- Hamza said: “We are a fairly large group, and it is impossible for us to manage everything ourselves. So everyone brings what they want, and we improvize on the spot with what we have for iftar”
CASABLANCA: Many Moroccans are drawn to the shores of Ain Diab, an affluent beachfront area of Casablanca, to enjoy iftar by the sea.
Speaking in French, Yassine, who is in his 30s, told Arab News: “The sea has always held an irresistible fascination for me. That’s why I moved to Casablanca after my management studies. Breaking the fast on this beach is, for me, a change of routine to make the most of this holy month.”
Abdellatif, who visits the beach to share iftar together with his wife, said: “The fresh air puts me in touch with nature, far from the hustle and bustle of the big family tables.”
Others come in large groups to catch up with friends and family, or enjoy a game of volleyball before breaking the fast.
Hamza said: “We are a fairly large group, and it is impossible for us to manage everything ourselves. So everyone brings what they want, and we improvize on the spot with what we have for iftar.”
Ilham, a student who recently passed her final exams, said: “It is a pleasure to meet my friends in such a beautiful setting and to share these moments with them over a good meal.”
Another student, Amina, is enjoying the sunset and the traditional Moroccan dishes that her mother has prepared for her after a long day at school and fasting.
Youssef, a regular at the beach, said: “I’ve been spending my free days of Ramadan at the beach for several years. I feel a benefit both for my body, with sport, and for my mind, with youth and prayer.”