Heads of foreign missions congratulate Saudi leadership, people on country’s first Founding Day

Ludovic Pouille, Ambassador of France in Saudi Arabia. (Twitter)
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Ludovic Pouille, Ambassador of France in Saudi Arabia. (Twitter)
German Ambassador Dieter Lamlé. (Embassy Website)
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German Ambassador Dieter Lamlé. (Embassy Website)
British Ambassador Neil Crompton. (AN Photo/File Photo)
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British Ambassador Neil Crompton. (AN Photo/File Photo)
Berik Aryn, Ambassador of Kazakhstan. (AN Photo)
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Berik Aryn, Ambassador of Kazakhstan. (AN Photo)
Djibouti Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Dya-Eddine Said Bamakhrama. (AN Photo/File Photo)
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Djibouti Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Dya-Eddine Said Bamakhrama. (AN Photo/File Photo)
Consul General of Pakistan Khalid Majid. (Supplied)
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Consul General of Pakistan Khalid Majid. (Supplied)
Indian Ambassador Ausaf Sayeed. (Supplied)
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Indian Ambassador Ausaf Sayeed. (Supplied)
Japanese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Fumio Iwai. (AN Photo/File Photo)
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Japanese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Fumio Iwai. (AN Photo/File Photo)
Ambassador of Greece to the Kingdom Alexis Konstantopoulos. (AN Photo)
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Ambassador of Greece to the Kingdom Alexis Konstantopoulos. (AN Photo)
South Korean Ambassador Joon-yong Park. (Supplied)
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South Korean Ambassador Joon-yong Park. (Supplied)
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Updated 22 February 2022

Heads of foreign missions congratulate Saudi leadership, people on country’s first Founding Day

Heads of foreign missions congratulate Saudi leadership, people on country’s first Founding Day
  • Kingdom’s journey ‘miracle’ of Arabian desert, says South Korean ambassador

RIYADH: Ambassadors and senior diplomats in Saudi Arabia have congratulated King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the Saudi people on the country’s first Founding Day, wishing them all further peace, progress and prosperity.

A royal decree was issued last month designating Feb. 22 as Founding Day to recognize the foundation of the first Saudi state in 1727 by Imam Mohammed bin Saud.

On this historic occasion, French ambassador Ludovic Pouille told Arab News: “We celebrate, for the first time in Riyadh and throughout Saudi Arabia, the Founding Day. That is, the founding of the first Saudi state by Imam Mohammed bin Saud in 1727. First of all, I would like to congratulate King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the friendly Saudi people on this historic day.

“This is an important event that highlights the historical depth of the Kingdom, whose existence spans over nearly three centuries. This depth is particularly noticeable in Diriyah. It was the first capital of the Saudi state and is, today, the subject of a major renovation and development plan.

“I am very happy to see my Saudi friends expressing pride in their long history through many events, shows, concerts and exhibitions that are organized throughout the day, all over the Kingdom. It is an opportunity to witness the exceptional depth and diversity of a country that is constantly changing, evolving and developing, and that knows how to combine tradition and modernity.

“Since our arrival in Saudi Arabia, a little over a year ago, my family and I have had the chance to discover many treasures within the Kingdom from Riyadh to Jeddah, from the Eastern Province to the Asir mountains in the south, from the Jawf and Qasim plateaus, to the archaeological and natural riches of AlUla. We can witness the variety of the multi-millennial heritage of Saudi Arabia and the exceptional hospitality of the Saudi people. These are values that unite us as French and Saudi people. I am very proud to be able to represent my country, France, on this historic day for Saudi Arabia. I also wish to recall, today on this occasion, the historical depth of the relations between our two countries which I am sure will continue to grow stronger and develop in the coming years.”

Starting with the words “assalaam alaikum,” the greeting meaning “peace be unto you,” German ambassador Dieter Lamle told Arab News: “This is my pleasure to extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to the king, the crown prince, and the people of Saudi Arabia on Founding Day. We are looking forward to witnessing the celebrations that will display the rich cultural and historical heritage of Saudi Arabia.

