said those are the choices Israel has offered Palestinians, calling them tantamount to “genocide, ethnic cleansing or apartheid.”
Al-Maliki said there are only two future paths: One starts with Palestinian freedom and leads to Mideast peace and security, and the other denies freedom and “dooms our region to further bloodshed and endless conflict.”
France’s new foreign minister, Stéphane Séjourné, whose country holds the council presidency this month, presided at the meeting and warned that “a regional conflagration is real.”
He said the world should unite and deliver different messages to the warring parties.
Israel must be told that “there must be a Palestinian state” and that violence against Palestinians, including by West Bank settlers, must end, Séjourné said. And the Palestinians must be told that “There can be no ambiguity regarding Israel’s right to live in peace and security, and to exercise its right to self-defense against terrorism.”
But Turkiye’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said the argument that the war is about providing security for Israel “is far from being convincing.” He said supporters of this view never talk about the Palestinians’ right to security and self-defense.
Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said the “ideology of hate embraced openly by Israeli ministers is normalizing the mass murder of Palestinians” and urged the council to stop it with a binding resolution.
Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and for blocking a Palestinian state, Safadi said. “The future of the region cannot be taken hostage to the political ambitions and the radical agendas of Israeli extremists who described the Palestinians as human animals, unworthy of life, who enable settler terrorism against Palestinian people.”

UN investigator accuses Israel of a ‘starvation campaign’ in Gaza that Netanyahu denies

UN investigator accuses Israel of a ‘starvation campaign’ in Gaza that Netanyahu denies
Updated 41 min 48 sec ago

UN investigator accuses Israel of a ‘starvation campaign’ in Gaza that Netanyahu denies

UN investigator accuses Israel of a ‘starvation campaign’ in Gaza that Netanyahu denies
  • UN investigator Michael Fakhri: “Never in post-war history had a population been made to go hungry so quickly and so completely as was the case for the 2.3 million Palestinians living in Gaza”

UNITED NATIONS: The UN independent investigator on the right to food accused Israel of carrying out a “starvation campaign” against Palestinians during the war in Gaza, an allegation that Israel vehemently denies.
In a report this week, investigator Michael Fakhri claimed it began two days after Hamas’ surprise attack in southern Israel that killed some 1,200 people, when Israel’s military offensive in response blocked all food, water, fuel and other supplies into Gaza.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said accusations of Israel limiting humanitarian aid were “outrageously false.”
“A deliberate starvation policy? You can say anything — it doesn’t make it true,” he said in a press conference Wednesday.

Palestinians are storming trucks loaded with humanitarian aid brought in through a new U.S.-built pier, in the central Gaza Strip, May 18, 2024. (AP)

Following intense international pressure — especially from close ally the United States — Netanyahu’s government gradually has opened several border crossings for tightly controlled deliveries. Fakhri said limited aid initially went mostly to southern and central Gaza, not to the north where Israel had ordered Palestinians to go.
A professor at the University of Oregon School of Law, Fakhri was appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council as the investigator, or special rapporteur, on the right to food and assumed the role in 2020.
“By December, Palestinians in Gaza made up 80 percent of the people in the world experiencing famine or catastrophic hunger,” Fakhri said. “Never in post-war history had a population been made to go hungry so quickly and so completely as was the case for the 2.3 million Palestinians living in Gaza.”
Fakhri, who teaches law courses on human rights, food law and development, made the allegations in a report to the UN General Assembly circulated Thursday.

This image grab from an AFPTV video shows Palestinians running toward parachutes attached to food parcels, air-dropped from US aircrafts on a beach in the Gaza Strip on March 2, 2024. (AFP)

