What We Are Reading Today: ‘The 80/20 Principle’

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Updated 07 July 2023

What We Are Reading Today: ‘The 80/20 Principle’

  • Koch discusses how this principle can be applied to personal development, suggesting that individuals focus on the 20 percent of habits or skills that will significantly affect their lives

Author: Richard Koch

“The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less” is a self-help book written by Richard Koch.

It is a practical guide to achieving more while doing less, and offers a valuable perspective on prioritizing and simplifying your personal and work life.

The book was published in 1997, but its ideas are timeless and remain relevant.

It suggests that 80 percent of any outcome typically results from 20 percent of the input.

Koch discusses how this principle can be applied to personal development, suggesting that individuals focus on the 20 percent of habits or skills that will significantly affect their lives.  

The principle also encompasses areas such as relationships and business.

Koch believes that by identifying and focusing on the 20 percent of inputs that lead to the most significant results, individuals can achieve success with less work.

Practical strategies for applying this rule include embracing simplicity. Essentially, Koch proposes simplifying your life and work by focusing on the essentials and eliminating unnecessary complexity.

To do so, the book advises focusing on the 20 percent by identifying the most important tasks, and giving them your attention and resources.  

This rule can also be utilized with customers, products and relationships.  

Once accomplished, you can move on to identifying the 80 percent of tasks that do not contribute significantly to the outcome, and either eliminate them or delegate them to someone else.

“The 80/20 Principle” has been translated into 40 languages and sold more than 1 million copies worldwide.  

Koch, an entrepreneur and former management consultant, has authored or co-authored more than 25 books on personal and professional development.