“The Broken Wings” is a tragic love story by Kahlil Gibran first published in Arabic in 1912. Works by Gibran, one of the most well-known writers of Lebanese descent, have been translated into many languages.
“The Broken Wings” tells the story of a young man named Gibran — perhaps modeled after the author — who falls in love with a woman named Selma. However, due to their different social statuses and faiths, their love is considered forbidden by society. Despite the obstacles in their path, they continue to meet secretly and plan to run away together.
However, their plans are shattered when social conventions dictate Selma’s father into arranging her marriage to another man. Gibran is heartbroken and decides to leave his hometown to pursue his education in Beirut.
Throughout the novel, Gibran explores themes of love, loss and the importance of following one’s dreams. He also challenges societal norms and expectations, particularly around religion and social class, and encourages readers to embrace their own individuality and passions.
Gibran’s novel is poetic and infused with metaphors and similes that enrich his modernist style of writing. He also delves into mysticism derived from world religions, which has influenced much of his work throughout the years.
Gibran’s notable works include “The Madman,” and “A Tear and a Smile.”