Pristine beauty of Bangladesh an unforgettable experience

With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events. (Supplied)
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With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events. (Supplied)
Pristine beauty of Bangladesh an unforgettable experience
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With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events. (Supplied)
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Updated 26 March 2022

Pristine beauty of Bangladesh an unforgettable experience

With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events. (Supplied)

Bangladesh is a land of diversity, both in terms of its natural beauty and the harmonious living of its 160 million people of different faiths.

With stunning scenery, ancient relics of a culture that has sustained itself for thousands of years, and the indomitable hospitality of the people, the country offers an amazing tourist destination for travelers from around the globe.

Situated between India and Myanmar with the entire south open to the Bay of Bengal, this deltaic land in south Asia is crisscrossed by hundreds of rivers making it an interesting landscape.

With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events. (Supplied)

With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events.

The world’s largest mangrove, the Sundarbans, is a pride for the country and a hotspot for eco-tourism.

Spread over an area of 6,000 square kilometers of deltaic swamps, it is a sanctuary for hundreds of rare species.

Most importantly, it is the home of the royal Bengal tiger, one of the few surviving species of tigers in the world.

Crisscrossed by innumerable rivers and creeks, the UNESCO World Heritage Site is a wonderful repository of biodiversity.

Down in the southeastern tip, the longest unbroken sea beach in Cox’s Bazar attracts tens of thousands of visitors all year round.

With more than 700 tourist spots, Bangladesh is a unique tourist destination. It boasts sea beaches, green valleys, forests, archeological and historical sites, iconic religious places, and cultural events. (Supplied)

The calm blue water of the Bay of Bengal caressing the 120-kilometer-long sandy beach stretches along a range of picturesque green hills.

Saint Martin, the only coral island in Bangladesh, a pearl in the sea, is another popular tourist attraction.

The hill districts in the southeastern region of the country command an exotic view of natural beauty.

Green hills and sprawling valleys are often dotted with waterfalls and small lakes.

The unique lifestyle of the tribal people adds value to the romance of this area.

In the northeastern Sylhet region of Bangladesh, the tea gardens offer a panoramic view, similar to a green carpet rolled out for miles. In the midst of the tea garden valleys, natural waterfalls add to the serenity.

While natural beauty dominates the entire expanse of Bangladesh, thousands of ancient relics across the country tell the story of its rich past.

An innumerable number of mosques, and several centuries-old shrines of different faiths bear witness to the religious harmony of the land.

Bangladesh has recognized tourism as a growth sector for economic development.

As the country’s tourism industry develops with its burgeoning economy, it is encouraging more international tourists to choose Bangladesh as a favored destination.

With all the beauty this country has to offer, a trip to Bangladesh can be an unforgettable experience.