What We Are Reading Today: Uncharted Strait by Richard C. Bush

What We Are Reading Today: Uncharted Strait by Richard C. Bush
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Updated 01 April 2023

What We Are Reading Today: Uncharted Strait by Richard C. Bush

What We Are Reading Today: Uncharted Strait by Richard C. Bush

The future of the Taiwan Strait is more wide open than at any other time in recent decades. Tensions between China and Taiwan have eased since 2008.

But the movement toward full rapprochement remains fragile. Whether the two sides of the Strait can sustain and expand a cooperative relationship after years of mutual distrust and fear is still uncertain.

Richard Bush, who studied issues surrounding Taiwan during almost 20 years in the US government, explains through this book the current state of relations between China and Taiwan, providing the details of what led to the current situation.

He extrapolates on the likely future of cross-Strait relations. Bush also discusses America’s stake, analyzing possible ramifications for US interests in the critically important East Asia region and recommends steps to protect those interests, according to a review on goodreads.com.

The book raises key questions, such as whether the dispute stems from the protracted division of the Chinese state after WWII.