Investment in Taif roses amounts to SR64m

Some 910 farms of Taif roses are spread across the Taif governorate. (AFP/File)
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TAIF: Investment in Taif roses has reached over SAR64 million ($17 million) as rose farms in the Sarawat Mountains of the Taif governorate harvest about 550 million roses annually.

A basket at the Taif Rose Festival entered the Guinness World Records as the largest basket of roses in the world, containing 84,540,000 roses of the 26 finest types.

Some 910 farms of Taif roses are spread across the Taif governorate.

About 70 rose factories and laboratories extract and manufacture over 80 rose derivatives, mostly used in the production of perfume and body care products.

These products enjoy wide popularity, making the Taif rose industry a significant factor in promoting the development of the local community through the creation of job and marketing opportunities.