Why breast cancer awareness in the Arab world should be a year-round campaign

Why breast cancer awareness in the Arab world should be a year-round campaign
Like every year, October is being marked around the world with breast cancer awareness campaigns. (Supplied)
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Updated 19 October 2023

Why breast cancer awareness in the Arab world should be a year-round campaign

Why breast cancer awareness in the Arab world should be a year-round campaign
  • Self-examination, regular screening and making better behavioral choices seen as key to prevention and early diagnosis
  • Poverty, poor health infrastructure and turmoil blamed for low rates of breast-cancer detection in many Arab countries

DUBAI: The well-known saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” could not be more true than in the case of diagnosis and treatment of many forms of cancer.

Like every year, October is being marked around the world with breast cancer awareness campaigns, which highlight the importance of early detection, self-examination and screening in addition to making better behavioral choices.

In Saudi Arabia, Roshn Group, Saudi Arabia’s leading mixed-asset real estate developer, and Lulu Group are among the many companies partnering with the Zahra Breast Cancer Association for raising awareness about the disease across the Kingdom.

While the phrase “you have cancer” uttered by one’s doctor may be dread-inducing, early intervention has been seen to save many women in the Arab region from further pain and suffering.

Two years ago, 44-year-old schoolteacher and mother of two Hadeel Khwanda, a Syrian living in Dubai, began experiencing shooting pain, itching and other health issues. Despite her doctor saying the problems were stress related and would go away with time, they continued into the summer break.

Still concerned, Khwanda sought a second opinion from another doctor who requested a biopsy. Khwanda was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer, which initially came as a shock.

“There is no history of cancer in my family,” she told Arab News. Though she had to undergo a lumpectomy, four chemotherapy sessions and 35 radiation sessions, Khwanda’s decision to undergo early testing likely saved her life.


2.3m New breast cancer cases detected worldwide in 2020.

685,000 Deaths from breast cancer worldwide in 2020.

12.5% Proportion of all new cancer cases per year that are breast cancer.

Breast cancer, according to the World Health Organization, is the most prevalent cancer worldwide, affecting post-pubescent females from all walks of life.

WHO statistics estimate that 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. However, medical specialists say the true figure may be even higher, as fewer women received tests during the COVID-19 pandemic. From 2015 to 2020, a total of 7.8 million women were diagnosed.

“When we were growing up and we heard that someone had cancer, it would be the most shocking news, and it was such a rare thing,” Bina Mathews, an Indian resident of Dubai, told Arab News. “Now, many have it.”

Mathews’ battle with cancer began in October last year. The 52-year-old communication professional and mother of two went for a Pap smear test, which she had done annually since her grandmother passed away from ovarian cancer 17 years ago. The test detected “abnormal cells,” and her gynecologist suggested repeating the test after six months.

During her own personal research, Mathews said she read that “if a woman gets this, it is better to do a mammogram.”

The last mammogram she underwent was uncomfortable and painful as the machines used belonged to an older generation. This time, she opted for ultrasound imaging as well. Her mammogram showed a lump in her left breast, and she was eventually diagnosed with stage one breast cancer.

After a lumpectomy, 16 chemotherapy sessions, and 20 radiation sessions, she finally completed her treatment in August this year.

Female skydivers form a pink ribbon above the Palm Jumeirah Island as part Skydive Dubai’s October Breast Cancer Awareness activity on Sept. 22, 2018 in Dubai. (Skydive Dubai/Getty Images)

Mathews recalled the large number of cancer patients she encountered during treatment. Waiting rooms in oncology departments at hospitals and clinics were crowded.

“The chemo rooms are packed, and the scanning machines are like railway stations. People come out and they (medical staffers) just have time to prepare for the next patient, even in radiation. There are so many people, and so many young ones … this is heartbreaking,” she added.

In the Arab region in particular, researchers now warn that practically all types of cancer, including breast cancer, are being reported at an increasing rate, which will likely continue for the next few years.

“The Gulf States and the Eastern Mediterranean Region countries show a disturbing rise in the number of cancer patients. Long-term projections show that by 2030 there will be a 1.8-fold increase in cancer incidence,” according to a scientific paper written by three medical specialists, including Dr. Mostafa Ahmed Arafa, cancer research chair at the College of Medicine at King Saud University in Riyadh.

There is a correlation between the increasing cancer rates and some factors specific to the Arab region, such as political turmoil, rising poverty, poor health infrastructure and late diagnosis, according to Bashir Abou Reslan, executive director of the Advanced Care Oncology Center in Dubai, a privately owned center established to meet the increasing demand for cancer treatment.

“These factors neither increase nor decrease the number of (cancer) cases, but they do prevent people from knowing if they have cancer” due to lower rates of testing, Abou Reslan told Arab News.

