quotes 2024, you are welcome!

30 December 2023
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Updated 30 December 2023

2024, you are welcome!

To all passionate and self-reliant people, 2023 was a challenging year for many of us, but that’s the law of the universe. It’s okay to feel pain; the end of one year and the beginning of another are moments to pause and reflect.

Sometimes, all we need to move forward is to listen to our intuition, which can help us elevate our minds and hearts to a new stage and set higher standards. In this article, I will share some life hacks I have learned from plenty of experience and careful observation.

The emptiness you might feel right now will not last, and over time, things will feel different. This is the moment in which all your heartaches and losses have the potential to transform into gratitude.

Stop looking back on unfulfilled wishes and troubled periods; believe it or not, even misfortune can bring unexpected change that we need in our lives, offering clarity on the decisions that shape our paths.

The fact that you are one of 8 billion people on Earth with a unique genetic stamp and mindset that makes you who you are is a privilege on its own, one you can use to your advantage. Be selective in whom you allow to access your life. One must be worthy to have the exclusive keys to enter your world and enjoy your individuality.

Stop looking back on unfulfilled wishes and troubled periods; believe it or not, even misfortune can bring unexpected change that we need in our lives, offering clarity on the decisions that shape our paths.

One common mistake we make is taking on more than we can handle and accepting the bare minimum from others. Realizing the damage overextending ourselves can have on our psyche should bring us to let go of those around us who exhibit toxic behavior that does not serve us in any way.

Working on our own characters is one of the best objectives we could hope to set for the new year. For all women, including myself, the greatest gift we can offer ourselves is to raise our self-confidence. Life hits differently when we focus on ourselves and our gifts of empathy, love, and kindness. Comprehending the hidden strength within us — those inner attributes that define our vibe and leave lasting memories in the minds of others — will change everything for our benefit, regardless of the situation.

It is clear that depending on external sources to make us happy is risky. It feels so good to love and be loved or to have the attention of someone you are attracted to because the world is a part of us, and our relationships with others affect how we approach our personal growth. Yet, cheers to those who know how to be content in their own company, without involving others!

Beginnings are not only about nostalgia for the end of something but about a deeper connection, better perception, and more ambitious plans. Move forward with purpose and focus on what elevates you. Wishing all of you pretty souls abundance and the best of luck in your 2024 journey.

Noor A. Al-Naboud is a writer and a marketing, external communications, and insurance expert.