Our people drive our transformation, says business leader

Our people drive our transformation, says business leader
Mohammed Talaat, vice president, SELL, Dell Technologies.
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Updated 24 October 2022

Our people drive our transformation, says business leader

Our people drive our transformation, says business leader

Dell Technologies is one of the world’s leading technology companies.

Mohammed Talaat, vice president, SELL, Dell Technologies, shared top insights on the impact of digital transformation on people, processes, and productivity.

Talking about how digital transformation has accelerated across all key sectors in Saudi Arabia, Talaat said: “For businesses across the globe, the past two years have been truly challenging yet transformative in its own ways. To better understand these shifts and their far-reaching impact, Dell Technologies commissioned a study where we spoke to 10,500 senior decision-makers, IT professionals, and knowledge workers across 40+ countries to determine how people are adapting to disruptive change and what organizations can do to unleash the innovator in all of us.”

He added: “The study revealed that in Saudi Arabia, 84 percent of business leaders regard their people as their greatest asset and close to half of the IT leaders (48 percent) say their organization knows what it takes to digitally transform a workforce.

“Subsequently, 72 percent of KSA respondents look forward to learning new skills and technologies, to help elevate their careers.

“However, while many businesses accelerated their digital transformation programs and the shift to remote work was incredible, it has taken its toll on the workforce.  

“The study reveals the recent period of rapid transformation is leaving businesses and their workforce in need of time to recharge, reflect, and refine before embarking on new or iterating on projects. Employees are now facing a challenge to keep up, with 55 percent in the Kingdom believing their organizations underestimate how to engage with their people properly when planning transformation programs.

To keep the workforce motivated and driven, Talaat said: “Technology is the enabler to human capacity, so businesses need to look at people, technology and processes as a whole, to be successful. True, sustainable breakthrough transformation happens at the intersection of people and technology. By building a culture that treats your people as the greatest source of innovation, Saudi businesses can capitalize on the opportunity in front of them.”

According to the vice president, businesses need to be able to trust that their people will leverage technology to connect securely and responsibly, collaborate as effectively as they would sitting side by side, and seek innovative solutions to business problems.

Additionally, businesses must make concerted efforts to delegate repetitive tasks to automated processes and upskill their employees to focus on enriching higher-value work. To do all this, they need to create a culture that welcomes change. Businesses must work with a technology ally who is relentlessly focused on creating innovative solutions, so they can focus on their people and releasing the innovator in them, not just managing infrastructure.

On Saudi businesses embracing emerging technologies and transforming for the future, he said: “At Dell Technologies, we believe the route to releasing the innovator in all of us starts with breaking through across three frontiers of connectivity, productivity and empathy.

“Break through with connectivity: Companies must provide employees with consistent and secure work experiences, not defined by where they work. Almost 73 percent of respondents said they need their organizations to provide the necessary tools and infrastructure to work from anywhere.

“Break through with productivity: Companies must elevate people’s roles and create new opportunities and experiences that excite them and drive productivity.

“Break through with empathy: At its heart, businesses must build a culture, modeled by empathetic leaders, that treats people as their greatest source of creativity and value. By applying empathy to everything business can drive transformational change.”