Bashir Abou Reslan, Executive Director of Advanced Care Oncology Center. (Supplied)

ACOC was established in 2017, initially offering PET scan imagery and chemotherapy and expanding later to include radiation therapy. The center has treated nearly 7,000 patients in the past five years, and currently receives between 50 and 100 patients daily for consultation and treatment. Nearly 40 percent of them have breast cancer.

The center is one among many institutions which have pledged to spread awareness of the importance of regular breast cancer screening, and offers free screenings during October and November.

Abou Reslan said he offered free screening packages to some prospective patients. “I knew some of them personally. I asked them later, ‘Why didn’t you come?’ And they replied, ‘We are scared to know,’” he said, adding that recovery rates for cancer detected in early stages are “very high.”

He added: “But when it is detected at later stages, things will become very difficult.”

Moreover, Abou Reslan pointed out, while previous generations of testing machines were less accurate and more painful, today’s instruments are faster and more comfortable, with a 20-minute exam granting women peace of mind for an entire year.

“Myths about breast cancer need to be demystified,” said Dr. Millicent Alache Bello, a breast cancer surgeon at King’s College Hospital London in Dubai.

“People are still scared of biopsies. But breast cancer, if it is picked up early, can be a treatable condition.”

Participants wearing pink shirts form a human ‘pink ribbon’ during a Breast Cancer Marathon in Algiers, Algeria on Oct. 21, 2016. (Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Bello said individuals should pay close attention to their lifestyle and maintain healthy habits, such as exercise.

“Awareness shouldn’t be just in the month of October. It should be a regular thing that happens all the time,” she said, adding that governments, the private sector, and other parties should also be involved in spreading awareness of breast cancer.

As the main partner of Zahra Breast Cancer Association’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, Roshn Group has said it is sponsoring two breast cancer awareness walks, entitled Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, in Riyadh and Jeddah.

“These walks provide a supportive community for breast cancer survivors and metastatic breast cancer thrivers, caregivers and families alike,” the Public Investment Fund-backed giga-project said, adding that it has activated breast cancer awareness and education booths across its offices and sales centers in Riyadh and Jeddah to communicate the importance of early detection.

For its part, Lulu has announced that a portion of the proceeds from sales of reusable shopping bags at the company’s hypermarkets in Saudi Arabia throughout October will result in a donation to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

In the UAE, the Pink Caravan initiative, a project of the Friends of Cancer Patients Society launched in 2011 in Sharjah, travels across the country offering free physical exams and X-ray tests.

Patients who have suspicious test results are referred to specialized clinics for further checkups. Should the patient be diagnosed with cancer, the society offers psychological and financial support through its medical partners, including the ACOC.

In a statement sent to Arab News, the Pink Caravan initiative explained that this year’s figures were nearly double that of last year’s, thanks to the caravan “offering free medical tests to all people regardless of their race, nationality, or religion, and the continuous work to cover all parts of the country, including the remote areas, to spread awareness of the importance of early cancer detection.”

Participants walk in honor of breast cancer awareness during day one of the LIV Golf Invitational – Jeddah at Royal Greens Golf & Country Club on Oct. 14, 2022 in King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia. (LIV Golf via Getty Images)

Rahma Society for Cancer Patients in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah Charity International and the Dubai Charity Society also provide support. To date, 77,271 women and 16,505 men have received these free tests, with 80 of them receiving a cancer diagnosis.

Other private sector entities participating in awareness campaigns and providing financial support to patients include the UAE Marriott Business Council, which supports Al-Jalila Foundation.

Both society and the corporate world can play an effective role in raising awareness about the importance of prevention and routine screening, including girls’ high schools, media outlets and insurance companies, according to Abou Reslan.

Insurance companies tend to look at early screening tests as “none of their business, but actually it is their business, because early cancer detection can save insurance companies a lot of payments for treatment and expensive medications,” he said.

He suggested that insurance companies could, for example, connect insurance policy renewal with annual screenings for the early diagnosis of breast cancer for women over a certain age.

According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, the five-year survival rate for localized breast cancer, or cancer which has not spread outside of the breast, is 99 percent.

“People should come out of the idea that cancer means death … this is a disease that can be firmly controlled if it is detected early,” Abou Reslan said.

