Translation services at Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah stepped up

Translation services at Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah stepped up
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Updated 09 October 2021

Translation services at Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah stepped up

Translation services at Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah stepped up
  • Since January, some 124 hadiths had been translated into four languages
  • Translations were then broadcast on Sunnah channel in cooperation with the Saudi Broadcasting Authority

MADINAH: The General Directorate for the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque, represented by the Assistant Directorate for Languages and Translation, announced on Friday that it has translated 1,508,588 words from religious works into several languages — including Urdu, French, Malay, English, Hausa, Bengali and Turkish — so far this year.

The directorate’s work in 2021 includes the translation of 124 hadiths into four languages which were then broadcast on the Sunnah channel in cooperation with the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, the translation of 30 chapters of the Prophet’s biography into English, and the translation of 511 audio and video items.

These services were provided in line with the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques’ efforts to upgrade the level of its services and provide valuable resources for non-Arabic speakers.

The presidency aims to serve visitors to the holy cities.

In September, the presidency completed maintenance of the Holy Kaaba’s door and the silver frame that surrounds the Black Stone (Al-Hajar Al-Aswad).

Dr. Saad bin Mohammed Al-Mheimeid, acting assistant president, said the authorities oversaw all work related to the Holy Kaaba in coordination with various government agencies, noting that the maintenance was done by a specialist team.

He added that the work embodied the Saudi leadership’s care for the Two Holy Mosques.