He claims it goes back 76 years to Israeli’s independence and its continuous dislocation of Palestinians. Since then, he accused Israel of deploying “the full range of techniques of hunger and starvation against the Palestinians, perfecting the degree of control, suffering and death that it can cause through food systems.”
Since the war in Gaza began, Fakhri said he has received direct reports of the destruction of the territory’s food system, including farmland and fishing, which also has been documented and recognized by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and others.
“Israel then used humanitarian aid as a political and military weapon to harm and kill the Palestinian people in Gaza,” he claimed.
Israel insists it no longer places restrictions on the number of aid trucks entering Gaza, including food.
At Wednesday’s press conference, Netanyahu cited figures from COGAT, Israel’s military body overseeing aid entry into Gaza, that 700,000 tons of food items had been allowed into Gaza since the war began 11 months ago.
Nearly half of that food aid in recent months has been brought in by the private sector for sale in Gaza’s markets, according to COGAT figures. However, many Palestinians in Gaza say they struggle to afford enough food for their families.
Israel allows trucks of aid through two small crossings in the north and one main crossing in the south, Kerem Shalom. However, since Israel’s invasion of the southern city of Rafah in May, the UN and other aid agencies say they struggle to reach the Gaza side of Kerem Shalom to retrieve the aid for free distribution because Israel’s military operations make it too dangerous.
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric called the humanitarian situation in Gaza “beyond catastrophic,” with more than 1 million Palestinians not receiving any food rations in August and a 35 percent drop in people getting daily cooked meals.
The UN humanitarian office attributed the sharp reduction in cooked meals partly to multiple evacuation orders from Israeli security forces that forced at least 70 of 130 kitchens to either suspend or relocate their operations, he said Thursday. The UN’s humanitarian partners also lacked sufficient food supplies to meet requirements for the second straight month in central and southern Gaza, Dujarric added.
He said critical shortages of supplies in Gaza are stem from hostilities, insecurity, damaged roads, and Israeli obstacles and access limitations.


German minister says ‘purely military approach’ not the solution in Gaza

German minister says ‘purely military approach’ not the solution in Gaza
Updated 06 September 2024

German minister says ‘purely military approach’ not the solution in Gaza

German minister says ‘purely military approach’ not the solution in Gaza
  • Baerbock on Friday called for “a ceasefire now” and also spoke out against hawkish statements by Israeli officials about the West Bank, where the army on Aug. 28 launched a raid in multiple cities that has left at least 36 dead

TEL AVIV: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Friday that a military approach alone was not the solution to Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
“The past weekend has dramatically demonstrated that a purely military approach is no solution to the situation in Gaza,” she said after meeting with her Israeli counterpart, Israel Katz, in the coastal Israeli city of Tel Aviv.
Baerbock was referring to the recovery of six more dead hostages announced on Sunday.
Their deaths have ramped up domestic pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seal a deal with Hamas for a Gaza ceasefire and hostage exchange deal, though the two sides have traded blame over stalled talks this week.


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock called for ‘a ceasefire now’ and also spoke out against hawkish statements by Israeli officials about the West Bank.

Baerbock on Friday called for “a ceasefire now” and also spoke out against hawkish statements by Israeli officials about the West Bank, where the army on Aug. 28 launched a raid in multiple cities that has left at least 36 dead.
Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s far-right national security minister, said in a post on X on Friday that he had asked Netanyahu to make the defeat of Hamas “and other terrorist organizations” in the West Bank one of the aims of the war in Gaza.
“When members of the Israeli government themselves call for the same approach in the West Bank as in Gaza, that is precisely what acutely endangers Israel’s security,” Baerbock said.
Her comments came one day after German police shot dead a man who opened fire on them in what they treated as a foiled “terrorist attack” on Munich’s Israeli Consulate on the anniversary of the 1972 Olympic Games killings.
Baerbock said she had “expressed my deepest and full solidarity” with Katz.
“This is a terrible situation. This is a terrible moment for us, especially on the very anniversary of Munich 1972,” she said.
Authorities in Vienna said investigators seized electronic devices at the home of the young Austrian who fired shots near the Munich consulate, but found no weapons or Daesh propaganda material.


Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemns killing of US-Turkish citizen during West Bank protests

Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemns killing of US-Turkish citizen during West Bank protests
Updated 06 September 2024

Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemns killing of US-Turkish citizen during West Bank protests

Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemns killing of US-Turkish citizen during West Bank protests
  • 26-year-old Aysenur Ezgi Eygi shot in the head on Friday in Nablus area while protesting against expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied West Bank

AMMAN: Jordan’s Foreign Ministry condemned the killing on Friday of a dual US-Turkish citizen while she was taking part in a protest against the expansion of settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The ministry described the incident as a “horrible crime for which those involved must face consequences,” the Jordan News Agency reported.

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, 26, was shot in the head in the Nablus area of the northern West Bank while protesting. Her death was confirmed by the US State Department and the Turkish Foreign Ministry. The latter said she was killed by Israeli soldiers and described the incident as a “murder carried out by the Netanyahu government.”

