Widespread condemnation after Qur’an desecration in Sweden

Protester Salwan Momika waves the Swedish flag outside the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm, Thursday, July 20, 2023. (TT via AP)
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  • Arab parliament calls for a global political and economic boycott of Sweden in response to the desecration of the Qur’an

RIYADH: Arab and Muslim nations and organizations have condemned Sweden after the Nordic country again allowed a string of protests that resulted in the desecration of the Qur’an.

Salwan Momika, who fled Iraq and sought refuge in Sweden several years ago, on Thursday stomped on and kicked Islam’s holy book after burning another copy of the Qur’an outside a Stockholm mosque last month.

Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry denounced “the repeated and irresponsible actions of the Swedish authorities by granting some extremists official permits authorizing them to burn and desecrate copies of the Holy Qur’an.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the move as “an act that is a systematic provocation of the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world.”



Sweden’s charge d’affaires in Saudi Arabia received the Kingdom’s note demanding the Swedish authorities take “all immediate and necessary measures” to stop the acts, which it said violated all religious teachings, and international laws and norms.

Iraq earlier expelled the Swedish ambassador in protest of the Qur’an desecrations. Iran and Qatar have also summoned Swedish envoys to lodge their objection and express their dismay over the sanctioning of such acts under the pretext of freedom of expression.

Doha expresses “its strong dissatisfaction and denunciation of the repeated permission to attack the Holy Qur’an in the Kingdom of Sweden, and the failure of the authorities there to stop these practices,” a statement from Qatar’s foreign ministry said, adding that “allowing continued attacks against the Qur’an under the pretense of freedom of expression inflames hatred and violence, threatens peaceful coexistence, and reveals objectionable double standards.”

Jordan also condemned the “reckless act that fuels hatred and is a manifestation of Islamophobia that incites violence and insult to religions.”

A foreign ministry statement said “the Swedish authorities again allowing this extremist to attack the Holy Qur’an is an unacceptable behavior that stirs discord and threatens peaceful coexistence and cannot be considered a form of freedom of expression.” the strong-worded statement reads.

The ministry also warned against allowing such “irresponsible behavior and actions.”

Turkiye has also urged Sweden to take action against this type of hate crime, and a statement from its foreign ministry said “we expect Sweden to take deterrent measures to prevent this hate crime against Islam within the framework of its international responsibilities, especially its obligations in the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe.”

The Arab parliament meanwhile has called for a global political and economic boycott of Sweden in response to the desecration of the Qur’an.

Adel Assoumi, speaker of the pan-Arab legislature, in a statement called on the international community to act “immediately and urgently to stop attacks on the Qur’an and protect Islamic sanctities,” warning of the danger of spurring “a cycle of violence”

Assoumi called on Arab countries to sever diplomatic relations with Sweden, ban Swedish imports and not travel there and promote a global economic boycott campaign led by the Arab and Islamic peoples.

Gulf Cooperation Council secretary-general Jassem Al-Budaiwi also strongly condemned the “deliberate provocations involving Muslims with another desecration of a copy of the Holy Quran in front of Iraq Embassy in Stockholm on Thursday.

Such “despicable and unacceptable actions transgress the sentiments of Muslims around the globe”, Al-Budaiwi said in a statement, and noted that such “incendiary acts, which are a stark violation of the principles of tolerance and freedom of faith, reflect malice, hate and extremism.”