Pakistanis abandon hopes of reaching Europe after boat tragedies

Pakistanis abandon hopes of reaching Europe after boat tragedies
In this picture taken on July 18, 2023, Pakistani worker Muhammad Naeem Butt sits with his children at his home in Khuiratta. (AFP)
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Updated 25 July 2023

Pakistanis abandon hopes of reaching Europe after boat tragedies

Pakistanis abandon hopes of reaching Europe after boat tragedies
  • The International Organization for Migration has declared the Mediterranean passage the world’s most perilous migration route
  • Around 1,728 migrants have gone missing there this year alone, surpassing the 1,417 disappearances recorded in 2022

KHUIRATTA: After spending weeks in Libya trying to reach Europe illegally, Mohammed Naeem Butt turned back — abandoning a journey that has already cost hundreds of Pakistani lives this summer.

Shoveling sand onto a truck surrounded by Pakistan’s Kashmir Valley, he says he ended his treacherous bid for a better life when an overloaded fishing trawler sank off the coast of Greece last month.

Up to 350 Pakistanis were believed to be among the 600 who drowned, including 24 from Butt’s hometown of Khuiratta in the lush Kashmir Valley.

“Looking back, I realize that the risk I took was not worth it,” Butt said.

Butt is one of several men from Khuiratta who told AFP the disaster prompted them to give up on the journey after reaching Libya.

“Life is defined by the quality time you spend with your children and spouse, not the amount of money you possess,” he said.

Tens of thousands of young men have handed over family fortunes to agents who smuggle them to Europe, from where remittances — even more valuable since Pakistan’s economy slumped into crisis last year — can be wired home.

Butt sought help from friends and family, and his wife sold her precious wedding jewelery to scrape up the 2.2 million rupees (around $7,500) he needed to pay the human traffickers organising the trips.

The first legs of his journey were uneventful — commercial flights to Dubai and Egypt, then overland to Libya, where his ordeal really started.

He spent two months in a makeshift shanty camp with 600 other migrants, waiting for the day they would be put on a cargo ship to make the journey across the Mediterranean.

Instead, they were crowded onto a rickety fishing boat and spent eight days floundering in international waters, where they were first fired on, then rammed, by a Libyan naval vessel, Butt said.

They only stayed afloat because the navy ship abandoned them when a storm struck, he added — but it returned days later to tow them back to port, where they were thrown in jail.

“They gave us the minimal amount of food to keep us alive ... a plate of macaroni or boiled rice would be shared among five people,” Butt said.

“They were brutal people.”

While he was in jail, news reached his hometown of the migrant boat sinking off Greece, causing heartbreak and distress.

“I can’t explain the pain and anguish I went through for a week,” Butt’s wife Mehwish Matloob said.

“I felt as though my entire world had crumbled before me,” the 31-year-old said, clutching a shawl.

Butt finally got out of jail and was able to contact his family to tell them he was alive.

The International Organization for Migration has declared the Mediterranean passage the world’s most perilous migration route.

Around 1,728 migrants have gone missing there this year alone —surpassing the 1,417 disappearances recorded in 2022.

Zafar Iqbal Ghazi of Kashmir’s Human Rights Forum group said more than 175 youngsters from Khuiratta alone left illegally for Europe last year, and he believes any recent pause after the boat incident in Greece will only be temporary.

Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency said 69 smuggling agents had been arrested since a crackdown was launched last month, but prosecutions will be difficult.

“The challenge lies in the fact that most of these youngsters possess valid visas for Dubai, which they use as a starting point to reach Libya,” one FIA official said, speaking anonymously to AFP.