Ambassador Sufian Qudah, a spokesperson for Jordan’s Foreign Ministry, said the killing was a “continuation of the crimes committed by the occupation and its ongoing violations against defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank.”

It “reflects the extreme policies of the Israeli government, which feed into extremism and hatred and encourage settlers to target the killing of Palestinians and anyone who supports the Palestinian people in their struggle for their rightful state,” he added.

Qudah urged the international community to live up to its moral and legal obligations by compelling Israel to halt its aggression in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and to hold accountable those who commit crimes against Palestinian civilians.

Israeli strikes kill 12 Palestinians in Gaza as polio vaccination resumes

Israeli strikes kill 12 Palestinians in Gaza as polio vaccination resumes
Updated 06 September 2024

Israeli strikes kill 12 Palestinians in Gaza as polio vaccination resumes

Israeli strikes kill 12 Palestinians in Gaza as polio vaccination resumes
  • In Nuseirat, one of territory’s eight historic refugee camps, an Israeli strike killed two women and two children
  • Nearly 90 percent of the Gaza ceasefire deal is agreed, but critical issues remain where there are gaps

CAIRO: Israeli military strikes killed at least 12 Palestinians across the Gaza Strip on Friday, medics said, as health officials resumed vaccination of tens of thousands more children in the enclave against polio.
In Nuseirat, one of the territory’s eight historic refugee camps, an Israeli strike killed two women and two children, while eight other people were killed in two other strikes in Gaza City, the medics said.
Meanwhile, Israeli forces battled Hamas-led fighters in the Zeitoun suburb of Gaza City, where residents said tanks have been operating for over a week, in eastern Khan Younis, and in Rafah, near the border with Egypt, where residents said Israeli forces blew up several houses.
Eleven months into the war, diplomacy has so far failed to conclude a ceasefire deal to end the conflict and bring the release of Israeli and foreign hostages held in Gaza as well as many Palestinians jailed in Israel.
The two warring sides continued to blame one another for failing efforts by mediators, including Qatar, Egypt and the United States. The US is preparing to present a new ceasefire proposal to hammer out differences, but prospects of a breakthrough remain dim as gaps between the sides remain large.
On Thursday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that it was incumbent on both Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas to say yes on remaining issues to reach a Gaza ceasefire deal.
Nearly 90 percent of the Gaza ceasefire deal is agreed, but critical issues remain where there are gaps, including the issue of the so-called Philadelphi corridor on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip bordering Egypt, Blinken said at a press briefing. Israel said it wouldn’t leave the corridor and Hamas says an agreement isn’t possible unless they did.
Meanwhile, residents of Khan Younis and displaced families from Rafah, continued to crowd medical facilities, bringing their children to get the polio vaccines. The campaign was launched after the discovery of a case of a one-year-old baby who was partially paralyzed.

This was the first known case of the disease in Gaza — one of the world’s most densely populated places — in 25 years. It re-emerged as Gaza’s health system has virtually collapsed and many hospitals have been knocked out of action due to the war.
The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA, said at least 160,000 children received the drops in southern Gaza areas on Thursday where medical staffers began the second stage of the campaign, benefiting from an Israeli and Hamas agreement on limited pauses in the fighting.
“Since 1 September @UNRWA & partners have vaccinated nearly 355,000 children against #polio in #Gaza middle & southern areas,” UNRWA said in a post on X.
“In the next few days, we’ll continue rolling out the polio vaccination campaign aiming to reach around 640,000 children under 10 with this critical vaccine,” it added.
The campaign will move on Sunday to the northern Gaza Strip, which has been the focus of the major Israeli military offensive in the past 11 months. According to the World Health Organization, a second round of vaccination would be required four weeks after the first round.
The latest bloodshed in the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict was triggered on Oct. 7 when Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel, killing 1,200 and taking about 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.
Israel’s subsequent assault on the Hamas-governed enclave has since killed over 40,800 Palestinians, according to the local health ministry, while also displacing nearly the entire population of 2.3 million, causing a hunger crisis and leading to genocide allegations at the World Court that Israel denies.