“The relations between Saudi Arabia and Germany continue to be very good. Last week, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock met in Germany during the Munich Security Conference, and next weekend we will host the first Saudi-German energy day, including the launch of the new hydrogen diplomacy office in Riyadh underlining that Saudi Arabia is one of the focus country for Germany in the energy sector.”

Saudi Arabia and Germany have launched a landmark energy partnership to help implement the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

British ambassador Neil Crompton said: “Congratulations to all our Saudi friends on the first ever Founding Day. As an ambassador it's a fantastic privilege (to be) in the Kingdom at this time when so much is going on, so much change happening. We also enjoy learning a great deal about its fascinating history and look forward to learning more as a lot of events are happening on this occasion.”

Dean of the diplomatic corps and Djibouti's ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Dya-Eddine Said Bamakhrama, said: “I am honored, on behalf of the president and the people of Djibouti, to present our sincere congratulations to the king, the crown prince, and the brotherly Saudi people on the commemoration of the founding of the Saudi state.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to express the ties of brotherhood that exist between the leaders and the people of the two brotherly countries. A long-standing relationship, in all fields, that brings honor to the people of the two countries. Long live the Djibouti-Saudi fraternity and friendship. And many happy returns of the day.”

Japanese ambassador Fumio Iwai said: “On behalf of the government of Japan, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations on the first Founding Day to the king, crown prince, as well as to the people of Saudi Arabia. In each country, people love their nation and this love is essential to the country to build up its future. Therefore, I am very glad to join the celebration with the Saudi people commemorating the establishment of the first Saudi state three centuries ago, when Saudis started to build the future of their country.

“To my pleasure the very next day, on Feb. 23, is the birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito. I believe that these two occasions next to each other will further increase the sense of closeness between the two friendly countries. Last but not least, I wish for the success and prosperity of the government as well as the people for years to come.”

South Korean ambassador Joon-yong Park told Arab News: “I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the Founding Day. I believe the Kingdom's long journey to date to be the miracle of the Arabian desert. Korea and the Kingdom established their diplomatic ties in 1962. Our two countries are currently enjoying comprehensive cooperative and strategic partnership, as demonstrated by the South Korean president's recent visit to the Kingdom. I hope Saudi Arabia will achieve its Vision 2030 and our mutual cooperation will vigorously continue.”

US consul general David Edginton, who was at Ithra on Founding Day to attend a camel parade, told Arab News: “Asalaam alaikum, it’s a wonderful day, the first-ever Founding Day. Saudi Arabia plays such an important role in the culture of the world, the history of the world, that marking its founding is a very important holiday.”    

Indian ambassador Ausaf Sayeed said: “On the joyous occasion of the first Saudi Founding Day, I take great pleasure in extending warm greetings on behalf of the government and people of India to the king, crown prince, and the friendly people of the Kingdom. The two countries enjoy cordial relations reflecting centuries old economic and socio-cultural ties, which has now blossomed into a strategic partnership under the dynamic leadership of both countries. We look forward to further strengthening of our bilateral relationship so that it is taken to new heights."

Pakistan’s new ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Ameer Khurram Rathore, said: “On behalf of the people and government of Pakistan, and the Pakistani community in Saudi Arabia, I extend my heartiest felicitations to the people and leadership of Saudi Arabia on this auspicious occasion. We are confident that, under the visionary leadership of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Kingdom is well poised to move ahead on the assured path of progress and prosperity. It is my good fortune that I have resumed responsibilities as the ambassador of Pakistan on the occasion of the Founding Day. I am looking forward to working closely with my counterparts to further the vision of our leadership and deepen the strategic partnership between our two countries.”

