Saudi Foreign Ministry condemns ‘extremist statement’ by Israeli official on Huwara

Update Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (left) made comments about 'erasing' the Palestinian village of Huwara, which has angered many in the West Bank. (Reuters/File Photo/AFP)
Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (left) made comments about 'erasing' the Palestinian village of Huwara, which has angered many in the West Bank. (Reuters/File Photo/AFP)
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Updated 03 March 2023

Saudi Foreign Ministry condemns ‘extremist statement’ by Israeli official on Huwara

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (left) made comments about 'erasing' the Palestinian village of Huwara
  • The Ministry affirmed the Kingdom's “complete rejection” of the “racist and irresponsible statement”

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry condemned on Friday the “extremist statements” made earlier this week by Israeli official Bezalel Smotrich to erase the village of Huwara in Palestine.

The Ministry affirmed the Kingdom's “complete rejection” of the “racist and irresponsible statement,” which reflects the amount of “violence and extremism practiced by the occupying Israeli entity towards the brotherly Palestinian people,” in a statement released on Friday.

It also stresseed its demand for the international community to asssume its repsonsibilities to deter “these shameful practices, stop escalation, and provide the necessary protection to civilians.”

Smotrich, whose party has made claims it wants Israel to formally annex large parts of the West Bank, later backtracked on his remarks.

Meanwhile, the US demanded that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disavow Bezalel’s call for the village to be erased.