Bupa Arabia supports marriages of 49 orphan girls

Bupa Arabia employees volunteered to collect and distribute clothes among the needy families.
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Bupa Arabia for Cooperative Insurance launched their annual corporate social responsibility campaign to support the marriages of orphan girls in Jeddah by giving them electrical appliances worth SR700,000 ($186,700). The company is also working to enhance their skills and abilities to improve institutional and family care.

Part of Bupa Arabia’s ongoing commitment to caring for and supporting orphans includes the provision of high-quality healthcare services and vocational training. The aim is to empower and qualify them to become productive members of society and enhance the role of civil society institutions in caring for orphans in line with the goals of Vision 2030.

To mark Arab Orphan Day on April 7, the company organized team visits to several orphanages in Jeddah, where employees engaged in recreational activities to instill a sense of belonging in the hearts of children.

Tal Nazer, CEO of Bupa Arabia, said the orphans’ marriage program aligns with both the company’s CSR policy and Vision 2030 objectives and demonstrates a strong sense of community care deeply ingrained in society and its religious values.

Rahma Khoja, senior manager, CSR at Bupa Arabia, said the initiative involved collecting donations and purchasing electrical appliances for 49 girls, including TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, and four air conditioners for each family,
worth SR700,000. 

“Bupa Arabia employees also contributed personal donations worth SR30,900 to the campaign,” she added. Bupa Arabia has prioritized orphans’ welfare for several years, considering it a crucial aspect of the company’s CSR policy. Since 2011, the company has been implementing a health insurance program for orphans. Currently, more than 2,070 orphans reside in over 40 orphanages located across 13 cities in Saudi Arabia.

Bupa Arabia is dedicated to enhancing the skills of orphans in all areas through a variety of initiatives aimed at improving their creativity and helping them find suitable employment. The company provides self-interview training to aid in their professional development, with the help of 73 volunteers from Bupa Arabia. 

Moreover, Bupa Arabia recently collaborated with Kiswat Alsaida Aisha, a nonprofit charity organization, to gather used but good quality and unused clothes from the company, for their distribution among needy families on the occasion of Eid. 

At least 230 employees from Bupa Arabia volunteered to collect, receive and arrange the items in a designated clothing tent within the company.

Hashim Mohamed Al-Dabbagh, partnerships officer at Kiswat Alsaida Aisha, expressed gratitude to Bupa Arabia for its efforts in supporting orphans. He thanked the company’s employees who dedicated their time and effort to collecting and organizing clothing donations for underprivileged families, in order to bring joy to their lives during the festive season.