Israeli strike kills 4 Palestinians in an aid convoy to a Gaza hospital. Israel says they were armed

Israeli strike kills 4 Palestinians in an aid convoy to a Gaza hospital. Israel says they were armed
Updated 11 sec ago

Israeli strike kills 4 Palestinians in an aid convoy to a Gaza hospital. Israel says they were armed

Israeli strike kills 4 Palestinians in an aid convoy to a Gaza hospital. Israel says they were armed
  • American Near East Refugee Aid group said the missile strike Thursday came without any warning or prior communication with soldiers
  • The attack underlines the chaotic situation prevailing in the Gaza Strip and the dangers posed to aid groups since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war

DUBAI: An Israeli military strike hit the first vehicle in a convoy carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati hospital in the Gaza Strip, killing four Palestinians associated with a local transportation company, officials said Friday.
The Israeli military insisted the four men were carrying weapons while the American Near East Refugee Aid group said the missile strike Thursday came without any warning or prior communication with soldiers.
The attack underlines the chaotic situation prevailing in the Gaza Strip and the dangers posed to aid groups since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel.
Over 80 percent of the Palestinian territory’s 2.3 million people have been displaced, with most now living in squalid tent camps. International experts say hundreds of thousands of people are on the brink of famine.
The strike happened as the aid group was bringing supplies to the Emirates Red Crescent Hospital in the town of Rafah, said Sandra Rasheed, Anera’s director for the Palestinian territories. It hit the convoy’s first vehicle on the Salah Al-Din Road, she said.
“The convoy, which was coordinated by Anera and approved by Israeli authorities, included an Anera employee who was fortunately unharmed,” Rasheed said in a statement. “Despite this devastating incident, our understanding is that the remaining vehicles in the convoy were able to continue and successfully deliver the aid to the hospital. We are urgently seeking further details about what happened.”
A later statement from Anera said four Palestinians were killed. The group said its “coordinated and cleared transport plan called for unarmed security guards in the convoy” with its local partner, a company called Move One.
“Shortly after departing Kerem Shalom, initial reports indicate that four community members with experience in previous missions and engagement in community security with Move One stepped forward and requested to take command of the leading vehicle, citing concern that the route was unsafe and at risk of being looted,” Anera said.
“The four community members were neither vetted nor coordinated in advance, and Israeli authorities allege that the lead car was carrying numerous weapons. The Israeli airstrike was carried out without any prior warning or communication.”
Anera did not elaborate. Other aid convoys have been beset by armed gangs and those desperate for food in Gaza.
The Israeli military, responding to questions from The Associated Press, said it had been “monitoring the situation” and saw “armed individuals joined one of the cars of an Anera convoy and began to lead the convoy.”
“We stress, that the presence of armed individuals was not coordinated, and they were not part of the pre-coordinated convoy — as noted in Anera’s statement regarding the incident,” the Israeli military said. “After ruling out potential harm to the trucks, as well as a clear identification of weapons, a strike was carried out targeting the armed individuals.”
The Israeli military did not address why it didn’t contact Anera before conducting the strike.
The United Arab Emirates, which reached a diplomatic recognition deal with Israel in 2020 and has been providing aid to Gaza since the Israel-Hamas war began, did not comment on the attack.
Israeli forces have opened fire on other aid convoys in the Gaza Strip. The World Food Program announced Wednesday it is pausing all staff movement in Gaza until further notice over Israeli troops opening fire on one of its marked vehicles, hitting it with at least 10 rounds. The shooting came despite having received multiple clearances from Israeli authorities.
On July 23, UNICEF said two of its vehicles were hit with live ammunition while waiting at a designated holding point. An Israeli attack in April hit three World Central Kitchen vehicles, killing seven people.
Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack killed some 1,200 people in Israel and saw 250 others taken hostage. The devastating Israel offensive in Gaza since then has killed over 40,000 Palestinians and raised fears of a regional war breaking out.

US, Iraqi forces raid targeting Daesh group militants kills 15 in western desert

US, Iraqi forces raid targeting Daesh group militants kills 15 in western desert
Updated 31 August 2024

US, Iraqi forces raid targeting Daesh group militants kills 15 in western desert

US, Iraqi forces raid targeting Daesh group militants kills 15 in western desert
  • An Iraqi military statement said “airstrikes targeted the hideouts, followed by an airborne operation”

BAGHDAD: The US military took part in an Iraqi raid in the country’s western region that killed 15 people as forces targeted suspected militants from the Daesh group, the American military said early Saturday.
For years after dislodging the militants from their self-declared caliphate across Iraq and Syria, US forces have continued fighting the Daesh group, though the casualties from Friday’s raid were higher than others in the time since.
The US military’s Central Command alleged the militants were armed with “numerous weapons, grenades, and explosive ‘suicide’ belts” during the attack, which Iraqi forces said happened in the country’s the Anbar Desert.
“This operation targeted Daesh leaders to disrupt and degrade Daesh’ ability to plan, organize, and conduct attacks against Iraqi civilians, as well as US citizens, allies, and partners throughout the region and beyond,” Central Command said, using an acronym for the militant group. “Iraqi Security Forces continue to further exploit the locations raided.”
It added: “There is no indication of civilian casualties.”
An Iraqi military statement said “airstrikes targeted the hideouts, followed by an airborne operation.”
At its peak, the Daesh group ruled an area half the size of the United Kingdom where it attempted to enforce its extreme interpretation of Islam, which included attacks on religious minority groups and harsh punishment of Muslims deemed to be apostates.
A coalition of more than 80 countries, led by the United States, was formed to fight the group, which lost its hold on the territory it controlled in Iraq and 2017 and in Syria in 2019. However, the militants have continued to operate in the Anbar Desert in Iraq and Syria, while claiming attacks carried out by others elsewhere in the world. The Daesh’s branch in Afghanistan is known to carry out intensely bloody assaults.