Consul general of Pakistan, Khalid Majid, said: “It is my immense pleasure to extend our happiest felicitations to the esteemed Saudi leadership and the nation while they celebrate the first Foundation Day. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have a long history of strong relationship, which is based on shared cultural connections. The leadership of both the brotherly nations is committed to further uplift these ties to the pinnacles of shared mutual progress, prosperity, and wellbeing of the two nations."

Kazakh ambassador Berik Aryn said: “On behalf of the government of Kazakhstan I would like to convey our heartfelt congratulations to the people and government of Saudi Arabia on this historic occasion. Saudi Arabia has a long and rich history. In this regard I would like to highlight the historical roots of Imam Mohammed bin Saud who laid the foundation for the first Saudi state. We are confident that the historic decision of King Salman to celebrate founding day will allow the present and future generations of the Kingdom to preserve spiritual and cultural values, strengthening respect to the motherland in the unity of the nation.

“Under the wise leadership of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia has stepped on the path of modernization and transformation into the most dynamically developed country in line with Vision 2030.”

South African ambassador to Saudi Arabia, C. T. Rubushe, said: "Exactly five years from now, the people of Saudi Arabia will celebrate three centuries of the founding of their glorious state. It is very befitting that this day now has been designated as a national holiday.  On behalf of the people of South Africa and the embassy here, I take this opportunity to congratulate King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the fraternal people of Saudi Arabia on this important occasion. May peace reign forever on this land.”

The ambassador of Cyprus Stavros Avgoustidis told Arab News: “My warm congratulations to the leadership, government, and the people of Saudi Arabia on the special occasion as the Kingdom celebrates its unique culture and history. The Kingdom enjoys the well-deserved prestige in the world arena and plays a significant role in addressing pressing issues on the international agenda.

“We are proud to call you close friends. Indeed Cyprus-Saudi relations are developing into a strategic partnership and we will continue to build up multi-faceted bilateral ties for the benefit of our people.”

Greek ambassador Alexis Konstantopoulos told Arab News: “On this occasion, I would like to extend my most sincere congratulations to the king, the crown prince, and to all our dear friends in Saudi Arabia. Greece, the cradle of European civilization, is celebrating this year the bicentenary of its rebirth. Saudi Arabia is on the path to complete 300 years from the foundation of the first Saudi state. The Founding Day celebrates the deep historical roots of the Kingdom, and we are looking forward to enjoying its festivities. Together, strong from our past, we are building our future to preserve peace, stability and prosperity in our region and beyond for the next generations to come. Long live Saudi Arabia.”

Ambassador of Norway Thomas Lid Ball said: “I want to congratulate all Saudi brothers and sisters on the first Founding Day. I am privileged and happy to be Norwegian ambassador in Saudi Arabia on this historic occasion. We have many things in common with the Kingdom.”

Lulzim Mjeku, ambassador of Kosovo, said: “As the words describe it, the Founding Day reminds every friend and citizen of the Kingdom about the historical decision taken by the wise founding father who gave birth to the Saudi nation and started the path of independence. This history is a heritage not only to be preserved, but also to be proud of.”

Milos Marojevic, Serbian charge d'affaires, said: “On behalf of the Republic of Serbia it is a great honor to extend congratulations on the first Founding Day of Saudi Arabia. I wish to express praise on this great day and commend them for real achievement. Foundation of a great nation comes from the sacrifices and struggles of generations.”

Thailand’s charge d'affaires, Sathana Kashemsanta Na Ayudhya, said: “Congratulations and best wishes to the Kingdom and all Saudi people on the Founding Day from the Royal Thai Embassy and Thai friends residing in the Kingdom. Be proud of your Saudi heritage, traditions and all beautiful cultures, build upon this strong Saudi foundation and develop toward the year 2030 and beyond for the bright future of the Kingdom.”

Cities across Saudi Arabia are hosting traditional cultural shows simulating the human struggle since the founding of the Saudi state and the development it has achieved.