Visitors to Kaaba Kiswa complex, Grand Mosque library can rate satisfaction using QR codes

Visitors to Kaaba Kiswa complex, Grand Mosque library can rate satisfaction using QR codes
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An employee hangs a panel with a QR code on it. (@ReasahAlharmain)
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Updated 18 May 2022

Visitors to Kaaba Kiswa complex, Grand Mosque library can rate satisfaction using QR codes

Visitors to Kaaba Kiswa complex, Grand Mosque library can rate satisfaction using QR codes
  • Visitors can rate their experiences in six languages
  • The satisfaction ratings will help improve visitors’ experiences

RIYADH: Visitors to institutions affiliated with the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques can now rate their satisfaction using QR code panels.

People visiting the King Abdulaziz Complex for Holy Kaaba Kiswa and the Grand Mosque’s library can simply scan the QR codes displayed to rate their visitor experience.

Panels with QR codes on them will enable visitors to rate their experiences. (@ReasahAlharmain)

The QR code panels at the complex and library will help rate visitor experiences in six languages through a special website supervised by an agency at the presidency measuring performance, quality, and institutional excellence.

The satisfaction ratings will help improve visitors’ experiences.