Medical charity launches mental health helplines for Lebanese

Medical charity launches mental health helplines for Lebanese
Updated 06 September 2024

Medical charity launches mental health helplines for Lebanese

Medical charity launches mental health helplines for Lebanese
  • Israeli forces step up airstrikes, hitting series of Lebanese border villages

BEIRUT: Medecins Sans Frontieres in Lebanon has warned of a growing mental health crisis as a result of mass displacement in the south.

The organization highlighted “worsening psychological and financial burdens caused by displacement, loss of property and continued insecurity.”

It has launched two mental health helplines in response.

“Two mental health helplines were launched on Friday, aiming to provide necessary and free psychological support to communities suffering from psychological stress as a result of the conflict, including psychological first aid, consultations, and support with referrals to nearby facilities for the displaced and conflict-affected communities,” MSF said.

More than 113,000 people have been displaced from Lebanon’s southern border since violence broke out on Oct. 8 last year.

Most remain in the south, living with relatives, in rented houses or in the homes of expatriates who have opened their doors, with fewer than 5,000 living in shelters.

Dr. Luna Hammad, MSF medical coordinator in Lebanon, said: “Mental health is often overlooked in times of crisis, but it is as important as physical health.


More than 113,000 people have been displaced from Lebanon’s southern border since violence broke out on Oct. 8 last year.

“The stress, fear and uncertainty experienced by the population in Lebanon can have a major impact on their mental health. Neglecting these needs can lead to long-term consequences that affect individuals, families and communities.”

Amid the escalation between Hezbollah and Israel in southern Lebanon, MSF said it has launched a mobile medical team to support healthcare centers and shelters in the south.

“The team has provided continuous healthcare to 1,357 patients, including follow-up treatment for chronic diseases and consultations for displaced people, as well as health awareness sessions and psychological first aid,” the organization added.

“MSF carried out training sessions for health workers and deposited up to 10 tonnes of medical supplies and equipment in hospitals across the country.”

Israeli attacks in Lebanon have killed 39 health workers and closed six primary healthcare centers.

Friday saw new destruction across southern Lebanon, with Israel carrying out a series of strikes.

Footage showed two Israeli airstrikes carried out in the morning on a residential building in Mays Al-Jabal, which was destroyed near other razed structures.

The number of airstrikes on the largest town in the border region totals 126 since October last year, its mayor, Abdel Moneim Shuqair, said.

He added: “More than 1,850 shells of various sizes, including 750 internationally banned white phosphorus bombs, have fallen on the town and its surroundings since the beginning of hostilities between Hezbollah and the Israeli army 11 months ago, up until today.”

The situation is similar in the border town of Aitaroun, where Israel is employing a scorched earth policy.

Aitaroun Mayor Salim Mrad told Arab News: “Aitaroun, like the towns of Aita Al-Shaab and Kfarkela, is subject to daily Israeli assaults.

“The damage here has exceeded that of the 2006 war.

“These are border towns with high population densities, and the residents are known for distinctive vitality and live off agriculture.

“The town has 2,000 residential units, and it can be said that more than 100 houses in Aitaroun have been destroyed, and about 800 houses have been partially destroyed.

“The town’s economy has come to a halt, and the death toll has reached 16, including civilians.”

Israeli jets on Friday carried out an airstrike on a home in the town of Dhayra in the western sector, while Israeli artillery targeted the town of Kfarkela. An Israeli airstrike also targeted a house on the outskirts of the town of Beit Lif.

Artillery shelling with phosphorus bombs in the area between Tal Nahas and Hamames toward the Marjayoun plain caused fires to break out.

Also on Friday, Hezbollah announced a series of operations against Israeli military sites, targeting surveillance equipment  and buildings in Metula, a statement said.

Israeli media reported “extensive damage to a building in the Metula settlement after a large fire broke out following the launch of an anti-tank missile from Lebanon.”

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said: “Three anti-tank missiles were launched from Lebanon toward Metula opposite the border, hitting several buildings without causing any injuries.”

Hezbollah also targeted the Ruwaiset Al-Qarn site and the Zebdine barracks with rockets. Both sites are in the disputed Shebaa Farms area.

The group also used an assault drone to strike the Ma’ayan Baruch kibbutz near the Lebanese border.

The Israeli army announced that on Thursday evening it struck Hezbollah military facilities “in Aita Al-Shaab and Yarine, and attacked Hezbollah targets in the Blida area.”