This comedy novel by Australian author and screenwriter Graeme Simsion is centered on the central character Don Tillman’s quest to find a life partner.
Tillman, a genetics professor, is brilliant, yet socially challenged, and believes he is not wired to find romance. But after his friend and colleague Gene convinces him otherwise, he designs the wife project, a scientific questionnaire to establish a list of suitable partners.
His evidence-based approach filters out candidates who smoke and drink. Possible partners also must be punctual and logical.
But Tillman later meets Rosie, who possesses none of these qualities and does not fit Tillman’s criteria.
Tillman’s plans are changed when Rosie becomes a big part of his life.
He is forced to accept the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and must abandon his scientific mindset and surrender to the spontaneous life he embarks on with Rosie.