Tunisian court allows prominent politician Daimi to run in presidential election

Imed Daimi. (Twitter @imaddaimi)
Imed Daimi. (Twitter @imaddaimi)
Updated 31 August 2024

Tunisian court allows prominent politician Daimi to run in presidential election

Imed Daimi. (Twitter @imaddaimi)
  • Daimi became the third candidate to be restored to the race by the court

TUNIS: The Tunisian administrative court upheld on Friday an appeal by prominent politician Imed Daimi to be allowed to return to the race for the presidential election expected on Oct. 6, Daimi said.
Daimi became the third candidate to be restored to the race by the court, after Abdellatif Mekki and Mondher Znaidi, whose candidacies were previously rejected by the Election Commission due to insufficient endorsements.


Sudan’s rains spread wartime suffering across the country

Sudan’s rains spread wartime suffering across the country
Updated 30 August 2024

Sudan’s rains spread wartime suffering across the country

Sudan’s rains spread wartime suffering across the country
  • Elsewhere in the eastern Red Sea State, the Arbaat Dam collapsed on Sunday, threatening the freshwater supply for Port Sudan, the country’s de facto capital

TOKAR: Since floods swept away their home in eastern Sudan, Ahmed Hadab and his family have survived by drinking water with milk from his last surviving goat.
“We don’t have any food,” he said after days of walking, trying to find something to eat, somewhere else to stay. “The torrent took the sorghum, flour, and two of my goats and my donkey.”
Floodwaters from heavy rains that started surging in earlier this month have brought devastation across a country already shattered by 500 days of fierce fighting between the army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.
Now, the natural disaster has spread destruction further than the conflict.
Near Tokar, in the country’s eastern region, which has escaped the violence, a Reuters reporter saw people pulling each other out of the water onto the remnants of a bridge with ropes.
Elsewhere in the eastern Red Sea State, the Arbaat Dam collapsed on Sunday, threatening the freshwater supply for Port Sudan, the country’s de facto capital, up to now a relative refuge for the government and aid agencies and hundreds of thousands of displaced.
At least 64 people from the area are missing.
According to locals, others are stranded on higher ground with no food and little hope of rescue. Many hundreds of households are also displaced in Sudan’s Northern State, another region largely untouched by the fighting, according to the
United Nations.
In Darfur, where millions are threatened with extreme hunger, the rain has damaged displacement camps and delayed the arrival of crucial aid, according to the World Food Programme.
The UN estimates that the flooding impacts more than 300,000 people. It has brought cholera for the second year running, with 1,351 cases reported as of Wednesday, likely an undercount as the army-aligned Health Ministry struggles to access the large portion of the country occupied by the RSF.
Abulgasim Musa, head of Sudan’s Early Warning meteorological unit, said that the extreme rains that have unusually hit desert areas were likely caused by climate change. His unit had warned about them in May, he said.
In the land around Tokar, Mohamed Tahir joined scores of others on the roads.
An underfunded and overstretched aid effort has meant that only a few construction vehicles are dotted around the region, helping carry people across the flood water and fixing routes so they can escape.
“Homes are collapsed. Some have been taken by the water and not been found,” Tahir said.
“There are some who have died and they haven’t been buried.”


EU missions gravely concerned about Libya situation

EU missions gravely concerned about Libya situation
Updated 30 August 2024

EU missions gravely concerned about Libya situation

EU missions gravely concerned about Libya situation

DUBAI: The EU delegation and EU country missions in Libya said on Friday they were gravely concerned about the deterioration of the situation in the country.
They said the intimidation of the Tripoli-based High State Council members and central bank employees, the closure of oil fields, and disruptions in banking services were exacerbating an already fragile situation.
Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported that Libya’s central bank Gov. Sadiq Al-Kabir said he and other senior bank staff had been forced to leave the country to “protect our lives” from potential attacks by armed militia,
“Militias are threatening and terrifying bank staff and are sometimes abducting their children and relatives to force them to go to work,” Kabir told the newspaper via telephone.
He also said attempts by interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah to replace him were illegal and contravened UN negotiated accords on control of the central bank.
The crisis over the control of the Central Bank of Libya creates another level of instability in the country. This major oil producer is split between eastern and western factions with backing from Turkiye and Russia.
Early this week, the UN Support Mission in Libya called for the suspension of unilateral decisions, lifting force majeure on oil fields, halting escalations and use of force, and protecting central bank employees.