MOSCOW: Russian independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta said on Friday it would be removing content on Ukraine after lawmakers backed legislation that sets jail time and fines for “fake news” about Russia’s army.
“Military censorship in Russia has quickly moved to a new phase: from threats to block and close down publications it moved to the threat of criminal prosecution,” the paper said in a statement on Telegram.
“There is no doubt that this threat will be fulfilled,” Novaya Gazeta said.
The paper, whose editor-in-chief was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year, said its readers “unambiguously spoke in favor of continuing work under conditions of military censorship.”
The paper said it will be removing materials on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from its website but will continue to report on the “consequences” Russia is facing.
Legislation passed by the lower house of the Russian parliament on Friday sets out jail time of up to 15 years and fines against people who publish “knowingly false information” about the military.
The law will affect both Russian and foreign citizens.
Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta says deleting content over new media law
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Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta says deleting content over new media law

- “Military censorship in Russia has quickly moved to a new phase," the paper said on Telegram
- The paper said it will be removing materials on Russia's invasion of Ukraine from its website